Chapter 708 What Are You Talking About

Moore flushed, feeling a bit embarrassed. He thought about it for a while more, and sighed. "Well," he started, "if I were to choose, I want it to be a girl! So she could grow up like you -- adorable, loving, a bit naughty..."

"What?" Jean said with a giggle. "Moore, is that how you see me?"

"Of course not, these are adjectives to describe kids!" Moore replied, blushing heavily.

'If it is a girl, she must have eyes as bright as yours, like the stars in the sky, shining brightly across light-years of space and straight into people's hearts, '

he thought. He couldn't help but smile as he looked at Jean with loving eyes.

Jean noticed the blush on Moore's face. She thought that if she continued to tease him, he would start to get angry at her.

"Don't overthink it. I was just joking," she sighed. 'I never thought about it myself. Would I want a boy or a girl? Anyway, I will love him or her no matter what!

But if I had to choose, I think I'd like it to be a girl as well. Boys can get too naughty and annoying. I had been bullied too many times by Winner when I was a child. But a girl would be different -- elegant and obedient...'

Jean stared blankly as her thoughts were looking far into the future now when she pictured herself with Zed and their kid. She gave a dreamy sigh.

Moore still had his eyes glued to Jean. He sat there quietly with her, letting her enjoy her moment.

'This moment of peace and happiness she is experiencing is more than I can hope for myself, '

he thought to himself. He knew in his heart that his own happiness would soon be gone from him forever.

Jean blinked, as if remembering only then where she was. "Sorry, I was caught up in my own imagination," she said with a laugh.

"It's okay," Moore said, smiling kindly at Jean.

She picked up her glass and finished her drink. Jean then patted her mouth dry with the table napkin and looked at Moore

It all starts on that fateful night.

When Ella, who is the dear sister of Samuel’s best buddy, sneaks into the hotel where the drunken Samuel resides and gets pregnant…

"I don’t want a divorce!"

"I don’t want a divorce!"

"I did no such thing!"

Ella jumped on the bed and cried out. “I don’t want a scheming woman as my wife. Just sign the paper...

s still smiling. "What? You've been smiling ever since I got here," Jean said. "You're so nice to Moore! It's just that I would have thought you and Moore were a couple, if I didn't know that you had Zed."

"What are you talking about?" She frowned. "Why do you think so?"

'What is going on today?

First my dad, and now Juan...'

"I can't be specific. Maybe because you care for him too much! And he treats you a little too nicely..."

Juan shook his head, his smile widening even more.

"Don't I treat you nicely? Zed always complains that I keep helping you instead of him. Besides, if there is anything other than friendship between me and Moore, do you think I would be so keen on making things work between him and Avery? Juan, don't make random and ridiculous assumptions like that!"

Jean bursted.

"Okay, okay..." he said, trying to wipe the smile off his face as he noticed Jean's anger. "I won't make any more assumptions. It's just that it took ages for you and Moore to get your father back to the hospital. It's just... weird," he continued.

"I talked to my dad about a few things when we got to the hospital," she explained. "Then we went to a cafe for some tea because it was so hot out today. I barely got to eat anything for lunch, you know."