Chapter 427 I’ll Kill Her

'Joy has always annoyed me, but I can never doubt her sincerity for Shirley.

I don't understand! Shirley has the love from her parents and everything that I don't. Why is she still not satisfied? Why can't she appreciate what she already has?

It is quite obvious that Joy loves Shirley. Shirley has placed a knife across her neck and there is nothing that can tell what Shirley is planning to do next. But what Joy is trying to do right now is forgive Shirley and persuade Shieley to do what is best for her, ' Jean thought.

Deep inside, Jean was moved by Joy's love for her daughter as it was the least that Jean had expected of her.

'To Shirley, Joy did everything that she could do for her.

How I wish my mom is still alive.

With my mother beside me, I would've been the happiest girl in the world, '

Jean thought as tears flooded her eyes.

"What's going on?" Zed asked as he saw Jean getting emotional. He slowly scooped Jean into his arm.

"Nothing!" Jean whispered as she sniffed slowly. Then she turned around to look at Zed and smiled. She then concluded,"Her selfishness got the best of her. Shirley doesn't appreciate what she has. You know, Zed? I admired her so much, at some point in life but now I pity her. In fact, she is just a spoiled girl! She never feels happy even though she has everything. She doesn't deserve it all."

"You are right, honey! You know you are the best. I know your life with the Wen family was not easy but you got through it all. Your courage and kindness have defeated everything. Sweetheart, I'm really grateful to have you by my side,"

Zed said as he stared at Jean and smiled.

Jean felt embarrassed. She blushed and said shyly,"I'm flattered, Zed! Come on, what should we do now? Shirley has the knife placed at Joy's neck."

"Leave that to Ian. Let them handle it. They are professional. Look at Billy! I suppose he already has an idea by now."

At that moment, Jean turned to Billy involuntarily. He stood t

“Who does she think she is? I won’t marry her even if she is the last woman on earth,” said Hiram Rong.

“Marry into a family with tens of billions of assets? How lucky I am! I won’t be so foolish as to break off the engagement. At worst, I can receive money as part of the divorce settlement,” said Rachel Ruan.

Their great-grandfathers made a pact about their engagement a hundred years ago...

prison yet. Suddenly she realized that Jean didn't plan to give her the money, She panicked and started screaming,"Okay! Do you all think I won't kill my own mother? This is the last time I am saying all this. I want a car and a hundred million dollars right now! Or I will first kill my mother and then myself. I'll rather end my life than go to prison."

Jean got worried as soon as she heard what Shirley said. She turned around to face Zed and suggested,"How about we give her the money, Zed? We have to first consider Joy's safety. If she is safe, then we can think about Shirley's arrest. This is a huge problem! It has become harder to ensure Joy's safety. Besides, if Shirley gets triggered, she might kill Joy and then commit suicide."

"I totally agree, Jean! But I think we should give Billy some more time. And I think Shirley won't kill Joy yet. If she does, she will lose her grip over the situation. She would be arrested right away. But you are right, Joy is in danger. Look, Billy has started moving out now," said Zed.

Jean turned towards Billy and saw him trying to get close to Shirley. Some police officers, behind Shirley, were trying to get closer too.

"Stop! Don't move! Everybody stop!" Shirley shouted out loud as she saw Billy trying to get to her. "Stop! Or I will kill her right now!"