Chapter 1602

Name:City security Author:The cauldron
Chen Yang did not go on. But obviously, he can't tolerate being pointed at by his son.

"I was born out of wedlock." Chen Yang continued: "I understand that feeling. I hope my son is proud of me, not ashamed of me. "

Shen Molong took a deep look at Chen Yang and said, "what do you want to do?"

Chen Yang said: "I planned to go to my hometown in Hebei these two days. But now, I want to meet people from your family Then he said, "didn't I persuade your grandfather last time?"

"I just don't object," Shen said. But my parents have a lot of opinions, and people outside don't understand it. It's a joke. It's a shame for the family. "

Chen Yang frowned. "You said before that your accomplishments are growing now, and you have more power to speak at home. Now it seems that..."

Shen Molong hung his head and said, "I lied to you."

Chen Yang said, "make an appointment tonight. I'll meet your grandfather."

"What do you want to do?" Shen Molong was surprised.

Chen Yang said: "don't worry, your grandfather is Nianci's great grandfather. How can I make trouble?"

Shen monong also knows that Chen Yang is a kind-hearted person after all,

"OK, I'll ask my grandfather out!" Shen said.

Chen Yang said, "well, you call and I'll talk. I hope it's a family dinner, not just your grandfather. Don't everyone in your family want to see what kind of man you've chosen? I'll show them. "

Shen Molong's heart is sweet.

She was a little worried and said, "would it be too ostentatious? What if it's a good idea? "

Chen Yang said: "ling'er doesn't know it, it doesn't matter!"

Shen then took out his mobile phone and called his grandfather Shen Zhongjun.

The phone soon got through.

Shen said, "grandfather!"

Shen Zhongjun said with a smile: "Mo Nong. How did you remember to call your grandfather? "

Shen said, "well, Chen Yang is looking for you."

"Chen Yang?" Shen Zhongjun was a little surprised.

Shen Molong gives Chen Yang his mobile phone.

"Hello, grandpa After Chen Yang took the phone, he said first.

He then went to the balcony to speak.

Shen Zhongjun said in a deep voice, "are you looking for me?"

Chen Yang said: "I didn't expect that Mo Nong gave birth to a child. Your great grandson is here. You can do it without looking at him. I think that my grandfather is not an ordinary person. I should understand that the relationship between me and Mo Nong is not an ordinary person's way of getting along. "

Shen Zhongjun's voice cooled down and said, "are you here to teach me a lesson?"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "you are an elder. I should respect you. Lesson two words, absolutely dare not. I thought there was a tacit understanding between me and you, grandfather. Now it seems that I am amorous. "

Shen Zhongjun was slightly stunned.

He can feel Chen Yang's extraordinary in his heart.

Shen Zhongjun was in a high position, and His Majesty was extremely strong. Even if his sons were in front of him, they would not dare to show up. Chen Yang, on the other hand, was not affected at all.

Shen Zhongjun said in a deep voice, "Chen Yang, you are not in the world. But we are in, you can not care about things, ink thick also can not care about. But Shen family cares! The reason why I don't go to see Mo Nong all the time is that I have my own consideration. This matter, the most important thing is you, you must come up with an attitude. You have to convince all the people in the Shen family, otherwise, I can't encourage this trend. Mo Nong's parents can't accept this all the time. Is it because of your high ability that they will accept that their daughter will follow you without fame or distinction? "

Chen Yang said: "fame?"

Shen Zhongjun said, "it's not secret that you married a girl of the situ family. What else can you do now? Announce to divorce with Si Tu Ling Er, marry Mo Nong again

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "common things are annoying. Well, I'll give you and the Shen family a satisfactory account of this. Tonight, please call up the family. I'll bring Mo Nong and my son to the party

Shen Zhongjun said in a deep voice, "what do you want to do?"

Chen Yang said: "family dinner, of course, is eating and drinking. What else can we do?"

Shen Zhongjun pondered for a moment and said, "good!"

"At seven in the evening, our family will arrive on time," Chen said

Shen Zhongjun said, "good!"

Then Chen Yang Hung up.

Shen Molong has been staying on the sofa in the living room, and she has not eavesdropped on Chen Yang's words.

Chen Yang turns and enters the living room.

He looked at the room and said, "the house is still a little small."

