Chapter 703 He Had Come Here

However, when he found out that Shirley was in jail, then as a father, Henry still took pity on her. She had been his favorite daughter after all.

But there was nothing he could do anymore.

Henry began to reflect on his actions. Did he really make so many wrong decisions in his life?

If he hadn't, why was it so painful for him to suffer separation and betrayal from his wife and daughter, and a lot of ire from Jean?

It was Jean who had brought Joy in front of him and made her confess. It was due to Jean that the truth was finally revealed.

It turned out that Joy was the one who had controlled and planned everything. She had thought of everything in advance. She was the one who led Henry to misunderstand Yvette and divorce her. The divorce had made him sad and depressed, and he had started treating Jean coldly.

When Henry understood all of these, he felt very guilty.

If he had realized the truth earlier, the situation would never have ended up like this.

Everything was the result of his ignorance.

His ignorance had hurt too many innocent people like Winner, Yvette, and worse of all, Jean.

They were related to him by blood. Nothing could sever their blood ties.

Unfortunately, it was too late for him to say sorry about that.

He had been totally depressed before Jean came back into his life and he wouldn't have carried on with his life without Jean's encouragement to him.

It was not until today that he realized that everything was written in his destiny.

If something was written for him, it was sure to find him whether he tried for it or not.

Just like Joy, who had accompanied him when he was depressed and wanted to give up many years ago.

Now, he finally understood all the inexcusable things she had done in the past twenty years. But now, she was about to leave them soon. Her life was coming to an end. How could he blame her?

Human life was so fragile.

So he had come there, wanting to say sorry and see her one more time.

Regardless of whether he would forgive her or not, they were still a couple and he still had some affection for her.

No matter what role he would play and whether she needed him, he showed up and wanted to see her off at the end of her

"You're my wife in name only, on paper only. My heart and love will never be yours."

Edward made it clear to Daisy that she was nothing to him. They were both victims of family greed -- the marriage was arranged for them.

Six years passed. She remained quiet, gaining a reputation in the army as a tough-as-nails colonel. When she walked into his life again, Edward fell in love with this woman...

tand everything, even though he could not participate because of physical reasons.

But now he had moved out of Qi Mansion, and Juan had moved in instead of him.

Normally, he wouldn't know everything as he used to.

Moore just felt lost. It seemed to him as if Juan had taken his place in the Qi family, and that he had been pushed outside.

But soon, a bitter smile appeared on his face as he tried to convince himself.

'Moore, how can you even think of something like that?

Jean really thinks of you as her friend. You shouldn't have that idea.'

Moore ceased to think nonsense soon and looked at Jean, who was looking at Juan gloomily. She suddenly asked, "Juan, I was pulled out by you this morning. You just wanted me to handle my family affair as soon as possible, so that I can have the time to persuade Tina for you. Aren't you afraid I'll change my mind and stand by Tina?"

"No, you won't," Juan negated her confidently.

"Why? I mean, how can you be so sure?" Jean was surprised and looked at him with a puzzled face.

What had she done to make him trust her so much?

Or, as Zed said, Juan had simply used her to call Tina into China to make it easier for him to carry out his plan?

Zed was right for now.

Juan was trying to butter her up. Did he just want to please her and make everything go smoothly?

"What are you talking about?" Moore felt a little confused and asked in a puzzled voice.

What Tina? What did Jean mean by changing her mind?