Chapter 3579

Name:City security Author:The cauldron
Chen Yang asks red silk to take care of Feng Qingtian.

On the other hand, yingluoxi continued to cooperate with the inspection and blockade of tianchasi.

Chen Yang found a secluded room and began to sit down on his knees to recuperate.

Time goes by like this.

About an hour later, Chen Yang's vitality had all recovered. Although he consumes a lot of mana, he can recover quickly.

It's quiet in the room, but it's noisy all the time outside.

However, at this moment, red silk came over and cried out outside the closed door, "my lord?"

Chen Yang opened his eyes and said, "come in!"

Red silk just pushed the door in, and she closed the door when she came in.

"Some evidence has been found, which was found by the British side. At present, it has not been handed over to the people of tianchasi." Red silk came to Chen Yang and whispered.

Chen Yang was not surprised by this and said, "what evidence?"

Red silk said: "it's a batch of pills. This batch of pills is the same as the purchase order traced by Tiancha. This shows that they have been purchasing materials for worry free education. Through the procurement source of this batch of pills, as well as all previous whereabouts tracking, there is no problem to convict them. There is a lot of evidence left by them. At the moment of blockade, they should have started the destruction mechanism. It's just that we're in a hurry, so the last batch of materials hasn't been destroyed yet. "

Chen Yang said: "is it far fetched to convict a person on the basis of materials alone?"

With a smile, red silk said, "before, Tiancha had done a lot of homework. Materials are traces, but now there are traces to follow. It will not be a big problem to interrogate some of their personnel at that time. "

Chen Yang said: "if there is no such material, it is impossible to convict?"

Red silk said: "we need an entrance. If there is no entrance, it is difficult to check. Now that we have found the entrance, we have achieved great success. "

Chen Yang pondered for a moment, and then said, "well, go and call me Feng Qingtian. I have some questions for him. "

Red silk had no doubt of him and said, "yes!"

Soon, red silk ordered people to bring Maple sky.

In the room, Feng Qingtian sits opposite Chen Yang.

When red silk had arranged everything, she was ready to leave.

Chen Yang immediately said, "red silk, don't go out. Close the door. I have nothing to hide from you. "

Red silk slightly a Zheng, then nodded, way: "yes, adult!"

She waved her hand and closed the door.

Chen Yang looks at Feng Qingtian.

At the moment, the maple sky is very dispirited, which is different from what I saw at first.

He seems to be getting old.

Chen Yang light eyes, said: "evidence, we have mastered."

Feng Qingtian also looks at Chen Yang. Then he smiles coldly and says, "it's just a dead word. It doesn't matter. It's a pity that I can't serve the leader any more. "

Chen Yang and red silk look at each other.

The other party so single admit, two people temporarily don't know what to say.

Red silk said harshly: "Feng Qingtian, how dare you. Actually dare to collude with worry free education, do you deserve the cultivation above? Over the years, your Maple family has been greatly favored. The whole shrike star is your private land, and you don't know how to be grateful for doing such a wicked thing. "

Feng Qingtian coldly looked at the red silk, but did not speak. He is too lazy to pay attention to red silk!

However, his eyes finally came to Chen Yang, staring for a long time, shaking his head and sighing, saying: "it's a pity!"

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "it's a pity that I'm all talented, but I'm a dog in the courthouse, right?"

Feng Qingtian said faintly: "master Zong is really smart!"

Chen Yang said: "in fact, up to now, I don't need to talk to you any more. Because basically my task has been completed But I'm still a little curious, so I want to talk to you. "

Feng Qingtian said: "although some people are alive, they are already dead. Some people die, but they will live in people's hearts forever. "

Chen Yang said with a smile, "it's funny. I think it's in the old man's heart. Though I live, I am a living dead man. And even if you're dead, you're immortal, right? "

Feng Qingtian also a smile, way: "adult is really clever."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "whatever you think, I won't try to change your mind. Everyone has his own way of life, and I respect your way of life. "

Feng Qingtian said: "I know that you are very curious, why I put a good day, but also put the whole family's life together, to do this rebellious thing, right?"

Chen Yang said: "yes, I'm really curious!"

Feng Qingtian took a deep look at Chen Yang and said, "you are still young and proud. So you haven't seen the meanness of the courthouse, the tribunal. Their power and rules can drive people crazy sometimes. Where is worry free education? It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen. Friendship, harmony, fairness and equality. We all believe in the leader and are willing to give everything for him. That's the place I've wanted to guard all my life. "Hearing this, Chen Yang felt speechless. "Feng Qingtian, you are a big owl, a character. You believe in such deceiving things for children

"What do you know? You hairy doll with no faith Feng Qingtian became angry.

