Chapter 1600

Name:City security Author:The cauldron
Monk Linghui's treasure is hidden in the ground of one of the ten snow peaks.

"It's 100 meters under the ground!" Linghui monk pointed to a snow peak and said to Chen Yang.

"Hundred meters?" Chen Yang said, "I haven't learned how to drill the earth. Do you want me to blow up the snow peak directly?"

Linghui monk said, "of course not. If you know the big five elements, it's easy to drill the earth. But in the meantime, Daoyou, you just need to make a tunnel to come out? "

"So it is Chen Yang immediately put out the golden elixir.

He hid himself in the golden elixir, and then the golden elixir turned into a huge sword under his mana.

Then the golden sword went down to the ground. The top of the golden sword was spinning wildly, and Chen Yang was as strong as a bolt. In a short time, the distance of 100 meters will have arrived.

Originally, there were a lot of rocks under the ground, but at this time, the front suddenly opened up, and there was a huge space.

"The baby is still there." Linghui monk suddenly said happily.

"Well?" Chen Yang looks forward and finds a huge ring Xumi floating in the void space.

"This empty space is the array set by the poor monk, so that no one can find it. All the treasures are in the jiexumi. This commandment Xumi was also made by the poor monk himself, which is a huge treasure house. But the treasures here can't be compared with the treasure house of the Greek world. " Linghui monk continued.

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said, "it's another array, and you can't break it now. Your grandmother is a ball. Are you here to tease me? "

Monk Linghui gave a dry smile, and then said, "the main effect of this array is to hide. It's not difficult to break it with your ability. What's powerful about this array is that you can't find the mystery here. Now that it's here, the rest should not be a problem. The main point of this array is... "

Chen Yang suddenly reaches out his hand and catches Jie Xumi in the air.

At the same time, the void space disappears, and the rock immediately fills the space.

Chen Yang quickly exerts the big move skill, and the next second he leaves the Xuantian world and returns to the big world.

"This..." Monk Linghui gaped and said, "Taoist friend, my array is still very mysterious. How did you do it?"

"Mysterious?" Chen Yang said: "this kind of small array also makes tiger in front of me! You're right. The best use of your array is to hide your breath. Now that you've found it, it's not a matter to break it. "

"All right!" Linghui monk said: "you are really a master of breaking the battle, Taoist friend. I'm not as good as you. I'm convinced."

Chen Yang smiles.

Linghui monk said: "poor monk, there are two treasures in other places. However, one of the treasures is far away, and it will take a lot of trouble in the past. "

Chen Yang said: "it doesn't matter if it takes a lot of trouble. It's better than being robbed by others."

Linghui monk said, "that's right."

"The remaining treasure is in the central world," he added

"Central world?" "Going to the central world is also very troublesome," Chen Yang said

Monk Linghui said, "why don't you go to the central world first?"

Chen Yang said, "well, not yet. Go to another one. "

Monk Linghui said, "well, the other one is more troublesome. It's in the world of divine tombs. There's also a teleportation array in the world of divine tombs, but I'm not sure that there's a teleportation array going to the world of divine tombs! "

Each of the seven worlds is unusual!

Chen Yang knows this.

Chen Yang said: "you might as well not say it. Well, let's wait until we're done here. I'll see what's good in it first. "

As he spoke, he first found an open forest and then fell down.

The forest Chen Yang arrived at is actually a tropical primeval forest, where there are few people and no one to dig.

After Chen Yang went in, he immediately felt the hot atmosphere and the sun blocking tropical jungle. He went all over the starry universe and naturally would not be new to these things.

After finding a place to sit down, he set up the array and covered the 100 meter cage.

This is to avoid being disturbed by foreign things.

Within a hundred meters, he was immediately covered by Chen Yang's golden mana. Even if an army comes, it can't be killed. Unless the heat source tracking missile is used, Chen Yang's array can be blown away.

The wise one is three times larger than the ordinary one. And the space inside is ten times larger than that of ordinary jiexumi.

It's like a little palace.

But there's still no air in it!

Chen Yang was very interested in this commandment Xumi, and said with a smile, "I'll build this commandment Xumi later to let the air circulate. After that, decorate the interior. If you go there like this, you'll have a home. "

Monk Linghui laughed and said, "make a small thunder pool to supply power, and then install all your wives in Daoyou. After that, you can enjoy your family wherever you are"That won't do!" Chen Yang said, "I'm so happy. They're like in prison. What's more, it's embarrassing. I really think I can have three wives and four concubines, and I can make them respect each other as a guest? "

"What is that?" Linghui monk dismissive, said: "Daoyou, not poor monk said you, you, or the pattern is not enough!"

