Chapter 193 As Annoying As Flies

Gazing intently at Moore's sorry face, Jean stared at him in a daze. She didn't know what to say.

The fact is that it was she who hit Moore and put him in the hospital to fight for his life. It was she who should apologize.

'But is there anything wrong? How could Moore be apologizing to me instead?' she thought.

"Moore, please don't say that anymore. It was a grave mistake on my part as my car hit you. Anyway, let's not blame ourselves anymore. We will be laughed at when others see how we are taking responsibility for this,"

Jean smiled, hoping to put a stop to this.

"What will they laugh at? Will they laugh at us just because we are agreeable like friends, and there is no misunderstanding between us? It will be jealousy, okay?" Moore shook his head and sighed,"You don't understand. When you didn't get out of the car for a long time when I was hit by you, and I lay there helpless, I thought, 'Oh no!' I must have met a coward. He will run away while I am still dizzy."

"No wonder you were desperately calling for help. Was it so that I would not be able to escape?" A wide-eyed Jean asked.

"That's what I was initially thinking. But when I saw you, it was different. You didn't look like an irresponsible person. Otherwise, you wouldn't have looked after me all night without sleeping a wink," Moore smiled gratefully.

"Oh, this reminds me. Moore. Why don't you blame me? Is it just because I accompanied you last night?" Chewing on her lip, Jean said,"Please don't get such an idea. My driving caused the accident and I am responsible for you. Your medical bills, mental harassment and nursing fees, all will be taken care of by my lawyer..."

"Umm... Jean, don't do this. Although we have just met, it feels like we were fast friends for quite some time." A shadow of a doubt crossed Moore's face. He interrupted Jean unhappily.

"But..." Jean wanted to continue what she was saying but closed her mouth as she saw the expression on his face.

"You needn't bring this up any more. If you will occasionally visit me in the hospital, don't speak such rubbish things to me. I might be an orphan but my foster parents were very good to me. They left me with enough money for the rest of my life. Each of us is responsible for t

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex. To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him. "As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses.”She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women...

"Well, Bye." Jean nodded to him and turned to walk outside.

Right outside, the kind-faced nurse stood waiting for Jean to leave, and to resume her duties. Jean whispered a few words to her first before heading for the hospital's gate.

"Hey, are you leaving now that you have flirted enough with your lover?" Shirley appeared in front of Jean again as annoying as a fly. She deliberately spoke in a loud voice and tried to get the people around to notice what she was up to.

"Shirley, has it not been enough that you were almost slapped by me again?" Jean sneered as her eyes filled with hatred.

"Slapped who? Did I miss something funny?" A male voice suddenly said these words from behind as Winner started to walk towards them.

Seeing that she was in trouble, Jean's face clouded.

It never occurred to her that Winner was around.

'Even though Winner is here, I will not be afraid of them, ' she tried to stay confident.

"Jean, do you know? This is karma. After you bullied me with your boyfriend, God has given me the chance to pay you back. What will you do now that you are alone? Will you run back to the ward to call your lover who cannot even get up? Or are you ready to be slapped by me?"

With a smug smile, Shirley inched closer towards Jean. There was a menacing look in her eyes. She twisted her trousers lightly with her fingers, as if she was twisting Jean, and was about to strangle her!

"No, I am enough for the both of you!" Jean grinned without any stage fright.