Chapter 1009 James Finally Knows The Truth

Everything that occurred seemed like a dream. Zed and Jean were sharing their fascination and love for each other throughout the night. By the time they woke up, the golden rays of the morning sun were glazing their cheeks.

Last night not only helped Zed and Jean repair their relationship and jolt their relationship status to the next level, it also rendered James and Julie an opportunity to stay together.

Not long after Zed's departure from his office, James finally gave up resisting Julie's temptation. James found Hess standing next to them. Hence, James directly ordered Hess, "Please arrange a room for me. I'll take care of the formalities later."

It was Hess who had added the drug to Julie's coffee. He was perfectly aware of the after effects of that drug. The drug would severely affect the desire of the person so that whoever took the drug would feel very uncomfortable if he or she didn't find a way to release the built-up tension.

'Julie, don't blame me. All my actions so far have been done keeping your well-being in mind. Moreover, the man looks handsome too.'

Hess tried very hard to convince himself. He escorted James and Julie to a room and then left them alone.

Jean and Zed woke up late. On the other hand, Julie woke up very early. After all, she and James hadn't indulged in sex for that long and the effect of the drug had eventually worn off. When she woke up the next morning and saw a man lying next to her, she immediately assumed it to be Zed.

Julie was sometimes very simple, because she never bothered to confirm whether the man lying next to her was indeed Zed or not. She put her arms around the man's waist from his back and said to him in a soft voice, "Zed, please rest assured. Although this incident has happened, I will not destroy your family. I will be the woman who will always support you from behind the curtains."

As a matter of fact, all that occurred yesterday was intricately planned by Julie. She knew very well that Zed loved Jean very much. She also knew that she couldn't force Zed to break up with Jean, because she did not possess that much effect on him. If she did try forcing Zed to leave Jean, she would get nothing at all in the end.

But the situation had drastically changed since then. Julie reckoned that it would be difficult for Zed to refuse such a considerate woman like her.

Zed didn't desire for Julie, but now what had been done couldn't be undone. Julie believed that Zed wouldn't know how to refuse her. Moreover, she simply wished to be the woman behind him.

There was another reason why Julie was so confident that her trick would work perfectly. In her opinion, men were greedy. They all wante

It all starts on that fateful night.

When Ella, who is the dear sister of Samuel’s best buddy, sneaks into the hotel where the drunken Samuel resides and gets pregnant…

"I don’t want a divorce!"

"I don’t want a divorce!"

"I did no such thing!"

Ella jumped on the bed and cried out. “I don’t want a scheming woman as my wife. Just sign the paper...

to fill her vacuum mind. She even forgot to dress herself up during this time. When James came out of the shower, she continued to apologize to him, "I'm sorry, James. I was wrong. I admit that. But please let me explain."

"You don't have to apologize to me. I just want to tell you one thing. Actually, I've been wanting to tell you about it since quite some time but for some reason I didn't acquire the guts to do it. Now it seems that it was a right choice to keep it hidden from you."

Julie looked at James in surprise and muttered something to herself. She fathomed that what James was going to tell her next would be far from favorable.

But her curiosity got the best out of her and she couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter? Tell me frankly."

"Actually, my relationship with my father has eased down significantly. My father supports me financially now. And I'm also going to take over the family business."

James suddenly stopped when he mentioned this, but Julie understood what James meant. Actually, Julie had investigated his background discreetly after the very first day she met him. So she knew that James' family was also very rich and nowhere less than Zed.

James' words hit her like a slap on her face, and it made Julie quite regretful.

"James, listen to me. I can explain. This is all a misunderstanding and a giant hoax."

James looked at Julie and asked her with a frozen sneer, "So, Julie, can you tell me what the truth is? What is this giant hoax you're referring to? Are you trying to tell me that you don't like Zed at all? You just want to cooperate with Zed because your family's trouble? Or do you want to tell me that the reason why you made such a mistake was that you were just too drunk or confused to make a sound judgment at that moment?"