Chapter 1232

Saud understands a truth: love grows with each passing day. Even if there is no emotion, he still has emotion as long as he gets along slowly. Besides, he is confident in himself and believes that his charm will attract yinlina one day.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't choose me, as long as you give up the killer."

"So you're not going to be a killer?" Yinlina asked. You know, she doesn't become a killer because she doesn't want to kill Chang Xia, which is the main reason for her to give up. As for Saud, he didn't have to.

Once you give up the identity of a killer, it's equivalent to fighting against the original organization. You even have to be a street mouse all your life, live in the dark and suffer endless pain. After all, once you become a killer, even if you give up halfway, the guilt of the killer will not disappear.

It's a pity that Sood has long thought that as long as yinlina doesn't become a killer, he won't become one.

"I like you, your choice is my choice." Saud gave such an answer, but yinlina could not help saying that he was a fool.

He likes himself, even if he falls into Purgatory and is chased by other members of the killer team.

"Thank you, Sood." Yin Lina's cold and gorgeous face suddenly appears a smile that can melt the ice and snow. She really thanks this man for his efforts. How can she not know.

She knew him when she joined the killer team. Sood was a young adult boy with golden hair and handsome sunshine. Every time yinlina is trained by sisybert, she always feels exhausted, and even ridiculed by other killers, saying that she is a woman who has no ability to be a killer, but Sood always appears to comfort him at that time.

Sometimes Sood is very upset, but more often he is very warm, like a fire in ice and snow, warm people's body and mind.

Now, yinlina took the initiative to hold the hand of Sood, the voice is light: "let's leave here, find a place to live again."


The moon in the sky, the stars shining, everything is so quiet, far can also hear the car whistle on the street.

After Sood packed his sniper gun, he and Yin Lina were leaving from the top floor of the building. Now he opened the door of the top floor and was ready to go down. The door creaked. At the same time, there were countless gunshots in the door.

"Bang bang."

At the moment when Saud and yinlina opened the door, a lot of bullets were shot out of the door. The bullets were like fierce beasts, which shot through their bodies. The blood splashed and the pain was intense. They didn't even have time to think and react. They had already fallen into a pool of blood.

Just now, Saud and yinlina are still talking about choosing a new life, giving up being a killer and starting a new life. But the next second, they are both dead. Blood thick and bloody diffuse in the air, two hands together, so cross down.

In the dark of the door, a group of people appeared. The first one was Qi Qian in a clean black suit. His cool face was stained with a little blood. Now he is wiping the tissue on his face with a tissue.

Next to him is bodyguard Zhao Li, who respectfully said to Qi Qian, "two killers have been killed."

"Well done." Qi Qian said in a cold voice. At the same time, he began to look at the two corpses on the ground. At this time, he felt very strange, because judging from the circumstances when Yin Lina and Sood died, they were preparing to evacuate. But aren't they going to kill Chang Xia? I don't think I've got it.

Qi Qian quickly confirms to his subordinates that Chang Xia is still alive. At present, Chang Xia is sitting and waiting in Celtic's fruit shop.

As a result, Qi Qian doubts Baisheng in his heart. He doesn't understand why they are ready to assassinate Chang Xia, but they give up halfway.

In the evening, Qi Qian sees that Chang Xia stubbornly wants to leave after answering a phone call. At that time, he guesses that Chang Xia is going to see Yin Lina.

One day today, Qi Qian was with Chang Xia. Even though he was afraid of the dream amusement park, he was still with Chang Xia. It was because he got the exact news that he knew that there would be killers attacking Chang Xia today. This news naturally comes from Gu Ziyun. The target killer will choose to use long-distance sniping to attack.

Therefore, after the dream playground, Qi Qian secretly tracks Chang Xia, and finds the meeting place of Chang Xia and Yin Lina, that is, the fruit shop, through phone tapping. Through the fruit shop as the center of the circle, search the place within a radius of 2000 meters, and finally determine that the current building is the most likely place to become a killer sniper. So Qi Qian came to him.

Now, combined with the current terrain and environment, as well as the behavior and belongings of Saud and Yin Lina when they died, what Qi qian can be sure is that they did not really implement the plan to kill Chang Xia. It should be what happened in the middle of the implementation. Anyway, Chang Xia is still alive. As for the two killers, Qi Qian won't pay much attention to them.

Instead, Qi Qian gives orders to his bodyguards. Today's things can't be told to Chang Xia. If he leaves out a little bit, he will suffer serious consequences.

Qi Qian is sealing. After all, Yin Lina and Chang Xia have good feelings. If Chang Xia knows that she killed Yin Lina, it will affect their feelings. Therefore, Qi Qian decided to hide it from the West. Anyway, Chang Xia could not know that Yin Lina had disappeared from the world. In the morning, Bilis is enjoying a delicious breakfast in the living room of Celtic business hotel. The breakfast is made of cornflakes, European ham sausage and vegetable salad. It's delicious. It happened that Hua Xiaoling got up and saw that Bilis was having breakfast alone, so he asked, "Why are you alone?"“ Is it strange that I am alone? "“ Of course it's strange. " Hua Xiaoling glanced in the living room and found that wena Yiner and Chang Xia were not there. She got up late today. Could it be said that they were later than themselves. Later, Hua Xiaoling asked Chang Xia and wena Yiner what they were doing. Bilis said, "wena Yiner, I knew that I had a date early in the morning." When she said that, Bilis also had a smile. After returning from the dream amusement park yesterday, Wenna Yiner and Luo Ziwen established a relationship. Now they are in the honeymoon period of love, and their feelings are like warm water, slowly heating and finally boiling“ As for Xia... I'm not sure. Maybe I'm sleeping. "