Chapter 432 What Are You Afraid Of

"You are so naive, you know? You would believe everything they write in the newspaper, won't you? It was Shirley who climbed in to Carlos' bed and enticed him to play out the script she wrote. She knew that Winner didn't have enough money to pay Carlos and therefore, Carlos was the one who killed Winner in the end. This way, Shirley didn't get her hands dirty! Then she pretended that she had been kidnapped by Carlos, after which she had an excuse to coerce Joy into paying him a hefty ransom."

Since Henry wasn't willing to believe her anyway, there was no point withholding the truth and Jean didn't want to do that either. So she directly told him the reason why Winner had been killed.

"What did you just say?" Even after her lengthy explanation, Henry couldn't accept the cruel fact and his face turned bleak all of a sudden. Even so, he did succeed in getting his anger back on track and not cursing Jean anymore!

As for Jean, with Shirley in jail, she didn't have to lie and withhold the fact.

Shirley had already been caught by the police and was bound to receive a life-sentence as she had masterminded a kidnapping scheme, along with extortion and obstruction of justice.

Furthermore, she was indirectly involved in a murder as she was the one who had hired the kidnappers.

Henry's heart ached on hearing Jean's words. He had never expected that his own daughter would go to such lengths just for the sake of money and would even have his son killed just to become the successor of the Wen Group.

'If Shirley had truly been kidnapped just as the newspapers had written, then why would she have been caught by the police? Isn't that a paradox?

Although she hasn't confessed to her crimes till now and therefore, hasn't been convicted of murder as of yet... But wait! If she hasn't pleaded guilty for having something to do with Winner's death, then the police have no right to keep her under arrest for more than twenty four hours, especially if no evidence turns up.

But the man I sent to bail Shirley out was outright refused by Ian. And I have no chance of asking him for the same once again!

Clearly, Shirley really is guilty. Otherwise, she would be out by now.' Henry thought.

He was feeling so desperate so he turned to look at Jean.

"No matter what you want to say to me, I only have one question for you. Don't you think you should try to get some sort of justice for Winner?" Jean asked Henry coldly just as he was intending to say something to her.

"Jean, I know that you are the smartest child of the Wen Family. And to be honest, I've always known that in my heart. And now I realize that it was all my fault. I was too partial to Shirley and I only treated Winner and Shirley well. I treated you really unfairly and never stopped to consider your feelings! I know that I was wrong in doing that. Can you please give your old Dad a chance to compensate for everything he has done to you? Please, my dear baby?" Henry cried. Jean however, wasn't fooled!

"I am sorry. I can't." She outright refused to accept his apology. As she looked at his disappointed face, she continued,"You have already hurt me too much and I cannot be healed like that. No matter what you do, it's not going to be enough and I am never ever going to forgive you. And I must warn you! If you plan on trying to plead innocence for Shirley, then I suggest you give up before you waste your time and energy! It hasn't been so long since Winner's

"You're my wife in name only, on paper only. My heart and love will never be yours."

Edward made it clear to Daisy that she was nothing to him. They were both victims of family greed -- the marriage was arranged for them.

Six years passed. She remained quiet, gaining a reputation in the army as a tough-as-nails colonel. When she walked into his life again, Edward fell in love with this woman...

said these words.

"Don't be so sad about that bastard, baby. I'm here, and I'm never going to leave you." Zed's heart ached when he saw her red eyes brimming with tears. "It's okay, baby. It's my responsibility to care for you, and it is my privilege to love you. Now that you know I'm faithful to you, all you should do in return is be happy."

"I will, Zed. I trust you and I love you very much." Jean nodded heavily in an effort to calm down.

"Hey! You can openly tell me that you love me now! How have you changed so much?" Zed looked at Jean in surprise and joked.

"Indeed, I've changed a lot since I left the Wen Family. I've become more outgoing and daring, especially when it comes to expressing my feelings. Zed, which side of me do you like more? The shy introvert? Or the confident extrovert?" Jean asked shyly.

"I..." Zed pretended it was hard to answer her question and hesitated for a while with an indecisive look on his face.

Jean felt a little bit worried about his hesitation. "You preferred the old, shy, introverted me from the past, right?" she hurriedly asked before he could reply. "Is that why you married me? Oh, no! What do I do now? My personality is so different now. Do you still like me?"

"No, Jean. I don't like you anymore, especially this overconfident self!" Zed pretended to nod his head in agreement.

Jean felt so worried when she heard that Zed didn't like her confident self. She said,"What if I change myself to the way I formerly was? Will you like me after that?"

"How are you so innocent, Jean?" Zed burst into laughter. Seeing that Jean was serious about his words, he sighed and couldn't help rubbing her head affectionately. "Yes, sweetheart. You did attract me in the past. And in the start, you were so different than everyone else I had ever met, and I pursued you just out of curiosity. But after sometime, I found out that I had grown fond of you. As for now..."

Zed paused for a moment, so Jean hurriedly asked him,"What about now?"

"Now I've totally fallen in love with you. It's not just mere appreciation of who you are or were, Jean. I love you. I love you so much! I can never tell you just how much!" Zed stared at her with affection and he explained with a smile on the corner of his mouth, refuting his pretentious melodrama.