Its been a few weeks since we've arrived at pallet town. Staying with Oak has been both fruitful and tiring mentally. As every two days He's sent flying after suddenly getting very personal. With his studying of my pokemon that even some of the males on the ranch. Have started proactively restraining him as they were all the ones who fainted. So they are scared of him being to pushy and getting punished again. Those poor bastards got hit with an illusion by Hallow then a fiery kick. To the skull by Rose flowed by an armored hammer fist to the spine. Courtesy of Niarel as she had arrogant dragon types wooing her.
Sufficed to say is that my girls beat the shit out of guys. While some males, kids, and females were in a laughing up roar. So my guess is that they were the forceful bunch around here. Training everyone though led to them getting at least to semi intermediate. Level of control on their elemental energies that boosted their attacks. Also I covered their weak points by drilling into them ways to train them. So Eclipse which gets a type weakness when she switches. I had her train in becoming resistant to stupid degree's with help. From the ranch pokemon for everyone's training regimens.
Though the scariest two are Rose and Niarel as Rose is like a speedy power house. With equal strength and speed that her hits in cqc. Now cause explosive sounds if she puts in to much power. Niarel on the other hand has become a walking tank of death. Using he scale like shields she blocks attacks coming at her. Then drives a strong upper cut at her opponents violently. Her tail however is like a mace which she slams into vitals. I've even had to dodge or get a face full of a mace tail. So slowly but surely they are getting stronger with their training.
As we were doing morning training today though professor Oak. Approached slowly rambling questions as he approached the nearest pokemon. Sadly it was Hallow and well he got trapped in a illusion then sent blasting off. She's not so nice, she's pretty cynical to others at times. Looking around though I notice a flareon trying to nab some eggs. From the bag before Skylar pops out of the ground. Fist connecting to its gut sending it blasting off again for the sixth time. While the others lounged under a shady tree relaxing after their training ended. Just I'm worried though Skylar seems to be very protective. That I wonder if this is normal as everyone else isn't that protective. So either she's making up for that or is just like that normally.
Tomorrow though I think I'll be leaving since that retarded brat. Ash will come in two days and he's even worse than professor Oak. As he invades a pokemons personal space way to much that mine even fled. Literally they fled back into their pokeballs to avoid him. So he can't be friend them at all after he grabbed their faces. Rubbing their cheeks or trying to forcefully hug them when he visits. So yea I'll be leaving with them all in the morning soon. For now though I'm cooking pidgey, milktank, and arboc meat. As stew for dinner after my pokemon hunted them down. I swear I saw the arboc fly like a wavey noodle in the air. Though before it landed in front of me dead from having its head caved in.
My cooking is pretty well received by the ranch pokemon and Daisy. Since I've occasionally fed them left overs from our dinner. Oak gets nothing he's a creepy old man to excited about research. Which when I told that to his grand daughter Hallow, Skylar, Nialer, Rose, and Kelpy raised some spoons. Screaming in there own way that he's not welcomed around them anymore. Seeing such a sight me and Daisy could only wryly laugh. At such antics by my pokemon and the facts that the famous professor. Is well hated by a group of pokemon to the point that. They are angrily screaming about him while waving spoons around. As they hold bowls of food in their hands securely.
Once night hit my group packed up and silently left the town. As Eclipse could hear as sneaking up to the ranch. So we basically ditched town not bothering to say good bye. Once we left we started heading along route two. I caught a noctowl along the way and it was a male. So I gave it a spiked leg band and named him Stalker. As I'll be training him to become a silent bird of prey soon. Once the girls got a male in thr group though it was awkward. So I mainly had him sitting on my shoulder as we walked in the night. After finding nice spot along the route we set up camp for the night.
At morning we once again set off with Stalker training in being silent. That not even the air is disturbed by his wings flapping. He picked up it quite easily so I'm impressed with him. That I sniped a ratata with a rock through the head. Letting him have it as a snack for quickly learning my requirements. The othere were messing around and well Hallow is impressive. She has well scarily mastered illusions to the degree that. I'm seeing her put on a play with them like a puppeteer! Also those illusions look very real so she's really gotten the hang of her race specialty!
We come upon a town shortly after I witnessed Hallow's show. Apparently its called Lunar Town as the moon shines brightly every night. Illuminating everything in the light of the moon quite nicely. That some of the folks have said its a beautiful sight to be hold at night. Especially at the center plaza that has a Rhyhorn fountain statue. So thats got me fairly curious about the sight that we'll be staying the night. So I looked through the shop function for something specific. Which was an item from a certain novel called "The New Gate" thats pretty cool. So when I found it in the shop I grinned as I started messing with it.
Soon over my scythe necklace appeared a gold necklace with a double scythe style blade. As its look but really it was a home in necklace form. Once we exited the town into the woods around it. I summoned a different version of the house this necklace contained. Which still had the blacksmith and material style set up like the original one. Just was bigger and more accommodating towards my group. A house suddenly appearing scared them but once inside. They started having fun and relaxing now I question why I never got this item before!
Since its so damn handy to have honestly after seeing everything inside. Now using a proper kitchen once more I cook up a feast. That'll knock out most of my pokemon so that I can. Go relaxingly enjoy the fountain sight and maybe even paint it. After thirty minutes all of the heavy eaters were out cold. Leaving only me, Stalker, Niarel, Hallow, Ruby and Eclipse up. So we went out to enjoy the sight of the fountain while I carried. Basically art supplies and a sketch book to capture this sight forever. All I can say is that it wasn't a bad idea at all to do!
Looking at the sketch book I smiled at the sight of that moment. The town was dark with no lights really one save for five street lamps. The rhyhorn statue was pretty impressive withs its marble shine. As water from the fountain shot up around it with flashing color changing lights. As Ruby flew around the horn of the statue, Eclipse siting before it facing me proudly. Niarel dipping her claws into the water as her tail hit the water shooting up. Stalker flying above the statue in front of the moon imposingly. All while the moon light beautifully lit up and shined on everything.