Of course, the car didn't drive towards the city Bureau, and the two people on the car didn't say a word. The embarrassing atmosphere was inevitable. The problem was that both sides didn't know how to speak after the embarrassment.

"Don't you have anything to say to me?" After a long time, song Kexin finally asked.

"What do you want to hear?"

"I saw what happened to you with that white-collar woman before, and what does Mr. Li have to do with you? I'm a criminal policeman. If you lie, don't try to cheat me." Song Kexin said calmly.

Ye Mo also lit a cigarette and said, "since you want to know, I'll tell you the truth. The white-collar woman's name is Wang Ying, and she's my girlfriend. As for general manager Li Yao, she's my wife who got the certificate more than half a month ago."

In a word, song Kexin is as calm as a man. He looks up at Ye Mo and says, "what about me?"


"Just friends?" Song Kexin asked.

"My heart is not big enough to hold too many women. I'm sorry." Ye Mo opens a way.

"I see. You go." Song Kexin stepped on the brake.

"Didn't you say you'd take me to the bureau?"

"Go away! Go away Song Kexin screamed hysterically, which just drove Ye Mo out of the car, then stepped on the accelerator and ran away.

Ye Mo shakes his head slightly as he looks at the direction of the police car leaving. His identity is sensitive. It doesn't matter whether it's Li Yao, Wang Ying or other girls, but song Kexin is different. She has a father with a Chinese prefix.

It's better not to do anything if it doesn't happen to them. It's good for both of them. It's a gentleman's friend and an ordinary friend. Before, in the conference room, ye Mo admitted that he was a libertine.


After Song Kexin went back, his first feeling was that the atmosphere in the Bureau was much more dignified. Last night's events made people all over the Bureau panic. As for Zhao Bureau and Wang team, they didn't sleep all night. It was only half an hour ago that they saw the old commander of the military region come back from the shantytown.

As for the series of events that happened last night, the old chief only said two things. The first is to protect the legitimate interests of his old company commander. The demolition price is what it should be.

Although only the old man Xue Weiguo is mentioned, the implication is that the whole shantytown is included. If anyone wants to deceive himself, maybe he won't be seen in the standing committee next month.

The one from the municipal side who helped to transform the shantytowns has been asked by the Commission for Discipline Inspection to have tea. In addition, Mr. Zhang, the general manager of Shengtian, is now half a loser. Now he is lying in the intensive care unit. Without more than half a year's cultivation, he can't even get out of bed.

The matter of re bidding for shantytown projects is certain, so that those enterprises after fair competition, the relevant departments to do a good job of supervision, everything is not a problem.

But the second point is that we should not let go of any person who is responsible for the matter. All those who are involved in the matter must go deep into the end. That is what has put great pressure on the market.

Those who left last night are still locked up in the garrison headquarters, and their own people are detained by other departments. They can't even see the main leader when they negotiate. It's like being slapped and swaggering around with the palm print. If they can't make breakthrough progress here, no one will say anything even if they are locked up next year.

In addition, Zhao Tianbao's group of criminal gangs took the initiative to report the criminal facts of Sheng Tian and Zhang Bin over the years. Some of them were even involved in a higher level of bigwigs. They asked a nine grade sesame official to investigate a senior official. This is not forcing them to hit the stone with their eggs!

But the already complicated relationship also involved a case of human trafficking. Last night, Xue Weiguo's granddaughter was abducted from school. Fortunately, it didn't develop to an irreversible situation.

However, after a thorough investigation, the special personnel immediately found a clue, which involved a large number of women abduction and trafficking cases. Even the two headless female corpses found three years ago on the riverside could be associated with it.

Originally, he thought that pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud would bring out a big case that would shake the whole country. Wang Zhengyi's career in the police field for more than 30 years has never felt that his burden is so heavy.

Zhang Bin was reported by Liu Tianbao and others. There were five homicide cases alone. Even the remains of a woman who was killed are now buried in the basement, and the ground is hardened again later.

As for other places mentioned, Wang Zhengyi sent people to go there, but song Kexin was left behind.

"Uncle Wang, why do I have time when everyone has a task?" Song Kexin says that her mind is full of pictures of Ye Mo being close to the white-collar woman. Only when she gets busy can she stop thinking about these.

Wang Zhengyi's face was dignified at the moment: "Kexin, the reason why you are free is that you have more important tasks. Once you dig deep, this is a big case that shakes China.

I haven't made up my mind whether to hand over this case to you or not, but in recent years, except for you, Jiangbei is a new face, and all the others are old people, so the risk of exposure will be great.... "

After leaving Wang Zhengyi's office, the confusion in Song Kexin's eyes gradually turns to firmness. The case is very deep, and the radiation surface is not only Jiangbei, but also scum from a higher level to provide protection for each other.

It's the only feasible plan to let a new person get involved in it. As for the danger, Wang Zhengyi doesn't evade her. Song Kexin finally chooses to accept it. Maybe she can get out of the constant disturbance of the scissors when she leaves Jiangbei

On the other hand, the people of team Zhang are being locked up in the Jiangbei police headquarters to receive repeated bombing. The people of the police headquarters have no scruples when they start to work. They are kept separately for 24 hours without sleeping. The repeated bombing is still light, and all the hot pepper water tiger benches are the leftovers of years ago.

Although these people look fierce, once the psychological defense line is broken, they immediately explain everything, including the black money they have collected and the shelters they have provided.

When the people of the police headquarters brought these confessed criminal facts to the Zhao Bureau, the Zhao Bureau was very insipid.

There are hidden rules in all walks of life, such as taking kickbacks from buyers, giving red envelopes to doctors and teachers. These common things are meaningless.

Zhang team and his subordinates are nothing to him. Except for the newcomers who have just entered the circle, no one dares to say that their buttocks must be clean. It's just a matter of how much.

"Lao Zhao, it's reasonable that I shouldn't interrupt. I just want to remind you that it doesn't matter how big things are right now. The important thing is that the old chief needs an explanation. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Well, I have a clear idea, but the demolition is beyond my jurisdiction. I can't control how the municipal government will operate." Zhao said.

"It's good to do what's on hand, and other people's affairs don't need to worry. If you confirm that there's no problem, I'll let them release them later."


The massive shantytown reconstruction project seems to have come to a perfect end after the municipal re bidding. Old man Xue rejected Feng's good intention to arrange him into the Military Commission compound, and he didn't want to bother to argue about the right and wrong of that year.

Old Feng didn't force it. He knew that the old company commander put it down after seeing through it. With this intervention, at least there was no worry in his life.

During this period, Feng also met with Ye Mo for an afternoon. As for what they said, the outside world would not know.

Ye Mo is the vice president of Xinchuang. It's not difficult for the outside world to find out. In addition, the old chief's meeting with Ye Mo was not deliberately concealed. It depends on everyone's guess whether it was just a heartfelt thanks or an unintentional signal to the outside world.

In a word, Xinchuang shared 80% of the shantytown reconstruction project with its absolute capital advantage, and its strong financial strength refreshed Jiangbei business district's understanding of Xinchuang.

That night, the moonlight is cold, Li Yao looks at Ye Mo smoking alone on the balcony, and her mood is very complicated.

"Yemo, this morning..."

"Needless to say, it's over. I've made it clear to her what I should say. Maybe I won't see her again." Ye Mo opens a way.

Li Yao bit her lip slightly, hesitated for a moment, and said, "there's another thing I want to discuss with you..."