Chapter 653 Prenatal Checkups

"Why are you staring at me that way? It feels weird," Zed asked, with faintly blushed cheeks.

"Nothing. I am just lost in thoughts. Zed, I've realized that you have rarely taken a business trip lately. Have you cancelled them especially for being with me and our baby?"

Jean asked out of abrupt enlightenment of that fact.

It took Jean quite some time to emerge at the conclusion that Zed was indeed avoiding staying away from his family.

"Not really. I have assigned a few of my subordinates to substitute on behalf of me," Zed responded with a heavy sigh. The sudden pang of realization was slowly finding its way inside him as well.

Earlier, he could never feel assured to let Jean out of his sight after the video incident, as the constant worry regarding the perpetual threat from Calvin made him terrified for his family.

At that time, he took the rather intriguing decision and assigned many of his businesses to his employees who were loyal and trustworthy.

Thinking of all the happy moments he savoured with Jean when he wasn't so workaholic, Zed understood that he had rendered a relieved life to his brain.

Jean had always made it a point to remind him constantly that as long as they had enough money in hand to live modestly well, he wouldn't have to give undue importance to his work.

Zed's heart skipped a beat when Jean said that to him.

Now he had become more and more sentimentally attached to his family - Jean and their baby. Almost so that he wondered whether the attachment had crossed its limits too.

But how could a man not be ambitious? Wasn't that the one thing that all men shared?

It was so lucky for Zed that he had taken over his family business here and established a strong foothold in the world of commerce. His name was undoubtedly a recognizable name in the industry. Besides, since Moore had promised to join his company, he would have more time to spend with his family soon.

His wealth would be enough for Jean and their baby to enjoy an extravagant and luxurious life even if he didn't spend the rest of his life trying to expand the business he had established.


Zed was a little concerned about what his grandfather had mentioned to him about his uncle some time ago. He felt that Jean and him coming back to H City after their visit to the Imperial Capital would not go as smoothly as planned, as he constantly worried that something ominous might occur.

Thus, he postponed their return to the Imperial Capital without hesitation as soon as Jean gave him an ample reason to call off the journey. She informed him that Maranda was going to get married and Jean felt a little hard to make a choice as to whether to take part in Maranda's wedding party or go back to the Imperial Capital as she had promised to Zed's grandfather.

Anyway, Zed hoped that he was over thinking. Perhaps this was all a hoax his mind was generating.

"Zed, thank you. Thank you for all that you have done for our baby and me," Jean sobbed, being very grateful to Zed. He was indeed one of the greatest blessings in her life.

"Honey." Zed went speechless after Jean's words. Afterwards, he added, "We are a family and you are my wife, the woman that I love most, the lady I share my life and dreams with, so I am indebted to you. From now onwards, don't talk to me like a stranger. You're a part of me. You complete me. Got it?"

Zed intentionally said in a feigned furious tone.


Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex. To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him. "As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses.”She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women...


"Didn't I promise you that I'll keep you company during the prenatal check-ups scheduled for later today? So I hurried back as soon as I held a meeting in the company to clear off some important decisions. What's wrong with you? I called your name, but you didn't bother giving a response. Besides, when I came back, Zelda told me that you didn't have proper breakfast..."

Zed asked, quite worried.

'This Zelda ratted me out so fast!' thought Jean.

"I'm fine," Jean replied smilingly or rather lied. To ease Zed's worries, she continued, "Perhaps I ate too much of the noodles that you cooked last night, so I don't feel hungry at all."

"Really?" Zed asked Jean again for confirmation as though her explanation seemed flawed and unbelievable.

"Of course, it is true. Since you have returned just for the sake of accompanying me for the prenatal checkups, let's just set off!"

Blurting those words out, Jean stood up abruptly and walked over to Zed.

"Okay," Zed responded with a nod. Before he drove Jean to the hospital, he went back to their bedroom to fetch her bag.

When they arrived, the hospital had been rather crowded. At the sight of this, Zed involuntarily furrowed his eyebrows and walked towards the department of gynecology hand in hand with Jean. He was hoping for a pleasant morning today, even though he was worried about what fate it had in for him today.

As they approached the door of the department, the two of them noticed Elian Wang rushing with a middle-aged woman.

"Uncle Elian..." Zed greeted him with a gentle smile that rarely betrayed him in front of others.

"This is Abbie Li, the head of the Department of Gynecology. You can directly find her when you are at the hospital or you need to consult a doctor." Elian introduced the doctor to Zed and Jean.

"Thank you, Uncle Elian..." Zed expressed his gratitude to him in a hurry.

"You brat, now you are going to be a father! I'm immensely happy for you." As Elian said this, he sighed at how quickly time had flown and added, "You have done a good job!"

Elian patted Zed on his shoulder and left, his lips grinning in the widest angle ever.

"Mr. Qi, Mrs. Qi, please come with me," Abbie greeted them with a happy face, walking towards her office followed by Zed and Jean.