Shen Mo Nong said with a smile, "I don't like that big one. The space is wide. That's good! "

Chen Yang said, "well, I'll buy you a villa tomorrow. If you want to be quiet, you can come and live at any time. "Shen said: "no, I don't want our son to feel superior since he was a child. He's so mediocre, that's good. "

"Others expect their son to become a dragon and a Phoenix," Chen said. You just want him to be ordinary. "

Shen Mo Nong said with a smile, "I hope my son Jackie Chan can become a phoenix because his parents are ordinary. I just hope my son can have a happy and ordinary life. The only thing I want from him is kindness

Chen Yang laughs.

Shen's cognition is the same as Chen Yang's. It can also be said that their values are the same. This is the main factor of a harmonious family.

"But..." Shen then worried and said, "do you remember what happened before?"

"Well?" Chen Yang said.

Shen said, "when my son is in my stomach, he can warn me."

"He's a natural spirit, too!" Chen Yang said: "all the spiritual bodies I have seen are women, and he I know what you mean. We want him to be ordinary, but I'm afraid he's not destined to be ordinary! "

Shen said, "let it be."

Chen Yang said, "Well!"

He then said, "yes, I have an appointment. We'll take our son to a family dinner tonight. "

Shen Mo Nong is slightly a Zheng, she doesn't have how flustered. At least she is also a person whose cultivation has reached this point, and there is still some calmness.

"What do you want to do then?" Shen asked.

Chen Yang said: "you can rest assured that I will handle it properly. They are not enemies, I understand that. But what I want them to understand is that we are not mortals. "

"Mortals?" Shen said.

Chen Yang said: "ordinary people have ordinary eyes. I want them to know that there are people in the world who are different from them. "

Shen said, "well, I won't worry about it."

Chen Yang smiles and says, "I don't think you've made any progress recently."

Shen Mo Nong said: "after having children, there are still spare time for cultivation. It's good not to step back. "

Chen Yang said, "well, I have a lot of pure Yang pills here. It's very suitable for the cultivation of mana. I'll give you some. "

"You have given me enough pills." Shen said.

"Pills are in great need for us at every stage. No matter how much, you can keep it. " Chen Yang refused to accept Shen's refusal and said, "well, I have another treasure here for you."

He then took out the glazed jade pot.

"This..." Shen Molong looks at the jade pot strangely.

Chen Yang said: "this baby's power is extraordinary, but your mana is not enough to motivate. At least you can't use one tenth of your power until after jiuchongtian. What's more, we have to cooperate with Chunyang pill! "

"It's a bit of a trouble, but its power is unimaginable." Chen Yang said.

"In that case, baby, it's better to stay in your hands." Shen Mo Nong said: "I'm in the capital. I'm protected by the ancestral dragon. There won't be any danger."

Chen Yang said, "ha ha, to be honest with you. This baby is precious to you, but it is inferior to me. I'm too lazy to work with it. "

Shen Mo Nong was slightly stunned, and then he couldn't help feeling funny.

"Well, I'm getting closer to you now." Shen Mo Nong said with a smile.

Chen Yang smiles. Then he said, "well. This baby is for you, and the claw I gave you is still with you? "

Shen said, "it's still there. What's the matter?"

Chen Yang said: "that steals the heaven claw is one of the most precious things in the thirty-three days. My mission this time has one year, that is to find the thirty-three days' most precious things for the star Lord."

"Ah?" "It's not easy to find," Shen said

Chen Yang said: "the star master has 18 pieces in his hand, and my second brother has three. If you have one, I have three. So, there are only eight really to look for. It shouldn't be a problem

Shen Mo Nong took the claw out of jiexumi and said, "take it first."

Chen Yang is also impolite and takes it over.

"I'm still a little worried," Shen said

Chen Yang said: "I know how you feel. It can be said that every task I take is more difficult than this one. Almost every time it's a near death. But in the end, I broke in. I can't say I'm going to hate the star. Because the star master has the general direction of the star master, and only in this way, my progress will be so rapid. Even if I want to be comfortable, my opponents won't. Then LAN Tingyu, Chen Yihan, and Chen Tianya, their progress is more terrible. Even if they let me go, the way of heaven will not let me go. So, I'm used to a lot of things. "

Shen said, "I'm afraid you'll run out of luck one day."

Chen Yang said: "I have thought about this problem, so I hope you can make progress faster. Actually, I want to open it. Many creatures have limited life and cognition. My life is wonderful. Let it be and try to live each day. That's the only thing I can doShen Mo Nong gave a hum.

Also at this time, inside the bedroom came the cry of little Nianci.

Shen Molong immediately stood up and said, "my son is awake."