When she heard the news, song Kexin was a little confused. She even turned to see the Maserati for more than ten seconds before her brain came to her.

Maserati is right. The silver gray color is right. She's on Haikou road now. The ring road is not far ahead. Is this Maserati? If there is no accident... It should be this Maserati!

Song Kexin's head is muddled, even she doesn't know how she got off the car, but she just comes out for dinner, and she has to go back on duty in half an hour at most. Who would have thought that the Kung Fu of waiting for ye Mo on the roadside made her encounter this!

Song Kexin was a little confused at the beginning, but when she got out of the car and ran not far away, she immediately completed her transformation from an ignorant little girl to a fighter, with firm and persistent eyes.

Brother long originally looked at the coming traffic police with a calm face, but coldly saw that the door of the police car in front of him was opened, and a policewoman rushed towards him as soon as she got off the bus. Brother Long's spirit was tense, and he didn't know it was a big deal!

At present, he has been blocked by a truck and has no way to go back. Only when he gets out of the car to fight for a dead end can he have a chance of life. When a policeman rushes towards him, it means that more policemen are on their way here. Now he is racing against time!

It's only a short distance of tens of meters in the middle. Before the traffic police came near, song Kexin had caught up from behind. Just when song Kexin was ready to draw the gun, Maserati's door suddenly opened, and then there was brother Long's ferocious face and a black muzzle.

Song Kexin's brain is empty, gun... How can the other party have a gun!

At this moment, song Kexin thought too much of Wang Shuping's instruction to her. If Wang Shuping was present, she would be sure to wait for the big troops to come, instead of rushing up bravely.

Then song Kexin thought of his parents, and finally thought of Ye Mo, now he is running to this road.

Last time when he was pointed at by a gun in the bank, he shot and saved himself at the critical moment. Now he is also aiming a gun at himself. He has also opened the insurance and pulled the trigger. Who else can help him at this time!

The traffic police guy on the side has no idea. It's the first time for him to come across this thing in these years. He watched the fierce man pull the trigger at the policewoman, but he couldn't help it!

"Da" of a light ring, the trigger is pulled down, yes, but no bullets from the fire, dumb? Gun failure?

Dragon brother himself also appeared a little flustered, this 95 he usually has been very good maintenance, how can in this most critical time failure!

Just in the moment of Longge's shock, song Kexin has quickly drawn his gun at Longge. If he makes a mistake once, he will never make it again. This is the chance that God has given her. She can't miss it!

There was never the benevolence of women on duty. At the critical moment, either you or I died. Song Kexin pulled the trigger decisively, "bang" a shot, and a bullet shot out along the rifling.

Brother Long's face was still shocked, and his expression gradually froze. Then his pupils were lax, and his voice disappeared. A peanut sized hole in the center of his eyebrows was continuously oozing blood, and all the dust was settled!

The traffic police on the side were stunned, and the truck drivers around were also stunned. One by one, they looked at the valiant posture of the policewoman who was standing with a gun, and the muzzle of the gun was still emitting plumes of smoke. An indescribable emotion came into being!

From time to time, who forgot to turn off the lights when taking photos? With this first person taking the lead, the rest of the people also responded. At one time, the first-hand information from different angles was uploaded to the circle of friends and the major local forums in Jiangbei. Overnight, the public opinion was furious!

At the moment, song Kexin lightly takes back his gun. His face is light and cloudless. He seems to be used to such small scenes. In fact, he has been wet with cold sweat.

However, the more time you have to be calm, especially when you are exposed to the public. This is also the most important lesson that Uncle Wang taught her.

"Hello, command desk? This is song Kexin. I'm in..."

When song Kexin reported the situation here to the command post, only five minutes later, a police car rushed to the scene, and then it was a step-by-step way. When song Kexin walked out of the cordon blocked by layers, he was already a celebrity in the police circle of Jiangnan province!


"What's a man of the moment? That's a man of the moment! It's young people's world after all! " A leader of the provincial department sighed.


"This is the fighter of the people! Our good comrades! Since Song Kexin was transferred to Jiangbei Municipal Bureau, he has been in the interests of the people... "In front of the camera of many media, director Zhao spoke impassively, and the scene was filled with applause.

During his term of office, director Zhao didn't expect to make great achievements. Song Kexin was transferred to Jiangbei Municipal Bureau, and he appeared in front of the public media twice in succession. She is worthy of being the daughter of the old leader!

It is said that he was lucky to have been mentioned several times by a major leader at the last provincial meeting. It can be imagined that after this incident, he will be transferred to the provincial department in a few years!

After the press conference, director Zhao was still full of glory, and immediately got through song Kexin's phone. He was full of concern and said: "Kexin, you are also tired during this period of time. I will give you a week's long holiday to have a good rest. Alas, work and rest, listen to me!

What is Zhao bureau? It's called Uncle Zhao. Uncle Wang and I are old subordinates of your father. When you were born, I drank your full moon wine! OK, that's it. Let's have a rest, relax and get ready for the press conference in two days. How can we have another star on our shoulders? "

After hanging up the phone, song Kexin did not know how to be good. At that time, she was really very nervous, but after the incident, her mood was quite flat.

She just did what she was supposed to do. It's hard to understand why the Bureau was so excited from top to bottom to maximize things.

In addition to the Municipal Bureau, a large number of media friends gathered at the first scene. When the reporter asked what he thought when he was pointed at by a criminal with a gun, song Kexin's politically correct and almost textbook like answer immediately won the house.

Looking at the excited appearance of the reporters and colleagues, song Kexin only felt dull and pondered another question in his heart. Why did the gun suddenly go silent? Why was this extremely unlikely event so lucky that it happened to be met by him?

Then song Kexin's mind drifted away. If ye Mo hadn't asked herself to come here to meet him, she would never have met such a thing. But the fact is that she appeared in the place where she shouldn't have appeared, and met the person she shouldn't have met. What's more, the gun that should have killed her on the spot was dumbed!

"Is it really just a coincidence?" Song Kexin whispered.

The discovery that night was still shocking. A large amount of contraband was found in Maserati's trunk, which is the best in the history of drug enforcement in Jiangbei. Subsequently, several departments worked together to complete a series of follow-up tasks. It seems that tonight's event has come to an end, but the impact is still escalating and fermenting

"Hello, officer song, I'm really sorry for the delay. I don't know what happened in the traffic jam in front of me. I heard that the police over there shot and killed people. Are you ok?" After leaving the scene, song Kexin receives ye Mo's phone call, and his boring heart is infused with some color.

"I'm fine. Where are you?" Song Kexin asked flatly.

"I'm on the roadside around the city now. I'm coming here."

"That's a coincidence. I'm on the roadside around the city now. Wait a minute. I seem to see you. Look ahead, on the right side." Song Kexin said and waved. From a distance, he saw the figure holding the mobile phone all the way waving in response.

Although the distance is a little far, the street lamp is dim, and some can't really see, song Kexin knows that it is Ye Mo, and his face can't help showing a warm smile.

When ye Mo runs to song Kexin with sweat and breath, song Kexin can't help laughing. She can't help but see the scene of inviting Ye Mo to eat donkey meat for the first time.

Silly, so simple, is a sunshine big boy, a little cold, and a little child temper, looking at Ye Mo's face sweat panting, somehow, song Kexin feel his whole heart melt.