Chapter 1066

As a result, after opening the gift, it was found that there was a strip of chocolate inside.

"It's chocolate... But I don't like chocolate very much." Gerst said regretfully, but he still showed a farfetched smile, saying that this gift is very good, at least the chocolate shape is very good.

Chang Xia is embarrassed. She doesn't know that gerst doesn't like chocolate. If she knows, she won't choose chocolate but other things.

Gerst saw Chang Xia's uneasiness and comforted him: "chocolate is very good. I don't like it because I don't like sweet things. But chocolate is a good thing. It's made of cocoa. It's easy to be happy after eating it."

"Joy?" Chang Xia asked without understanding.

"Yes, country y is one of the major chocolate producing countries, and chocolate is the main dessert in Celtic City, because chocolate contains phenylethylamine, which can promote the formation of human hormone dopamine. Eating chocolate will make you happy." Gerst explained that when he finished these words, Chang Xia felt that he was full of knowledge and erudition.

Because of the stereotype, most people feel stupid and ignorant about farmers. But gerst is not that young and handsome. He can do farm work, perform magic, and is quite knowledgeable.

"I say, it's a pity that you are a farmer." Chang Xia sighed, "you can tell so much about chocolate."

Gerst asked: "will it be more learned? In fact, many people in Y country know these knowledge points."

Chang Xia was embarrassed by what he said. It seemed that Chang Xia was so ignorant. However, this chocolate gift for him is not very annoying, and Chang Xia is at ease.

Next, Chang Xia wanted to talk to him about Qi Qian. After a little sinking, Chang Xia began: "how do you feel about Qi Qian? The last time he hit you, he always felt guilty about it. I don't know if you will blame him. "

Chang Xia doesn't directly say that Qi Qian wants to move here. First of all, she wants to see how gerst views Qi Qian. If gerst hates Qi Qian, it's impossible to live together.

Gerst unexpectedly relaxed, in a kind of don't care language way: "I understand him, I won't blame him, after all, he does care about you."

"So you don't blame him?"

"Yes, no wonder. If he apologizes to me, I'm willing to accept his apology."

Listen to gerst say so, Chang Xia seems very happy, it seems that gerst is an open-minded person, not like a big president who cares about everything. Seeing that gerst said that, Chang Xia had no worries, so he told Qi Qian what he wanted to move.

"Because I was assassinated before, Qi Qian worried that he could move in with me?"

As a result, gerst showed hesitation. It can be seen that there was an obvious dilemma in his handsome face. Chang Xia felt uneasy and didn't know what he thought, so he continued to ask, "how's it going?"

"Xiao Xia... I don't know whether to agree or not. What about you? What do you think

Chang Xia asked him, but he asked himself. To ask Chang Xia how to think, in fact, she is also a kind of indifferent attitude, whether Qi Qian moved or not.

So Chang Xia said, "I see your decision, mainly considering that you and Qi Qian have had such a thing. I'm afraid that you will not be used to living together."

"Why... If he's here to protect your safety, I'd like to live with him. After all, my room is so big that it's nothing to leave him a room."

Gerst showed a warm smile, but it seemed reluctant to anyone.

Chang Xia sighs deeply. He thinks that gerst is worried about himself before he agrees. In fact, gerst is not willing to agree.

No one would agree to let a man he didn't know live in his house. Gerst thought about Chang Xia's feelings and agreed to let Qi Qian live in.

After asking, Chang Xia did not ask any more, because she had an answer in her heart, about whether to let Qi Qian live in.

Then Chang Xia quickly turns around the topic, Qi Qian's thing is a small thing, another thing is a big thing, that is about gerst's feelings for Qinna.

"Yes, has Augustine contacted you recently?" Chang Xia set up a topic.

"Augustine... He hasn't contacted me in recent days." Gerst showed his helplessness. "I don't think he will show up recently. After all, he likes Jenna, but he is rejected."

The feeling of being rejected is especially bad. It's said that Augustine doesn't seem to express himself to others. Next, he doesn't know how to get along with Jenna.

As for Augustine, we can only rely on him to adjust. After all, no one can help him more than himself.

Instead, Chang Xia asked, "what about you, gerst? Do you think Jenna is good? I think Jenna is very beautiful and gentle, so it's not surprising that Augustine likes her. How do you feel about her

"Xia, how strange is your question." Gerst feels that Chang Xia seems to be asking if he likes Qinna. Chang Xia immediately corrected it and said, "this is not a strange problem for me. I just want you to analyze from a friend's point of view whether Qinna is suitable for being a girlfriend."“ So it's like this. It's certainly suitable. She's gentle and beautiful. She can go to the hall and go to the kitchen. It's a blessing for any man to marry her. " Listen to his words, Chang Xia nodded silently, rare in this kind of thing, Chang Xia and he reached a high degree of tacit understanding. Chang Xia also thinks that Qinna is a perfect girl. She has both internal and external skills. She is a beautiful girl. No matter where she goes, a girl like her can become a dazzling pearl. I just don't know if the blind gerst has found this pearl. Chang Xia is now trying to ask: "since Qinna is so good, don't you want to find her to become a girlfriend? You see that Augustine likes her, and I think you might like her, too? "“ What are you talking about? " Gerst's reaction was dramatic. He got up from his chair and almost fell to the ground. Chang Xia was also surprised. How did gerst react so much? Was he really right? He liked Qinna. Chang Xia waved his hand to calm him down: "this is a question sentence, which is a kind of hypothesis. It doesn't say that you really like Qinna, but do you think you will like her?"