So uh we arrived at the cabals abode and its in a fuċkɨnġ civil war! There's a strong group of about six hundred cabals resisting the rest of the army. From what we're seeing that six hundred group is Calus and his very loyal elites. While Ghaul is seriously moving to kill him in this timeline! So Without any ceremonial entrance I just let Rasputin. Orbital beam secetions of the rebellion army to smithereens on a grand scale. Vash, Sha'bal, and Kurumi have already dropped from the ship into the fight. They're going beserk on the enemies but not biting. As we're just here for the emperor and I guess these loyal dogs.
"Chaco, Ashtar and wolf pack go nuts with everyone else, Myriad we're going to meet Calus."
The pack and Chaco didn't ven wait they all dive bombed into action. Thus six hundred troops plus three undead, twelve myth wolves, and a dragon. Are making trouble me and Myriad however descend right onto Calus's location. We came crashing in with his guards all aiming at us. But I just sat on Myriad's head and gave them all a small smile.
"Hey interesting party your having here mind if an undead king joins in?"
"Ha you must be that guardian thats known to lead an undead legion. What does the great emperor Calus owe the pŀėȧsurė guardian?"
This emperor he looked at me straight on with a small smile. Crazy but very brave in this situation if I had my other arm I'd clap. While me and the emperor stared at eachother Ghaul screamed. Guess he hates that I just had to show up, oh well suck my ċȯċk ya dictator pansy ȧss bitch. I'll be turning you into undead chow after you help the guardians unlock their sun powers.
"Oh just exploring around then well we just saw this lovely party. That we had to intrude on no matter what ya know? Now if you and your men wanna live would you like to join me?"
"Oh? Join you in what exactly?"
"Preping for the encroaching danger coming, you know of those ships yes?"
"Hmph! Yes I do indeed seems you got some schemes up your sleeve. Then fine please save me and my men guardian!"
With a small smile I get through contacting Cayde and Ikora. The tower is now ready to receive all of its guest in an open area. So once a undead insect is in place I open up a flaming black gate.
"Alright everyone through the gate! All troops retreat and through the gate! Myriad we're on guard duty!"
Once the cabals started flooding through the gate. Sha'bal, Vash, Kurumi, Chaco, Ashtar and the pack came back. Following after the escaping cabal while Rasputin had warped out of the area. Myriad for once is freely using all of her elements to cause mayhem. While I'm popping heads with midnight coup drawn the barrel never stops smoking. Once empty on bullets I just use my inventory to quick reload the gun. So I seem like I'm never out of ammo in my gun to the enemies.
Once the last soldier is through Calus leaves as he wanted. To make sure they all got out first before leaving, pretty thoughtful but smart. Once he left Myriad also left but the gate vanished leaving me alone. Or so they thought but I mockingly blow Ghaul a kiss and vanish in a puff of black fire. Lets just say that expression he had was glorious while he damned me. Just ya wait big guy you'll be dying soon by undead painfully!
Once I appeared where everyone else was what greeted me was. The sight of six hundred cabals and guardians setting up a camp somewhere around the tower. So I wandered around it till I found Cayde, Ikora, and Calus talking. With a lazy wave I walk up to them and join in the talks. Seems like Calus and his men are gonna be treated as new residents. While Calus is gonna help them out at times but with me he's going to devise counters. For those dark ships that'll appear quite soon hopefully the defensive line. Can take a few or all of them out as its only kept in the spies.
The cabal settlement is being called "Final Empire" by Cayde. But seems Calus has no real problem with that so its become its actual name. While we were talking and setting things up here for our new friends. Little did we expect what Ghaul does or the nightmare that showed up. Which took many lives even mine that damned darkness really pulled fuċk you. On us all with a side splash of acid in the face in that event.
Lets just hope we can over turn the events that led to so many deaths. Myriad your unlocked soon to be unlocked power sorry. But I'll be abusing till we survive that blasted event. I won't be satisfied otherwise in moving on to the next world. With those disturbing phantom thoughts to a prelude said. A hooded figure and a giant wolfs phantoms faded from the background. While watching the scene of this recent event with pained faces.