Chapter 1084

When you get out of the car, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery of the kakarisi mountains.

Hua Xiaoling saw such a beautiful scenery, excitedly took Chang Xia's hand and came to kakari West Lake.

Lake bottom in the morning, Lake turbulence, there are two flowing rivers around, one in and one out of the replacement of lake water. And there are fish in the lake. It's very playful.

Hua Xiaoling stirred the lake with his hand and splashed the water on Chang Xia's face.

Chang Xia is going to be angry. Hua Xiaoling is just like a little girl. Although she looks serious on weekdays, it's also because of her career as a bodyguard. When she comes to play, she is even more crazy than Chang Xia. Chang Xia hit her back and splashed the lake water on her face. They started to make trouble on the Bank of the lake.

The lake was rippling and rippling, and the two women's laughter came from the shore.

Gerst and Qinna got out of the car and saw that Chang Xia and Hua Xiaoling were having such a good time. They wanted to stop, but they were reluctant to stop.

After collier came out, she was very contemptuous and said, "Why are you so childish? We're here for camping, not to play with water!"

Her words made Hua Xiaoling unhappy. Hua Xiaoling stood up and said it had nothing to do with her.

Chang Xia see this scene is not right, immediately put huaxiaoling hold. Now things are getting more and more troublesome. Chang Xia doesn't want to have conflicts with collier now, so he immediately let the scene slow down.

After all, everyone is in a good mood. Facing the beautiful scenery, they are naturally infected and relaxed. After we came down, we started to set up tents. The advantage of camping is that we can live together.

There are two tents this time. According to the original plan, men live with men and women live with women.

Chang Xia and gerst began to set up tents. When it comes to camping experience, Hua Xiaoling is most familiar with it. Although she has never been camping before, she has professional experience in survival in the wild. As a bodyguard, it is very important to survive in the wild. She is now with gerst, Augustine several men to find a thick leaf of the ground to build.

According to Hua Xiaoling, setting up tents around tall and dense trees can play a role of shelter from the wind and rain. Secondly, the tent must be far away from the stream, because I don't know whether it will rain or not. If the stream goes into the tent at night, the tent will be submerged, so we should pay attention to the stream.

Under the leadership of Hua Xiaoling and with the help of several men, gerst and Augustine, the two tents were set up.

Chang Xia is looking at it, and corier is also looking at it. In a word, they didn't do anything.

As soon as we got off the train for the camping, everyone began to get busy. For example, Hua Xiaoling, gerst and Augustine set up tents. Jenna and Laner Ince help prepare food and set up a barbecue oven.

Chang Xia and collier did nothing because they didn't know what to do, so they watched.

After watching for a long time, Chang Xia realizes that she can't do this, so she goes to ask Qinna if she can help.

Qina brought a lot of vegetables and meat. She strung all the food in a stick for barbecue, so Chang Xia helped her string the food.

At least Chang Xia likes this feeling very much. Even if he is busy, he will feel happy. Now, after stringing a bunch of food, Chang Xia shows a brilliant smile and sweat on her forehead. But seeing the food that has been stringed is a sense of pride.

Is to look back and find that collier is actually playing mobile games.

What about Qi Qian? He himself did not know where he had gone.

Chang Xia's face turned black. They said they wanted to go camping with him. As a result, they didn't know what they were doing, and they couldn't see anyone.

Chang Xia came up to collier and said, "don't you want to go camping? Do you want to help?"

"Help, why?"

"Why?" Chang Xia can only smile, as if to let collier help, need a legitimate reason.

Gerst's tent has been set up. Seeing collier sitting on a stone playing with her mobile phone, she also came to persuade her: "cousin, aren't you going to go camping? The fun of camping is to experience different ways of life. You don't do anything, it's no different from staying at home."

"Cousin, you can finish the work, and there's no place for me to help, right?" Collier waved her hand. She felt that there were enough people. More people would make it more chaotic. Besides, she has nothing to help with the tent and the food.

Hua Xiaoling rolled up her sleeve. She had just gone to the river to wash her hands. Now she saw that collier was bored and said, "who said there's nothing I can do for you? I need a knife, fork and plate to eat later. You can wash it."

Hua Xiaoling points to the plate knife and fork wrapped in a white transparent plastic bag beside the car, which means to ask collier to help.

Collier repeatedly refused: "no, those things are clean. Why is it so troublesome to wash them?"

Corier is Miss Qianjin who doesn't want to do anything. The best thing is to sit down and ask someone to feed her. But suddenly her eyes turned, as if she thought of something interesting. Now she says, "if I'm going to wash dishes, it's not impossible, unless my cousin goes with me." Collier's idea is on gerst, but you can hear her idea as soon as you hear it. At the end of the day, she's still making an opportunity to stay with her cousin. This camping is about everyone coming out to play, but corier is Sima Zhao's heart. Everyone knows that she just wants to be with her cousin. Chang Xia just wants gerst not to be with collier, just be with her. But gerst agreed: "let's go, cousin. I'll wash the dishes with you."“ Yes, yes. " Seeing gerst's promise, collier, not knowing how happy she was, danced like a little girl, put one hand on gerst's arm and went to wash the dishes by the lake. Chang Xia's face showed a row of black lines, and he didn't know what happened to gerst. Why did he promise collier well? Didn't he know that it would make collier more difficult. Hua Xiaoling said, "I think gerst doesn't want to embarrass us."“ Oh... "Chang Xia understood. It's like this. If collier doesn't do anything, it won't work. Gerst didn't want to embarrass Chang Xia and Hua Xiaoling, so he offered to wash with his cousin. Well, in fact, if collier doesn't do anything, there will be some people's psychological imbalance. It's good for her to do something, at least for the collective.