However, the corresponding risks can not be ignored. If you succeed, you will be a big man. If you fail, you won't even know how to die.

Think about the IOU that he called Ye Mo and took out 500000 yuan a year. If he didn't eat or drink, he would have to pay it off for 20 years. This is still the case that he was not cleared. If one day someone touched the boundary, or Cheng Chun had a problem with himself and wanted to make himself, he would end up working for others in vain and get nothing.

"What do you think?" Brother Niu said to his followers.

He didn't hide what ye Mo had said before, and his brother for so many years could probably guess Niu's mind. If he didn't have such an idea in his heart, he couldn't say it.

One of the younger brothers hesitated for a moment and said, "I think what that guy said is reasonable. We do everything, but we can only drink some soup. Although Cheng Chun has something to do with it, he can't support the casino without us brothers."

"Yes, elder brother, Cheng Chun just takes us to make money for him. If one day he breaks down the bridge, we can't help it. The outside world only knows that this gambling shop is owned by us. Once we want to crack down on anything, our brothers have to go in, but he has no worries. What are we working so hard for after so many years! Is it just to take risks for others and work for others? "

Listening to the brothers' statements, brother Niu's mind is more and more active. Now ye Mo can't afford to offend himself. As for Cheng Chun, he can't help Ye mo. even if he's in the current situation, his annual profit will be paid to Ye Mo for 20 years. How big will he be after 20 years!

In that case, he might as well give it a go. Even if it was worse, it could not be worse than the present situation!

As for the other side, ye Mo couldn't have so much cash with him. They went to a nearby bank and put the money in. Zhang Han couldn't help asking: "brother-in-law, you asked him to write an IOU and pay it off in 20 years. What's the meaning of this? It doesn't feel like you are short of money. You can't wait that long for 20 years, can you? "

Ye Mo just smiles and doesn't explain. People will change only when they are forced to die. Otherwise, according to brother Niu's easy temperament, he has been making trouble for so many years. If he doesn't light a fire at the back and force him to play with his life, the generation around him is just a plate of loose sand after all.

A group of people are making little trouble there. If they want to combine them, someone must take the lead. As for brother Niu, I don't know whether he is lucky or unfortunate. He is just selected by Ye mo. if he lets go, he may have a chance to turn over. Otherwise, he will continue to procrastinate. At least he will have to be over 50 years old to breathe a sigh of relief.

This is also ye Mo's plan to prepare more for himself. No matter when he works, he must have talents. Otherwise, no matter how big the power is, it's just a grass without roots that can be overturned

Taizhou is not as complicated as the mainland. Its relationship has been divided decades ago. It's not easy for an outsider who has no roots to gain a firm foothold. It's also possible to compete with those Taizhou tycoons only by twisting those big and small idle guys into a rope.

Of course, these are the afterwords. Ye Mo is not in a hurry. At present, the most important thing is to prepare for the construction of the offensive and defensive Daoguan. The venue has been bought, and you can find a company to decorate it. It seems that he should also visit the city's municipal leaders.

As for Zhang Han, although his ability is not enough, they often just need a messenger. His ability is the second and the most important thing is his character. At least from the observation of these days, Zhang Han's character has passed the test.

If it wasn't for the intersection on the bus, according to the boy's previous fate, he might have been forced to jump off the building by brother Niu.

At noon that day, Zhang Hangang simply washed the van and was ready to go back to pick up the goods. But ye Mo called him over and said, "let go of what you are doing and go out with me."

When Zhang Han heard this, he was also very excited. The two days following his brother-in-law were more wonderful than he had been for so many years. Then he asked excitedly, "brother-in-law, where are we going to collect money this time?"

Yemo knocked on his forehead and said, "what do you charge? Go out and do business! "

Zhang Han takes Ye Mo out with a "Oh". To his surprise, ye Mo stops him at the door of a 4S store and guesses something. Zhang Han is also excited.

Zhang Han's eyes are shining when he looks at those luxury cars with a price tag of 700000 yuan or even more than one million yuan. In the past, he can only feel these luxury cars in his heart. He didn't expect that one day he could see these luxury cars in person and even feel them with his hands.

Looking at Zhang Han's appearance, the shopping guide can't help frowning. If it wasn't for ye Mo's extraordinary temperament, she might have stopped it.

