Chapter 1110

For gerst, this is an opportunity. He thinks he will lose Chang Xia forever, but Chang Xia's proposal of this agreement makes him move and agrees immediately.

"Well, give me a week and I'll make you like me."

He agreed. After hearing this, Chang Xia was relieved, but she couldn't completely relax. So she soon added: "this is not enough. I need you to promise me that if we can't be together, you can't be so sad anymore. I need you to face a new life and treat me again."

Why Chang Xia proposed this agreement mainly depends on the sadness of gerst, so he proposed this agreement. She hoped that after the appointment, a week later, he could pick himself up. These seven days are a chance for him to get to know each other again.

As for if within seven days, gerst really let Chang Xia fall in love with him, then it will be calculated. Contrary to normal, Xia thinks it's impossible for her to like gerst.

The moon was silvery white, stars appeared from the dark clouds, and the sound of insects came from the small trees around the lake. Occasionally, the wind blew by, with a few green leaves and flowers.

After a walk by the lake, Chang Xia and gerst seem to have returned to their original state, as if nothing had happened before, and they all behave naturally. When they came to the camping area, they said good night.

Chang Xia is going to sleep in the RV this evening. Originally, the tent can only accommodate four people. Because of Yin Lina's arrival, Chang Xia can't sleep in, so she can only sleep in Qi Qian's RV.

As for the sleeping bag, gerst bought it for Chang Xia today. Maybe it's because he didn't want to see Chang Xia sleeping in Qi Qian's RV, so when he went to the mountainside today, gerst went down the mountain and bought her a sleeping bag, so that Chang Xia could sleep in the tent with the sleeping bag.

Gerst was very considerate and bought a lot of mosquito repellent products for fear of being bitten by Chang Xia. Unfortunately, his work was in vain. Chang Xia had to sleep in Qi Qian's RV because he wanted to make room for Yin Lina.

Back to the camping area, suddenly there seems to be a person waiting for him outside the tent. When he comes closer, he finds that it's Yin Lina. She stood alone outside the tent, looking up at the moon, as if missing someone.

Chang Xia guesses if she miss her family. It is said that she is traveling alone this time. It is estimated that she will leave for a long time, so she misses her family.

"Hi, yinlina." Chang Xia said hello and came over.

"It's Chang Xia. Hello, thank you for your hospitality. I'm full tonight."

"I wish I had enough to eat. I want to apologize, but we should treat you to a meal."

Hua Xiaoling always feels guilty about hurting Yin Lina with a paralytic needle, so in addition to inviting Yin Lina to eat and drink, Hua Xiaoling also accompanies her to see if she can help.

Just like where Yin Lina is sleeping now, Hua Xiaoling helps to make a quilt and clean it, just like a maid. No wonder she did so. After all, she is a person who is easy to take the responsibility to herself.

It's just that it's time to go to bed, but Yin Lina is standing alone at the tent door, as if she has something to do.

"Yinlina, why haven't you gone to bed?" Chang Xia asked kindly.

"I'm waiting for you."

"Wait for me?" Chang Xia is puzzled. What is she waiting for.

"I think you've made room for me, but the tent is a little small. If I sleep in your place, where are you going to sleep?" yinlina said

After hearing this, Chang Xia realized that Yin Lina was concerned that she didn't have a place to sleep. The girl was kind-hearted and afraid of troubling them.

Chang Xia told her not to worry and explained, "I can go to other places to sleep, my ex husband... No, my friend Qi Qian has driven a RV. There is still a bed there. I plan to go there to sleep."

"Well, that's good. I'm afraid you don't have a place to sleep." Yin Lina shows a warm smile, shallow as Yang, she is really happy for Chang Xia. Now she yawned. She looked a little sleepy, so she said she would go back to rest.

Chang Xia goes into the tent to see how Hua Xiaoling and Qinna are doing. She finds that there is no one in the tent except the incandescent lamp.

"Yinlina, do you know where they have gone?" Chang Xia asked.

"Are you talking about collier and miss Hua? They seem to say they want to take risks. "


"I don't know about that, but they went to the west side of the lake and seemed to be doing something. They invited me, too, but I was too tired to go

Yin Lina does look very tired. Although she slept once because of the paralysis needle, Chang Xia heard that she didn't sleep long last night and she ran for a long time while hunting rabbits today, so she wanted to sleep more.

Chang Xia said good night to her again and looked to the west side of the lake. It's a gloomy jungle, with trees as long as 10 meters, and the trees here are a little different from other trees by the lake. The big trees here are crooked and strange in shape, giving off a sense of terror, just like the black forest of fairy tales.

There are also such places by the lake. There are too many trees in the daytime. Chang Xia didn't pay much attention to them, so he didn't find them. If he didn't come here, he really didn't know that the trees here were so strange. Now walking in the wet soil path, the branches and leaves fall, occasionally there are a few gloomy bird calls, a chill comes from the spine, Chang Xia is afraid. I don't know why, she suddenly associated with a plot in the horror film, the heroine walking in the forest path, suddenly a head fell from the tree, blood drenched, the head just fell in the heroine's arms. When the heroine holds the head, she finds that the head stained with blood is a woman's head, with loose hair, a strange smile, red eyes and wide eyes. Now, thinking of the plot in the horror film, Chang Xia is worried. She is worried that a head will fall from the tree. While walking, as if something was about to happen, suddenly the tree made a sound. At first, Chang Xia thought it was the sound of wind blowing leaves, but there was no wind! The leaves just shake like there is something hidden in the tree. Chang Xia is afraid to lift her head. If she quickens her pace, she will run away. Now Chang Xia wants to go back, but it's too late to go back, because she has a long way to go. The key is that she didn't see huaxiaoling and Qinna.