Chapter 574 A Mad Pedestrian

Hearing Moore pop the question, Jean suddenly realized that while she was lost in thought, she had been gazing intently on his handsome face.

Embarrassed, she tried to cover herself. "No, I wasn't. I was just thinking and trying to decide what we should do? Should we go have fun or go straight home after leaving the hospital?"

"So, have you decided?" Moore enquired as he held Jean and they walked outside.

"Yes, I've decided. If we come back home later, we'll have nothing to do. So, I suggest we take Avery out, and hang around for a few hours or so..."

'Probably, there would be a scene of the hero saving the beauty, and then Moore and Avery will decide to get married and live happily ever after.

After all, Avery is a big star, and is quite well-known to the public. If she appears in public, a crowd is sure to form and swarm around her.

When it gets chaotic, Moore will have to stand up, him being the gentleman he is.'

A complacent smile emerged on Jean's face as she thought of these things.

"Hang around? Are you mad?" Moore repeated in an annoyed tone. "Have you forgotten who Avery is? She can't appear in public like that. And besides, you have a sprained leg. Do you want me to hold you wherever we go?"

"Haha..." Avery gave a laugh when she heard Moore, and

Jean's face reddened as she stared at Avery, irritated. She turned to look at Moore and asked pitifully, "But, I'm bored to death staying at home. I wanna go somewhere."

"Talk to Zed about it. I am not the one to decide." After settling Jean on her seat, Moore opened the car door on the opposite side for Avery in a gentlemanly manner. Making sure that Avery had settled, Moore then seated himself.

Since he hadn't bought her idea, Jean was feeling annoyed. She cast an angry stare towards Avery who was sitting beside her and hummed coldly, "Avery, you are so ungrateful. "

Avery tried to hold her laughter but was unsuccessful on seeing Jean acting like that. She cupped one hand in the other, and looked at her pitifully, as if silently telling her that it could not be helped.

Avery's funny look made Jean's anger disappear and s

"You're my wife in name only, on paper only. My heart and love will never be yours."

Edward made it clear to Daisy that she was nothing to him. They were both victims of family greed -- the marriage was arranged for them.

Six years passed. She remained quiet, gaining a reputation in the army as a tough-as-nails colonel. When she walked into his life again, Edward fell in love with this woman...

t, that's my personal intention, and not everybody needs to know." Moore gave out a cold laugh.

"You know very well that Gary won't give up so easily. Nobody can talk him out of something once he has decided to do it. The only way for you to truly leave the family is to follow my advice. Unless of course," Hanley added, "you want to be bothered by him from time to time. I heard that he postponed his plan to go back to the Imperial Capital, and stayed here in H City only. You know very well why!"

Hanley looked at Moore in the eye, hoping to get an answer.

Jean sat in the car watching them but couldn't hear the conversation. Her face was getting more and more worried with each passing second.

"Avery, you stay. I'll go check on them." Jean was about to open the door as she spoke.

"Jean, don't go." Avery stopped her. "Don't worry. Moore can handle it well."

Jean was surprised to hear that and looked at her in confusion. She couldn't understand what Avery meant by stopping her from helping Moore.

"You really don't need to protect him all the time. Moore is actually quite tough. He ranked first intellectually in our school back then. Many students felt unbalanced, so they came to provoke him, but Moore always taught them a lesson in a hard way.

This man Hanley, he looks unintelligent. He's not Moore's rival at all. So, don't worry. It's not us women's business. We'd better stay out of it."