Chapter 931 She Threatened To Take Zed Away

With a desperate look at James, Jean replied with a lump in her throat, "She came to threaten that she will take Zed away from me."

"Just relax. Don't think about it too much," James said to comfort her. He took the seat where Julie had sat a while ago and put the coffee mug aside.

"How can I relax?" Jean countered angrily, as tears rushed out from her reddened eyes.

James caressed her hair gently as he said in a soft tone, "But thinking too much about it is not gonna help you solve the problem. You will only get more upset if you continue to think about it. Don't cry, sweetie."

His comforting words worked. Jean's cries faded and the tears stopped.

James truly felt sad seeing her suffer. The sight of her eyes turning red with sorrow made his heart ache.

"Don't worry. I will investigate her. Women like Julie would be popular among men. Perhaps she is dating several men at the same time. If I see her hanging out with some other dude, I will take photos of them and send them to Zed. I am sure he will find her disgusting and lose interest in her. What do you think?" James proposed.

When Jean didn't respond, he joked, "If she doesn't have anyone, I will sacrifice myself and seduce her. Either way, I'm gonna help you with this."

"Seriously?" Jean asked. "You're the only one I know here and the only friend I can turn to for help. Are you really willing to help me out?" she asked gingerly.

James nodded with a smile and replied, "Of course I am. We're friends, aren't we? Friends are supposed to help each other out."

"Should I do anything? Do you need help?" Jean inquired, looking at him nervously.

"No, you don't have to do anything. All you need to do is cheer up and change your state of mind. Don't make yourself look like a wife who complains all the day. Can you do that?" James said, breaking into a warm smile.

Jean nodded in agreement, returning his smile.

After she had calmed down, James drove her to her place.

He was curious about Julie. 'She got in between Jean and Zed so easily. She must be one shrewd, calculating woman.

I've dated many different women. I'll handle this one for Jean myself, ' he thought angrily.

Jean Wen sacrificed herself for family interests. Before her husband divorced her, she made every effort to please him.

"You are inexperienced in bed," he said coldly.

"You! Give that land to my family, or I won't agree to divorce," Jean replied furiously.

"Fine. It is exactly what I am thinking about," he sneered.

stepped out of the bathroom, he saw Jean lying on the bed. He slowly lay beside her, took the quilt off her body and put his arm around her waist. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Are you asleep?"

Jean kept her eyes tightly closed and pretended to be asleep.

To avoid arguing with him about Julie, she chose not to speak to him at all. That way, she thought she would be able to keep her composure.

She was afraid that she would never get Zed back if she continued fighting with him.

"Honey, I want you..." Zed said seductively, leaning closer to her. He kissed her cheek gently.

Jean remained still, with her back to him. She didn't say anything.

"I know you're awake," Zed continued in his sexy voice. He started to unbutton her silk pajamas and fondled her body with his big hand.

She gritted her teeth slightly and said, "Could you please take care of your need on your own? I'm not in the mood."

His hand froze. He said in a displeased tone, "Did you have to ruin the moment?"

'We haven't had sex even once after her surgery. She refused to have sex with me and I was fine with it back then. After all, she was too weak at the time. But it has been such a long time since she had the surgery. Besides, she works out now and looks much better. Why does she still refuse to sleep with me?' he wondered, irritated and unsatisfied.

Loosening his grip on her, Zed turned his back towards Jean and closed his eyes grimly.