Chapter 628 I'sm Sorry

"It's because…" Jean rested her head on Zed's chest and whispered, "I know when it comes to the matters of love, anyone can be selfish in a relationship. But I always thought you're different from the rest. You're simply the best, you bring out the best in everything. I always tell myself with pride that I'm so lucky to be your wife.

You have no idea how grateful I am to have you, Zed. I thank God that I met you and thank him for bringing us closer together. Loving you and sharing things with you are the best things in the world for me. And now we have our little one. Life keeps getting better with you.

Sometimes, I am overwhelmed with joy to a point that I never realized I was neglecting you already. I always thought you knew how much I love you and there were no doubts in your mind. But I have seen a different Zed today…"

Talking about this, a weak smile formed on Jean's flushed face.

Zed lowered down his eyes to meet Jean's, not knowing how to react.

"Zed, why do you feel insecure? He was just a classmate from primary school. And you know how much I love you, so how could you lose control and be upset? Do you know how sad I am to see you that way?"

"Jean…" Unable to say the words he meant to say, Zed sighed and hugged her. "I know how much you love me but it's just that I'm afraid to lose you. You're an enchanting woman. I felt threatened sometimes. You can't blame me to feel that way. Part of me doesn't want to share you with other people…"

"Hmm, you still have doubts about me." A lazy smile crossed Jean's face. "In my heart, I only have one man and that's you. But you know that I also need to interact with other people. So stop thinking this nonsense, okay? I'm your wife and I'm yours. My love for you is endless. But all I want is just little freedom and I would never break my promise to you."

"Okay. I knew it was my fault and I am just a jealous guy here. I just felt uncomfortable why you di

When her sister ran away from the wedding, Autumn was forced to marry Charles.

His name had been linked to innumerable ladies.

He had different girlfriends for every day of a year.

Autumn had never thought that she would fall in love with him.


"Since Avery and I are dating, I'm thinking that maybe I should move out. And I don't think the Bai family would do any harm to me anymore. I plan to move back to the Harkin Garden,"

Moore said as he moved his eyes from Zed to Jean.

Jean had expected that Moore would move out soon.

But she didn't expect it would happen so sooner.

"But still, you have to be cautious with the Bai family. Do what you think is best for you. I won't force you to stay here." Jean sighed heavily and looked at Moore. "Although I'm sad, I understand that you need your own space for your relationship with Avery to prosper. And I just hope you didn't make that decision because of what you saw earlier."

Then Jean stared morosely at Zed.

Zed touched his nose idly. 'My fault again, Jean will not forgive me if that's Moore's reason of moving out.'

"No, it's not," Moore grew anxious and quickly explained. "As a matter of fact, I already planned to move out few days ago. I felt happy while living here, I really am. But I've recovered my health and I have to think about my future."

"I see, now I understand." Jean nodded. "If I hadn't matched you up with Avery, you wouldn't move out so early."

She stopped at the end of her sentence, leaned back on the chair and heaved a sigh.