Chapter 3581

Name:City security Author:The cauldron
Chen Yang and red silk began to shut up after chatting.

As a man of practice, he would be obsessed with closing his eyes and meditating. If they were not obsessed, there would be no high-ranking people who would shut up for ten years.

In the process of concentration, we can perceive heaven and earth, grab knowledge and energy, and even doubt and understand the rules and formation between heaven and earth.

However, at this time, Chen Yang noticed something wrong.

He was very sensitive to the sense of danger after he practiced this art.

There was a wave in his platform.

"What's the matter, my lord?" Red silk noticed Chen Yang's abnormal expression and asked.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "it's interesting."

"Interesting?" said red silk

Chen Yang said: "if I guess correctly, the people of worry free education are going to save the maple family."

When red silk heard the words, she suddenly lost color. She stood up and said, "how can this be good, my lord? Don't underestimate worry free education. If carefree education is simple, it is impossible to live so long. The adjudication office has made the decision in person, but it has failed. "

Chen Yang said: "I never look down on anyone. It's just soldiers coming to block the water and cover the land. Now that they're here, it's no use for us. We have to fight. "

Red silk said: "how to fight, I hope you will give me an order."

Chen Yang also stood up and said: "the military strength of the generals is worth fighting against such masters, and it's not very useful. I can't have their storage Bracelet in my hand. Once the fight starts, the energy fluctuation is too big for them to bear. "

Red silk said, "I'll take care of these storage bracelets with English."

Chen Yang nodded.

The only thing in his hand is Ming Hui, Feng Qingtian and Feng Tianhua.

Then, Chen Yang and red silk came to the central control room.

Anglo is concentrating on the control of the ship's voyage.

"My Lord, what happened to you and miss red silk? I'm not tired. I can stick to it. " Yingluoxi saw Chen Yang and red silk, immediately said.

Red silk said in a deep voice: "adults feel something's wrong. Maybe people from worry free education want to save people."

Yingluoxi was surprised and said, "how can that be good?"

"The speed of the spaceship is too fast. Once you set an ambush at your necessary navigation position, we can't turn around So for now, slow down. " Chen Yang said.

"Yes, my Lord," he said He's going to slow down.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

At this time, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in front.

Then, the ship had penetrated into the glare.

Yingluoxi once again pale, involuntarily way: "this is how to return a responsibility, I with the idea strafe, all did not discover the problem."

Chen Yang Si did not panic, light way: "the other party layout is very subtle, and deliberately deceived your fate. It's normal that you don't notice... "

Between words, change comes back.

After the spaceship enters the dazzling interior, it will see countless white ripples in the air, like countless mirror worlds, repeated again and again.

It's like entering a super maze again!

Not to mention that thousands of mirrors reflect the divine light together.

The divine light gathered together and turned into a huge palm.

Milk. White big palm quickly grasps to the airship.

With a flash of body, Chen Yang quickly left the spaceship and stood on top of it.

When the big hand came, Chen Yang also clapped.

His palm power is the color of purple and gold, which quickly condenses the power of the universe. At this moment, Chen Yang's internal forces became violent.

The power of his free hand is incomparable.


The two palms were smashed together, and then all of them were shattered to pieces.

When Chen Yang and his opponent hit each other, he immediately felt that the opponent's palm power was as powerful and deep as thousands of mountains.

Fortunately, his strength is not weak, two forces strangled, and finally all into pieces.

Each other's palm force into the moment of crushing, again covered by the mirror light, those crushing suddenly turned into countless tentacles!

In all directions, countless tentacles are all coming towards the spaceship.

Chen Yang was slightly surprised. He immediately stretched out two fingers and made a quick snap.

At the moment of the explosion, the purple and golden gas of chaos quickly covers the spaceship cage.

In the air of chaos, time and space all appear.

Chaotic vortices also appear at the core.

Countless tentacles enter into chaotic space, and then they are trapped in time and space.

But there are also tentacles that penetrate the vortex.

These tentacles are smashed directly by chaotic vortices.


In the void, a pleasant female voice cheered coldly.

With this sound, everything begins to collapse in the mirror space.Chen Yang feels that his chaotic space is also beginning to be affected by this rule, and he has a faint sense of collapse.

With a little concentration, he stabilized the chaotic space again.

In the mirror space, everything began to collapse.

This collapse fury makes chaotic space crumble. Chen Yang needs to protect chaotic space with all his strength.

However, at this time, a big white handprint suddenly condensed in the sky.

There is a storm vortex in the center of the big fingerprints, carrying the great power to kill.

Chen Yang quickly gathered his palm power and killed it together.


When two palms collide, the palms of the other side dissipate quickly.

But then, above, below, and in all directions, big fingerprints sprang up.

