Chapter 1108

Love is such a strange thing. If it can't be transformed from friendship to love, it will be extremely embarrassing. In front of Chang Xia, isn't there a ready-made example, Agustin and Qinna.

Take a deep breath, Chang Xia decided to say nothing, so quietly enjoy the rare lake light and wind.

The bright light of the moon shines on the edge of the cloud, and the shape of the cloud can be seen clearly in the dark. The water in kakari west lake suddenly moved. Gerst grasped the fishing rod and found that a fish had taken the bait.

Suddenly, gerst pulled hard to pull the fish up, but found that the fish was extremely strong, and he couldn't pull it with his bare hands. Gerst's expression showed a struggling appearance. The water surface in the lake splashed out because of the strong swing of the fish, and the sound was endless.

Chang Xia, sitting beside her, became anxious when she saw this scene. She wanted to help, but she didn't know how to help. She could only ask, "how about gerst... Is the fish very big?"

"Yes, but I can't control it. It seems to be running away."

"To run? So what Chang Xia is flustered. When it comes to fishing, she has no experience at all. She always looks at others when fishing.

"Give me a hand," gerst said

Gerst gave a wink with his eyes, which means that Chang Xia should hold the plastic handle at the end of the fishing rod, and let Chang Xia hold it there and pull it hard. With the strength of two people, this big fish should be able to be pulled down.

Not too late, Chang Xia immediately came forward to help, her arms are thin, Chang Xia is not the kind of sports people, strength is not big, but her hands on the fishing rod seems to play a role. Originally, gerst relied on his own strength to control the fish. The fishing rod swayed, and even gerst would be dragged into the lake. With Chang Xia's help, at least the swimming fish are under control for the time being.

It's just that their posture is not right now, because they hold a fishing rod together and their bodies are close to each other. Chang Xia is in the front and gerst is in the back. From a distance, it seems that Chang Xia is hugged by gerst.

Gerst didn't find that their bodies were too close at this time. He focused all his attention on the fish, and murmured to Chang Xia: "control the fish first, let the fish swim for a long time. When it's tired, we'll pull it down."

In the face of huge fish monsters, experienced fishermen will use this method to let the fish swim. When it is tired of swimming, it will be pulled up if it has no strength. Gerst also used this method to let the fish swim.

But as a result, Chang Xia and gerst need to maintain this similar posture for a longer time.

The silver moon is shining down, and the shadow is reflected on the small stone road on the lake bank, which is so intimate. The fresh lake breeze comes from the air, and it also has the smell of soil and grass. Chang Xia's heart beating, more and more nervous, she is embarrassed to be so nervous, now she wants to leave is not, do not leave is not right.

Gerst's eyes stay in the lake, watching the splash, he did not notice the unusual Chang Xia in his arms. His hand and Chang Xia's double touch together, together with a composite gold fishing rod.

Suddenly, gerst said, "it's time."

After hearing this, Chang Xia follows the arc of his body and grabs the fishing rod. It's like a tug of war. They work together. The fishing rod is pulled up and the fish is caught with a "rush". It was really a big fish, one meter and five long. Chang Xia was stunned when he saw the fish leaving the water and staying in mid air. This kind of fish should not be crucian carp and silver carp, how so big.

Most of the fish in the lake are between 60 cm and 1 m. It's rare to see such a big fish. I thought I could pull the big fish ashore by strength, but when the fish flew into the air, the fish that caught its mouth fell off.

The hook is separated from the mouth, and when the fish is pulled into the air, it falls back to the surface.

It didn't work.

I thought I could pull the fish up, but I didn't succeed. On the contrary, Chang Xia and gerst didn't pull the fish up. They were pulled and both fell to the ground.

Chang Xia falls into gerst's arms with a "flutter" sound. Her eyes are blindfolded and she finds that she can't see anything clearly. When she comes back, she finds gerst's hands are holding her tightly.

"Ah..." Chang Xia couldn't help shouting and stood up with her hands on the ground.

When he recovered, Chang Xia looked at gerst and found that he was also embarrassed, with his head down and staggered from the ground. He took a look at Chang Xia and said, "I'm sorry."

The air seemed to be frozen, and both of them fell into a kind of silence, probably because they were too close to each other.

Unfortunately, the fish lost, rare big fish, there are 1.5 meters.

Chang Xia said regretfully, "if only I could catch that fish..."

"Yes, I wish I could." Gerst showed a farfetched smile, and then began to pick up the fishing rod. Because no fish was caught, the fishing rod fell to the ground, and the fishing line connecting the fishing rod was also scattered on the ground, like a loose wool ball.

Gerst is picking up the fishing rod and fishing rope. The moon is beautiful. The silver moon is scattered on his brown hair. His eyes are deep and his facial features are three-dimensional. As a westerner, he has clear eyes and tall body. At this time, he suddenly stopped to pick up his things, turned to stand up and yelled: "Chang Xia, I have something to say to you."“ Well“ I love you Caught off guard, gerst confessed. He stood in front of Chang Xia, his eyes opposite. At this time, his eyes looked over affectionately, and there was a kind of fear and uneasiness in his eyes. Although he tried to pretend to be calm, Chang Xia could still see that he was really nervous. His fists were clenched and his arms trembled. Chang Xia didn't expect that he would express himself. When she heard him express himself, Chang Xia almost suffocated. Head dizzy, step back, Chang Xia showed at a loss, in fact, a long time ago she guessed that gerst may like himself, but she is not sure about it. After being reminded by Qi Qian, she slowly determined that maybe gerst really liked herself. Now gerst's confession is a confirmation of this. It turns out that he really likes himself“ Why... Why do you want to say it? " Chang Xia did not understand and asked, "in fact, I have long wanted to ask if you like me, but I have no courage to ask." Yes, if you ask, no matter whether he likes himself or not, everyone will be embarrassed.