Chapter 121 Cling To Zed

"Yes, she is nothing compared to you. I also believe that you will sweep Zed off his feet soon. I'm sure about it because you are so beautiful and charming." The woman beside Selena fussed.

"You know what? I even smell something like shit every time I speak with her. She is so disgusting!" She knitted her eyebrows while she was speaking. She felt very depressed about Zed's attitude towards her.

"Hahaha, let's not talk about how disgusting she is. I am sure that Zed will leave her very soon. Then, she will be left alone. I don't think that Zed will love an average looking woman like Jean for a long time. Just take it easy." The woman comforted her.

Selena felt so much relieved after she heard what the woman said. However, she was still very angry. She was upset and furious when she thought about Zed declining her invitation. He didn't even hesitated a bit.

She would have become Zed's wife and be with him more easily and earlier than it had been for Jean Wen. When she finally met Zed, she didn't expect that he was already married. She had been very busy with her acting career abroad, and hadn't read much news about what was going on with him.

She had just left for less than half a year. She didn't expect that Zed would be married so quickly. It was beyond her expectation.

She angrily grunted. She looked at her beautiful self in front of the mirror and muttered, "I believe that I will be Zed's wife soon!"

Jean took a deep breath. She never thought that there were still fake people like Selena and the Wen Family in this world.

She used to believe that Selena was the most kindhearted and sincerest among all female celebrities. She was even so impressed by her personality before.

She had never thought that Selena was totally different as what she had expected her to be. 'Did Selena try to seduce Zed?' Jean thought to herself. Was Jean ugly? How come she look ugly? Selena spoke so bitterly. She even said that she would become Zed's wife one day. She just went too far!

Selena acted as if Jean was one of her old friends. Actually, she thought that Jean was worthless. She had even cursed her a lot of times.

Since Selena had known Zed earlier than Jean, then, why didn't she do something to sweep Zed off her feet that time?

She had been getting along quite well with Selena in their last business trip. Jean shook her head and realized that it was difficult to figure out what were up to people's mind. She wouldn't know that Selena was such a mean woman if she hadn't overheard her conversation with another woman.

'No wonder why she was very famou

Jean Wen sacrificed herself for family interests. Before her husband divorced her, she made every effort to please him.

"You are inexperienced in bed," he said coldly.

"You! Give that land to my family, or I won't agree to divorce," Jean replied furiously.

"Fine. It is exactly what I am thinking about," he sneered.

a week. The media company's driver drove them to the hotel and gave them their room key card. Their assistants stayed in the room next to theirs.

Jean was so tired that she almost collapsed. She wanted to take a bath before going to bed. However, she figured out that she had no clothes to change. While she was worrying about what she should do, their assistants brought her sets of clothes and sets of pajamas. They also gave Zed some suits and robes.

It was clear that the company treated them very attentively.

Their service alone made Jean feel very comfortable.

They were provided with a presidential suite. The room was very huge and spacious. Inside the suite, there were open kitchen and a huge bathroom with a very big bathtub. The bathroom was even as big as a living room.

The bedroom was quite luxurious. It had a big bed that was about 3 meters long. It was decorated with an exquisite Italian design. All lamps looked like famous Italian lighthouses. Besides that, a night view scene was mounted on the ceiling - a starry night would appear on the ceiling as soon as the lights would be turned off. The night scene looked very real and fantastic.

French windows were installed everywhere. The view outside could be clearly seen. People would be delighted by the neon lights of the city when they would look out through the window.

It was so terrific! Jean liked that room so much.

The soft bed was even big enough for 10 people to sleep.

Zed always took a bath every time he came back from outside. That night was not an exception for him. Jean couldn't understand why Zed was so obsessed with the cleanliness of his body. 'He always takes a bath every time he comes back. Isn't he tired of that?'