Chapter 791 The Only Hope To Live

'All this time, Yanni has been lying to me.

Why did she do that?

Because she likes me?'

Zed felt it was too hard to believe.

"Now you know that Yanni likes you, what are you going to do? How are you going to handle it?" in a serious tone, Wesley asked Zed, looking at him intently.

At the moment, Zed's thoughts were in a complete mess.

After a while, he laughed bitterly and told Wesley, "I don't know what to do. If I had to choose, of course it would be my wife."

The answer was obvious.

With a deep breath, Wesley felt relieved. He looked at Zed and tried to comfort him. "Don't worry. I'm here to solve your problem."

"What do you mean?" Zed asked, confused.

"As I see it, the reason why Yanni likes you is because of her love for her previous boyfriend. She loves Kenneth so much that she couldn't live without him. She wanted to die so that she could be with him. But you pulled her back. From then on, her love for him went to you,"

Wesley explained carefully.

Stunned, Zed shook his head and looked at Wesley. "How do you know?" he asked.

"Before I came to see you, I talked to Yanni. From her tone and her expression, I could see it," Wesley said with a sigh.

"If what you say is true, how will this get fixed?" Zed asked nervously.

"There's a way, but it's going to be hard," Wesley frowned and heaved out a deep breath.

"No matter how difficult, I truly want to help Yanni get out of the shadow from Kenneth's death. It's my negligence. For years, I've never noticed that she's had a problem..."

Guilt poured out of Zed's tone.

"It's not your fault." Wesley sighed and continued. "I've known Yanni for two years. We talk abo

"Do you know what you did wrong? It's alright if you just wanted to own me. But you should not have helped Molly leave me!"

When Brian learns the truth, there is no chance for Hannah to win his heart.

Molly, who wants to run away from Brian, seems to be the only one to blame for Hannah's misfortune...

pped around her waist.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jean was a little unpleasant at Zed's joke. "Don't ever say that! It brings bad luck. Don't you know?"

"Jean, since when did you become superstitious? If people go broke by declaring it, then I'm already penniless," said Zed in a casual tone, not taking Jean's words seriously.

"I am not superstitious. I just feel uncomfortable hearing you say that." Jean sighed. "You know that my only wish is that our family live happily together. I don't want to hear anything bad."

"So, what did you dream of?" Seeing Jean's face darken, Zed took it seriously and asked.

Jean looked up at Zed with her watery eyes and a sorrowful look, lost in reminiscence.

"In my dream, you decided to leave me and our baby, no matter how Avery, Moore, Juan, Tina and I tried to persuade you to stay..."

"Jean, why would you have such a dream? I will never leave you and the baby, no matter what. We will be together, forever, until the day we grow gray and old." Feeling Jean's sorrow, Zed quickly covered his warm soft hand on hers and gave her a reassuring smile.