Chapter 1242

But today, Augustine is so stupid to be short-sighted, because Qinna is scared, so she calls Chang Xia in a hurry.

Chang Xia thinks that what Qinna said is reasonable. Will Augustine be short-sighted next? Don't see that Augustine is a tall man. When he meets love, his heart will be as fragile as glass. It will be broken when he touches it.

"Now that we're watching, we'll stop Augustine even if he wants to do something stupid. You can rest assured."

"We can't look at him 24 hours a day. I don't know how to talk to his parents," she said

With that, Qinna silently shed tears, but she didn't want Chang Xia to see her cry, turned away, and covered her face with her hand.

Chang Xia stroked her back for comfort and handed her a tissue.

This change was unexpected. Originally, the three of them were very warm and friendly, but the three good friends became strangers.

In the final analysis, the problem lies with Augustine.

"Jenna, I'll talk to Augustine when he wakes up. Maybe I can move him and make him want to open up a little."

But Jenna shook her head: "no... if it works, he had figured it out the last time you looked for him. As a result, there is no effect at all, even more and more serious. "

Because of his emotional problems, Augustine had changed into a different person. Before, he had locked himself in the room and drank all day. Now he simply committed suicide. On behalf of the last time Chang Xia talked to him, it didn't work at all. So as Qinna said, even if Chang Xia talks to him again, I'm afraid it doesn't work.

Jenna nodded, her sad breath covered her whole body like ice mist. She murmured to herself, "summer, Augustine is the only boy in their family, and his parents attach great importance to him. I grew up with him when I was young, but his parents didn't like to see me after it happened. They thought that I had hurt Augustine. "

Listening to this, Chang Xia didn't know what to say. He didn't expect that Augustine's parents were so illiterate. This problem is clearly caused by Augustine, why he can't understand.

But I'm afraid that Jenna's heart is very uncomfortable, not only with Augustine's relationship like this, but also by his parents hate. Chang Xia wants to help the poor helpless girl, but she doesn't know how to help at all.

Gerst seems to be very calm, but Chang Xia knows that his heart is also very uncomfortable. He has the best relationship with Augustine. They are inseparable, just like their own brothers. Now Augustine and gerst quarrel, and even commit suicide, he is probably very sad, but in front of Jenna, he tries to keep smiling, do not want to be entangled by that kind of haze.

For the next hour, Chang Xia chatted with Qinna, listened to her talk, had some dinner with her, and then left. After all, Chang Xia can not do much, the only thing she can do is to accompany Qinna to eliminate her negative emotions.

Because of drowning, Augustine won't wake up so quickly for a moment. It is estimated that he will wake up the next day. When he wakes up, how should Jenna and gerst face him? Thinking of these, Chang Xia felt headache for both of them.

After returning to the hotel in the afternoon, Chang Xia immediately went to find Qi Qian.

Qi Qian is extremely intelligent. He seems to be able to handle everything. Although he looks like an iceberg and a robot without feelings, he is very good at handling interpersonal relationships. Chang Xia heard from Hua Xiaoling that Qi Qian always grasped the customers' psychology in business negotiation, and the customers who had cooperated with Qi Qian had a strong liking for him.

From this point of view, Qi Qian's interpersonal skills should be good.

Now in Qi Qian's guest room, he is looking at the stock market of Z shares with his black framed glasses, and the K-line chart on the computer screen fluctuates back and forth. When Qi Qian found that Chang Xia came, he immediately closed the computer screen and took off his glasses.

"You're here, Xiao Xia. You said on the phone that you had something to ask me. What's the matter?" Qi Qian spoke very gently. He first invited Chang Xia to take a seat, then made a cup of black tea and a macaroni cake, which was very intimate.

Although Chang Xia likes to eat, he is in a bad mood now. How can he eat.

"Qi Qian, I ask you, I have a friend who is lovelorn and wants to be short-sighted. What should I do?"

"Well?" Qi Qian was stunned for a moment. He probably didn't expect that Chang Xia would ask his own questions. Qi Qian's first love was with Chang Xia. He had no experience in love.

In the end, he is a real genius. He has read a lot of books and has some experience in contacting all kinds of people and things.

He put his hand on the handle of the sofa, thought slightly, and said, "if it's me, give him a lot of money."

"Ha?" Chang Xia was stunned. What the hell is this? "Hey, Qi Qian, you're not kidding me, but I'm serious about asking you."

Qi Qian put on a very innocent appearance: "I didn't lie to you. The reason why human beings are bound in the sadness of lovelorn is that they don't shift their attention. If you shift their attention, they won't all focus on the sadness of lovelorn. Giving money is a particularly useful effect. He can travel or go shopping. "

Listening to his explanation, Chang Xia actually thinks that he is right. Just as a lovelorn woman likes shopping and eating, it's because she has to divert her attention, so she won't think of sad memories. So Qi Qian's words are reasonable to some extent. It's a pity that Chang Xia didn't think this method would work on Augustine. Chang Xia said: "the lovelorn man has strong feelings. I don't think it's just to divert attention." Qi Qian's eyes were as clear as jade, and his temperament was calm. Then he suddenly looked up and asked, "you said that the man who was lovelorn was Augustine, right?"“ "Ah?" Chang Xia exclaimed in surprise. How could Qi Qian know this? Seeing Chang Xia's surprise, Qi Qian said, "I know everything about you. Naturally, I also know what happened to them recently." Chang Xia takes a puff at the corner of his mouth and thinks that Qi Qian is really a bit of a gossip. But it is not surprising that he did not know how many EYELINES he had arranged around Chang Xia, and he knew everything about Chang Xia and the people around her. Then think about it, Chang Xia always feels uncomfortable.