Chapter 600 All I Need Is You

"Mrs. Jean..." screamed Toby with a look of unease.

'Why is there a sudden change in Mrs. Jean's emotion?' wondered Toby feeling startled.

"Don't bother me Toby. I am fine and I need to spend some time alone," answered Jean without maintaining an eye contact. While she stood outside Joy's ward, Toby detected a look of seriousness on Jean's face. It seemed like she was trying hard to repress her sadness.

On the other side of the door, Joy's face had guilt and other self-loathing emotions written all over it. And this emotion deepened further as she realized that she had failed to respond appropriately and now Jean had already left.

Since she had no choice, she contemplated over each and every word which Jean uttered a few seconds ago. At the end, her pale face changed and was replaced with a smile.

After spending quite a while sitting on the chair and trying to calm herself down, Jean finally got up. It seemed nearly impossible to regain peace in her heart. Somehow, she succeeded in dragging herself near the gate.

Toby, who carefully followed her, looked at her with some worry. Several times he had almost reached out his hand to help Jean who stumbled every now and then. But in the end, he would back down since she always managed to regain her balance.

Moreover, he was well aware about the disparity of status between him and Jean so he tried his best to maintain a distance. Deep in his heart, he knew he had to protect her since it was a duty given to him by Mr. Zed. But at the same time he could not take the liberty of touching her unless and until there was an emergency.

After clumsily staggering everywhere, Jean finally reached near the area where the car was parked. Being aware this adventurous journey was over, Toby let out a sigh of relief. Once Jean got inside the car, she seemed relaxed.

Now Toby got to the driver's seat and the car started to move ahead steadily. Jean gazed outside to admire the beautiful landscape. For a while, she was lost admiring the scenery but swiftly her mind went back to the problems that she was dealing with.

'Well, sometimes life is just like what is in front of me.

No matter what scenery is being shown now, good or bad, the next second it changes completely. All at once, something new is presented before me. And the worst part is, it changes so quickly that I have no time to respond. No matter how hard I try, it will keep moving.

Joy has played a big role in my miserable childhood, but now I think it is time for me to let her go from my life.

But why is it that I feel disheartened to see her gradually fade away?

Am I insane since it seems like I am deriving pleasure from this pain? Did I forget all about her cruelty which I tolerated when I was very young?

When will I stop being so stupid!

You know very well it's not easy for you to let go of your hatred for her.

But she has the right to make her choice since this is her life, ' thought Jean.

Finally she rested her mind convi

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex. To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him. "As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses.”She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women...

e her anymore. You just never said it," said Zed with a smile. Zed felt relaxed at the realization that Jean had forgiven Joy but he also knew she was hesitant to admit it. Like always, he managed to read her mind.

"No, I'm not," Jean shook her head at Zed's words and denied it. With frustration, she added, "How could I not hate her? You have no idea what she has done to me..."

"All right, whatever you say. The last thing I want is to argue with you about this matter. We have already had enough fight because of this. I have no intention of upsetting you," replied Zed surrendering to Jean's words. Moreover, he knew Jean had suffered a lot and it might take her a while to admit it. In a happy tone, he added, "How do you feel now? Are you tired? Do you want to go back to the bedroom and have some rest?"

"Well, yes. I do feel tired right now and a little rest would be useful," replied Jean with a nod.

"Let me take you to the bedroom then," suggested Zed happily. Without giving her any time to respond, he bent down and carried her up carefully. Slowly, he made his way toward the bedroom.

"Zed," whispered Jean, as she put her arms around his neck softly. Staring into his eyes, she asked, "Did you leave the company early to check how I am doing?"

"Well, sort of! Zelda mentioned that you were going to be alone since Moore and Avery would be away. I wanted to ensure you wouldn't be bored," replied Zed as he stepped into their bedroom. Carefully, he placed Jean on their bed.

"Would you like to lie down for a rest too?" asked Jean as she gave him a big smile. She continued, "You always go to bed late at night and then wake up early the day. This is definitely not good for you body, don't you agree?"

Seeing this concern on his beautiful wife's face, Zed's heart swelled with happiness. "Please don't worry about me. I am taking good care of myself. I'm glad to see that your appetite has improved lately. How's pregnancy treating you? Do you feel better now?"