Chapter 109 Misunderstood Him

Jean could finally relax after everything had passed.

Whenever she wanted to relax, she would like to sleep for a long time. Unfortunately, she couldn't do that even though she was just acting.

She was surprised to find out that Zed wasn't at the room when she woke up.

She had no plans for the whole day. So, she went to Zelda and help her with their lunch.

After they had their lunch, Jean wanted to take a nap. But Jade stopped her while she was going upstairs.

"Jean, do you have plans for later?"

Jean paused and thought to herself, 'Would it be shopping again?'

"I don't have, mom. Why?"

"Zed is pretty busy these days. He already has no time to take good care of himself. Zelda made some soup. Can you send it to Zed later?"

"Okay, mom."

Even though she didn't want to, she had no other choice.

After a while, Luke drove the car and sent her to Zed's company.

It was noon that time. Most people went to the restaurant which was run by Qi Group to have lunch.

Jean took the thermal bucket that contained the soup and went into the elevator. There were very few people going up. So, she arrived at the CEO's floor very quickly.

As soon as she came out of the elevator, she met the secretary heading towards her direction. The secretary was a bit surprised to see her. He greeted Jean politely, "Mrs. Qi."

"Are you going to have lunch?" Jean asked.

"Yeah." The secretary nodded and looked at the bucket. He smiled and asked, "Did Mrs Qi bring a lunch for boss?"

"Well..." She awkwardly smiled and answered, "I just thought that he was too busy to come home recently, so I brought him some soup. Is he inside now?"

The secretary nodded and answered, "Yes, boss is pretty busy these days. There was something wrong with an important project. He came back from the trip immediately and had worked for a whole day and a whole night. That's why he didn't come home. Then he eagerly checked and approved the documents the following day. Please persuade

Falling from nobility, Zen Luo became a humble slave and served as a human punchbag for his former cousins. Inadvertently, he found a way to refine himself into a weapon and a legend started because of that. With a strong belief in never surrender, he strove for revenges and pursued big dreams. Warriors from various clans contended for hegemony and the world was stirred. Relying on the body that was comparable to a powerful weapon, Zen beat his numerous enemies on his way to the immortality. Would he succeed eventually?

She didn't expect that those dresses would be used so soon.

She didn't feel worried anymore. She finally nodded and said, "Okay. I'm leaving now."

He didn't answer her that time.

After Jean got back home, she held the dresses in front of the mirror. She had no idea which dress to choose.

Fortunately, Jade came in and helped her choose one.

Jean took a long time to dress herself up so she would not embarrass Qi Group. She tucked up her hair, wore a Chanel dress and a pair of high-heeled sandals. She looked so enchanting!

She seemed to be a new person inside and out. A debutante, to be more specific.

After she got herself ready, Jean rode the car with Zed's parents and went to the party.

It was already dark. The bustling city showed the splendid night scene. Jean, indeed, liked the city she grew up. Though she didn't have a good memory there, it didn't not stop her from loving everything there.

They arrived in the destination in about half an hour. Zed was standing by the gate in a tight suit.

He was tall. The fancy suit made him more handsome and fascinating, even when he wore his usual cold face.

A lot of debutantes passed and stood nearby. They wanted him to be their escort. But nobody dared to get so close because of his cold face.

He was as honored as an emperor that day.