"How do you say that?" Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui said, "the spirit of a man who practices Taoism can swallow the sky. In a moment, thousands of miles. It's between the palms of your fingers that you control life and death. This woman, especially those women with low accomplishments in the world, is not on the same biological chain level with us. What do you do with such pity? I've seen many great sages of the demon clan, as well as romantic masters. There are three or five thousand wives and concubines, and they are all raised in the palace. They are all sleeping together. How happy they are. Among their wives and concubines, there are all kinds of fairies, fairies and fairies. They are not the best in the world! I've never seen anyone like you, who's always dying for one or two women. According to the poor monk, how much hatred does it have with LAN Tingyu? It's just a woman's business. "

"Smart!" Chen Yang's eyes became cold. He said: "I don't care what other practitioners look like. I also know that most of them only have interests in their eyes. But I am who I am. I love my woman and respect my woman. So, you'd better respect it, too. Otherwise, don't blame me for turning over. "

Linghui monk a Leng, he immediately said: "don't be angry, poor monk lost his word."

Chen Yang said: "for the sake of interests, people who practice Taoism can sell their friends and relatives. But if I were such a person, would you be willing to help me? "

Monk Linghui stayed for a while.

"If you are in danger, let me exchange many treasures, and I will not hesitate." Chen Yang then said.

Monk Linghui's eyes became more complicated. He then said, "Taoist friend, can you treat me as a friend, poor monk I am ashamed. I feel honored, too

Chen Yang said: "I always think that the reason why people are human beings is that they are flying animals. Because people are not only cruel, but also affectionate. Love is the essence of human beings. "

Linghui monk said: "I don't know this word very well."

Friendship said, "maybe you will understand what it is. Love is not only love, but also family, friendship and so on. "

Wisdom and understanding.

Although he was the emperor of insects before, he had great ability. But I think it's a loner, without friends and family.

In this life, Chen Yang really gave him something different.

Chen Yang no longer talks with Linghui monk, but starts to explore the treasure in Xumi. He directly took Linghui monk into jiexumi.

There are ten rooms and a hall in the jiexumi. However, there is no decoration and design inside, just to store things.

It's going to take a lot of work to finish the decoration.

For example, let Chen Yang headache is, how to find decoration workers to decorate. Isn't it a revelation to let ordinary workers come in and see such a thing?

Chen Yang doesn't want these useless things for the moment, but explores the treasure.

Monk Linghui introduced him and said, "most of them are pure Yang pills, and there are some magic pills, Juling pills, all kinds of pills. Most of them are pure Yang pills. Chunyang pill is a kind of pill made by the poor monk who used to absorb the spirit of the fairyland. Ordinary people will burn themselves to death if they eat one of these pure Yang pills. If a man of practice eats it, it is a supreme tonic. Many magic weapons can be used to activate, or pure Yang Dan can be used to activate. The pure Yang pill in this room is about one billion. It's only installed in seven rooms. "

"What else can I build?" Chen Yang is a little depressed.

Linghui monk is even more depressed, said: "pure Yang elixir is the most favorite thing of monks, than a elixir can buy several houses ah!"

Chen Yang laughs and thinks he is shortsighted!

Monk Linghui then said, "as for magic weapons, there are many. However, there is no particularly powerful baby. The only good one is the glazed jade pot. The glazed jade pot is a kind of inferior ware, and the experts of jiuchongtian can exert a little power. However, plus the pure Yang Dan, it can also melt the master of shichongtian. However, the spirit of the glass and jade pot is long gone, and there is no possibility of promotion, so we can't trap the experts who are really immortal. So I suggest you give this glass jade pot to Shen Moneng. That's a huge increase in her ability to protect herself. "

Chen Yang said, "that's OK!"

The Linghui monk said, "the most precious of them are the Big Ben Yuan Shu and the big Tian Yan Shu. You see, here it is

With that, he took out the source of the two powers.

Chen Yang took the two magic powers and swallowed them.

Monk Linghui was there to protect Chen Yang's Dharma, while Chen Yang sat cross legged and began to practice these two powers.