It was ten powerful fingerprints.


Chaotic space can no longer bear, chaotic vortex has not been blocked

In an instant, the chaotic space broke.

The ship finally

Boom, it's broken.

Yingluoxi and red silk were not injured. They quickly came out of the debris of the spaceship. Chen Yang has no time to join them. The collapse of debris around the crazy impact, so that the world has become a mess. Chaos and dazzling white light fusion, Chen Yang and yingluoxi as well as red silk look close, actually separated by countless mirror small world.

Chen Yangning stood in the air, and the debris around him came, and they were scattered by his body protecting Qi.

A moment later, the chaos finally began to subside.

The dazzling white light disappeared and everything was calm.

What appears in front of Chen Yang is a beautiful lake with continuous grass beside it

In the middle of the lake, there is a small pavilion.

In the middle of the pavilion stands a beautiful woman.

The woman wore a long red dress, which was very noble.

She is The wind and frost.

Chen Yang knows that everything in front of him is not an illusion.

This is a real lake created in a small world.

As soon as his figure flashed, he came to the pavilion.

At this time, Chen Yang also will see a real flow of wind frost.

In front of the woman, all show a kind of noble spirit, noble spirit and a trace of valiant. She's in such a good shape that people can't help daydreaming about her.

Chen Yang also smelled the natural feminine fragrance of liufengshuang.

Liu Fengshuang turns to face Chen Yang. She smiles and says, "Lord Zong, I've prepared the food and wine. Please sit down!"

There was wine and food on the stone table.

With a faint smile, Chen Yang said: "I don't need to drink wine and vegetables. Now, my people have been controlled by you. Girl, it's really a good way

Liu Fengshuang said, "please sit down, let's sit down and talk, OK?"

Chen Yang said: "I think we should have nothing to talk about. The longer the time goes on, the worse it will be for me. Although you look good, I'm not interested in you! "

Liu Fengshuang said: "Lord Zong, there is no one else here. In this mirror array of my samsara, any investigation of the universe will not work. I have a business to do with you. I wonder if you are interested? "

Chen Yang didn't answer Liu Fengshuang. As soon as the topic changed, he asked, "if I guess correctly, you are carefree, right?"

Liu Fengshuang said, "that's right!"

Chen Yang said: "that's right. You and I have no business to do or discuss. We are not good and evil, so we can only do it. Come on, let me see what the evil people of Wuyou sect are capable of? "

After he finished, he waved his sleeve robe.

Suddenly, a huge force swept away. Looking at the pavilion, all the stone tables will be destroyed by Chen Yang's powerful force.

Liu Fengshuang also waved his hand immediately.

Suddenly, the world before us changed again, but it came to the clouds. The world around us is full of white clouds. Chen Yang and Liu Fengshuang are standing in the clouds, all white.

There is no one else here. It's very secretive.

Chen Yang didn't say much about it, but he chopped XiangLiu Fengshuang.

His palm power is powerful and majestic.

Liu Fengshuang waved the sleeve robe, a huge force and Chen Yang's palm force together. Two forces disappear at the same time!

"Lord Zong, you really don't even give me a chance to talk? In your eyes, only your courthouse is the right way. Is our worry free religion evil I can't help getting angry.

Chen yangleng said: "hum, it's a great crime to bewitch all living beings and enchant people. I'm at odds with Wuyou sect. You don't have to talk any more. Today I'll catch you first, and then I'll catch all the rebellious members of Wuyou sect. "

"Well, I'm not ashamed of myself!" Liu Fengshuang burst into a rage and said, "it depends on whether you have this ability today."

Chen Yang is now back.

Liufengshuang also no longer bear to hand, sacrificing the ware liulijing bottle!It's a very beautiful and plain bottle.

There are many strange runes on the body of liulijing bottle. The runes flow quickly into the bottle.

Liuli net bottle is driven by the wind and frost. Ten crystal ice beads suddenly fly out of the mouth of the bottle.

Bingzhu quickly kills Chen Yang.

At the same time, the surrounding air fell into extreme cold and frozen rapidly.

Chen Yang fell into the ice array, but the ten ice beads were extremely smart and quickly attacked Chen Yang.

The law of ice and cold, the frozen Jedi!

Before the ice bead arrived, Chen Yang noticed the invasion of ice cold.

All around is the law of ice, any external forces are difficult to penetrate.

"Oh, forget it. You're a jerk. Only the golden elixir can make me respectable. You can't even leave a trick! " Chen Yang is a little irritable. Every time he fights, it seems that he can't live without the golden elixir. It's like opening a restaurant. You can't satisfy the customers with any dishes. You have to get the only special dish.

This makes Chen Yang feel that he has no sense of achievement!