Chen Yang said: "just, just. It's not my responsibility to spend you. Everyone should be responsible for what they do. I don't care about you. "

Feng Qingtian was silent.

After a long time, he said: "the maple family was forced by the Li family. It was almost a disaster to destroy the family. Behind the Li family, there is the relationship between the ruling office and the court. It was Gabriel who presided over justice for me. Later, Gabriel taught me some skills and magic weapons, which made my maple family gradually rise. Eight hundred years ago, when I heard Lord Gabriel betray the tribunal, my heart was burning. For hundreds of years, I wanted to get in touch with Lord Gabriel. Fortunately, the emperor did not let go of those who wanted to, and finally let me get in touch with worry free education. They invited me to carefree, and I met Lord Gabriel. Worry free education is really a good place! I wanted to move my family in and work for Lord Gabriel. However, there are many materials in need of outside help. In this way, I bear the humiliation Fortunately, in recent years, Lord Gabriel has said that my deeds have begun to arouse people's suspicion. He wants me to go to worry free education as soon as I'm ready for something. Unfortunately... "

Chen Yang couldn't help wondering, "is the leader of carefree religion still Gabriel?"

Feng Qingtian looked at Chen Yang and said, "Lord Gabriel has been practicing all the time. He has already participated in the cultivation. The position of leader has been passed on to others. He is the head of the supreme cult

Chen Yang said, "what is the current leader of the church?"

Feng Qingtian sneered and said, "it's impossible for you to get secrets from me."

Chen Yang said, "you really think too much. I'm just curious."

Feng Qingtian said: "is it?"

Chen Yang said, "OK, old man. As I said before, I have no grudge against you personally. Today I am here because I am in the position of director of the Department of Ares. This is a business. I don't want to care about how things will develop in the future and your destiny. You, when you go down, you'll be able to keep it. "

Red silk then came to Feng Qingtian and said, "please, old man

Feng Qingtian takes a deep look at Chen Yang, then gets up and turns to leave.

After seeing off Feng Qingtian, red silk turns to Chen Yang.

"My Lord, what do you think of worry free education?" Red silk couldn't help asking.

Chen Yang slightly a Zheng, way: "what meaning?"

Red silk said patiently, "I've been in contact with some rebellious members of carefree religion. They are all extremely loyal. In their eyes, they can give everything for carefree education. I'm not surprised by Feng Qingtian's performance. I was thinking, "is worry free education really that beautiful?"

Chen Yang said, "maybe."

"Maybe?" said red silk

Chen Yang said with a smile, "carefree education must be beautiful. Otherwise, how can these people be so persistent? However, I don't think that the world will be better than it is now if carefree education takes over the power of the world. "

"How can I see it?" Asked red silk.

Chen Yang said: "if power cannot be restrained, it will breed evil. Whoever comes to the position of the adjudication office may not do better. It's very complicated. I can't make it clear in a few words. "

Red silk looked at Chen Yang with new eyes, saying: "although adults are young and light, they have unique views on things, and they are very thorough."

Chen Yang smiles and says nothing more.

About three hours later, tianchasi and yingluoxi have already checked everything that should be checked.

Feng family and so on, are all put in prison, into the storage bracelet.

There are many powerful people in Feng's family. But there are not many of them

Before they were held, they were fed cartilaginous pills.

Cartilaginous pill is a special secret pill of the court. After taking it, the body will fall into a soft state, and it can't work.

Only when the cultivation is high enough for fengtianhua, fengqingtian and Chen Yang can they be immune to it.

The general Zhouxuan realm master, as long as feed some cartilage Dan can also make it unable to move.

Cartilaginous pill can make people unable to move for three days and three nights.

Three days is enough time to go back to the courthouse.

Fengqingtian and fengtianhua receive special care, and Chen Yang grabs them into his personal storage bracelet.

The rest of the people and so on, all into the large storage Bracelet inside. The generals also went in to take care of them.

As for information and so on, people from tianchasi entered another large storage bracelet.

Everything is done. Chen Yang and others enter the spaceship.

Enrosi steered the spaceship, and the spaceship quickly left Shrike.

After breaking through the atmosphere of Shrike, the spacecraft went into space.

In the void is boundless darkness.The speed of the spaceship suddenly accelerated and turned into a virtual shadow. In an instant, it was thousands of miles