Its been a while since the cult thing and right now Biazar is poking a fish. A random water ball encased floating pufferfish just looking at him. No idea where it came from it just showed up and stared at him silently. Poking it with his gun didn't even phase it much as it only swam around.
Biazar: "Whats up with this fish?"
『 He's a fourthwall breaker and you new companion forever like me』
Biazar: "Well your helpful Hyena and uh what can this guy do besides go between the walls of a story?"
『 Uh spit poison and shoot poisonous spikes? While looking cute in his bubble?』
Biazar: "Okay then guess he'll work for the ȧssassin group, okay Merchant?"
The pufferfish simply swam qround not showing much joy. Sighing Biazar looked at them and was very tempted to pistol whip the damn fish.
『 Wouldn't try Biazar he's lvl 900 he won't even feel a thing』
『 Interdimensional update to chimera's, imprinting knowledge into brain』
Biazar: "Wow a me is still updating the chimera's and made it to one hundred and twelve of them."
『 Yea..... Why the hell are your ideas all murderous though?』
Biazar: "Murder is fun"
Merchant: "Oh great"
Biazar: "The fish just talked!"
『 Your imagining things』