Chapter 1059

Since the confession incident happened, the relationship between Augustine and Jenna has become a little ingenious. At least as Chang Xia knows, they haven't met again. I'm afraid each other will feel embarrassed, even if we meet, we don't know what to say, so we just hide from each other.

Agustin knew that if he came to the hospital, he might meet Qinna who came to visit Chang Xia, so he didn't come.

Chang Xia put down her mobile phone and said to herself, "Augustine is really a coward. Although you have already expressed yourself, you are still a coward."

Chang Xia is really worried, and she still hopes that Agustin and Qinna will be together.

Of course, if Jenna doesn't like Augustine, it's another matter. But Chang Xia clearly saw that Augustine was actually very hard-working, so sometimes he was so timid and counselled that he always felt that he hated iron but not steel.

The next morning, today was to go out of the hospital, but the doctor came to check and found that Chang Xia's wound was inflamed.

The skin around the neck is very delicate. Chang Xia didn't pay attention to the maintenance of the wound. The wound was torn and inflamed. It was originally scheduled to be discharged today, but it was cancelled. Now Chang Xia is being held down by several nurses, and the doctor helps to clean up the blood from the wound.

Chang Xia feels bad all over. The doctor is afraid of moving, so he specially asks the nurse to hold him down. However, Chang Xia feels that he is not a three-year-old child. How can he move around. Later, when the doctor cleaned the wound, Chang Xia understood why the doctor did it.

The disinfectant used by the doctor can cause intense pain in the nerves. When the liquid like pure water touches it, Chang Xia shouts, and almost lifts the hospital bed. Fortunately, there are several nurses to help hold down Chang Xia, otherwise the neck wound must have split again.

Now after cleaning the wound again and applying medicine, Chang Xia finally lay on the bed easily. It was originally scheduled to leave the hospital today. It seems that we have to wait until tomorrow.

Hua Xiaoling made some porridge for Chang Xia. She knew that Chang Xia couldn't drink pungent and heavy food, so she borrowed the kitchen of the hospital to cook some porridge and salted vegetables.

Congee and pickle is a special traditional food of Z country. Chang Xia remembered that her parents liked it most before, but she didn't like it very much. She always thought pickle was a kind of pickled food, which was not healthy. She likes fresh vegetable porridge better than that.

When Chang Xia was drinking porridge, she was always frowning and found by Hua Xiaoling. She asked, "what's the matter, Xia? Don't you like these porridge?"

"It's not..." Chang Xia said against her will. In fact, she didn't want Hua Xiaoling to make so much trouble. It's just porridge. Anyway, that's how she ate it. Since this porridge is made by Hua Xiaoling, it must not be wasted.

As a result, Chang Xia was robbed by Hua Xiaoling before she had eaten much.

"Xiaoling, what are you doing?" Chang Xia asked puzzledly.

"I don't think you like these, so I'm going to change them for you."

"No more." Chang Xia waved her hand repeatedly. She just didn't want to be so troublesome, so she said, "just eat like this. I think it tastes good."

As a result, Hua Xiaoling took the porridge directly and went out to the door of the room. She turned around and waved and said, "wait a minute, Xia. I'll go and get some delicious food now. It's very fast."

After that, huaxiaoling's shadow disappeared, and he ran really fast.

Chang Xia was lying on the bed in the middle of the night, wearing a white hospital uniform, with a white face, but he sighed a long time. It's really bad luck for her to be assassinated one after another. I don't know who has such a big hatred for her. Chang Xia's biggest worry is that after the assassination, there will be another accident.

Now when she picks up her mobile phone, Chang Xia wants to use it to visit the news. Only a few minutes later, Hua Xiaoling comes in again. She is holding a bowl of fresh vegetable porridge with corn, carrot and natto on it. All these things are mixed together to make porridge.

See this thing, Chang Xia appetite immediately raised.

Hua Xiaoling handed over the porridge and asked, "Xia, do you like it?"

"I like it." Without hesitation, Chang Xia began to drink the porridge. It's a little hot, but it's just hot. It's about 50 degrees. You can eat it.

Chang Xia did not forget to thank him when he drank porridge and said, "you are so careful. This porridge was brought here on purpose to cool down, right?"

This porridge is certainly not just made, but has been cooked for a certain period of time. If it is just cooked, it is not at this temperature. Now the temperature is just right for the entrance, which means that Hua Xiaoling cooked two porridge.

One is pickled vegetable porridge, and the other is vegetable porridge.

It seems that huaxiaoling is delicate and considerate, so Chang Xia gratefully said: "it's delicious, but it's too hard for you."

"Really... Ha ha, it's not hard anymore. In fact, I'm not the one who works hard."

"Not you?" Listen to Hua Xiaoling's words, it seems that the porridge is not her, but others. Chang Xia wondered, who else could it be that this porridge was not cooked by Hua Xiaoling.

Chang Xia asked, "is this porridge cooked by others?"

"Yes, the man said that you are not used to salted vegetables and white porridge, so he cooked one for you in advance and said that you would like it."

"The man?" Chang Xia thought carefully in his head, who is cooking porridge? Maybe it's gerst and Augustine? Only yesterday did they see themselves. I'm not sure they cooked in advance because they were worried. Why is it so mysterious that Hua Xiaoling brings it here“ It's gerst Chang Xia guessed, "he came to see me yesterday, but I drove him back. He probably sent the porridge. Please help me to thank him." Chang Xia is very free and easy to say, but Hua Xiaoling shakes her head and says it's not from gerst. She also asks Chang Xia to think about it again, who else will cook porridge for her. How to spend Xiaoling also play riddle, unexpectedly have interest to let Chang Xia guess. But you have to guess, Chang Xia has a little clue, because she seems to recall some things when she drank porridge, as if she had tasted the same vegetable porridge before, which was cooked for her by some important person before. Leng for a moment, Chang Xia has a scene in his mind. In the warm room, Chang Xia just took a bath and came out with wet hair. A man's voice rang out in his ear. Xiao Xia, are you hungry? Have some porridge. The man was handsome and upright. His sleeves were rolled around his arms. He put porridge on the table and showed a sunny smile. Chang Xia remembers. Isn't that Qi Qian! After a while, Chang Xia sat on the bed and asked in surprise, "is this Qi Qian's cooking?"