After choosing the transportation tools, they drove directly to the municipal office building. Yemo made a phone call in the car before. When they arrived at the scene, the roadside was full of etiquette ladies, and even the municipal elder brother was in the welcoming line.

Zhang Han's brain is a little confused. Seeing these big people who can only be seen on TV, but now they are welcoming his brother-in-law, he is more and more curious about the identity of his brother-in-law.

It's a pity that my cousin is very tight lipped. No matter how much he talks about it, he still doesn't dare to say a word, which makes him feel strange. Especially, I haven't seen my brother-in-law and my cousin have any intimate behavior these days. They look more like friends.

However, Zhang Han didn't think much about it. Maybe they had some conflicts. Originally, he didn't want to show up in the car, but he was hooked by Ye Mo to signal him to keep up with him, which made him follow Ye Mo anxiously.

Song Guangyu's face is full of spring today. It was originally said that ye Mo, the founder of offensive and defensive Road, planned to open a branch in Taizhou. All of them were eager to open a branch.

As like as two peas in Taizhou City, he never thought that luck would bump into his head. He was even unsure when he received the call from ye mo. He was at the same time watching the real man's video and his heart hung down.

There is no doubt that the attack and defense Daoguan will cause a stir among young people, and even lead the trend in the next few decades. It can be seen that the establishment of Daoguan in their city will stimulate the economy and culture.

What's more, the attack and defense of Daoguan are inseparable from the Xinchuang group in the mainland. Although the Xinchuang group has not grown to the level of an international giant, they are well-informed and know that the president of Xinchuang is the apple of the eye of the Li family of the Chinese giant family.

A giant like the Li family can push the city's economy forward for decades. For song Guangyu, it's just a big pie in the sky, which will blow him up.

Seeing ye Mo get out of the car and walk towards this side, song Guangyu also dare not take out the shelf, quickly went up to hold Ye Mo's hand, politely said: "master ye, time is in a hurry, the preparation work is not enough, please don't mind, I have arranged the hotel to prepare the banquet for you!"

Ye Mo just said with a smile: "I'm flattered by Song Shi's enthusiasm. After a mother from Taichung and the mainland opened the first offensive and defensive Daoguan in Jinling, I've always wanted to come to Taizhou to open a second Daoguan. But these days I've been busy with trifles. Today's visit is also a temporary intention, which delays your office.

In the next few decades, the offensive and defensive road will inevitably cause a global trend. As a large enterprise with unlimited potential, the new creation will continue to invest in Taichung. Together with all of you here, we will strive to build Taichung into a vibrant international metropolis. In the future, I am afraid there will be a lot of places to grow up in the city of matsong. "

What ye Mo said is that song Guangyu is comfortable in body and mind. Originally, he was still thinking about how to start from attacking and defending Daoguan and let Xinchuang invest in them. Unexpectedly, ye Mo had just met him and said this on his own initiative. It was a great luck that hit him.

Song Guangyu immediately patted his chest and assured: "Mr. Ye is very kind. On behalf of the municipal administration and myself, I would like to say that whenever Mr. Ye needs help, we will do our best to provide you with a good development and investment environment."

At the end of the scene, ye Mo immediately lowered his voice and said, "but Song Shi, Chang, as far as I know, the overall environment of Taizhou seems to be very unfriendly to investors. Just those celebrities make many powerful enterprises dare not settle in.

Even in many cases, they are openly in a dilemma with the municipal government. The development of our offensive and defensive Daoguan may not touch their interests, but if we invest in it. I'm afraid I'll be harassed by those characters on the road

Song Guangyu was a little embarrassed when he heard this. With so many media friends around him, how can he answer this question? He just took a Tai Chi at random and said: "most of the rumors from the outside world are untrue. I believe Mr. Ye will naturally understand our investment environment after he has been here for a period of time. I can assure Mr. Ye, No matter what kind of investment or activity you have in Taichung, you will not be obstructed by anyone. "

Ye Mo just smiles when he hears these words. If he really believes these words, he's a fool. Taizhou's social environment has been chaotic for so many years, which can't be changed by his surname song. However, it's a good thing for ye Mo to make such a statement now.

Whether it is to take over the brothers of the war wolf or to cultivate their own power in the future, as long as the municipal authorities do not come out in a dilemma, it can be regarded as a great help to them.

Moreover, even Cheng Chun, a grass-roots team leader, can become the backer of many gangsters. Now ye Mo is on the line of this municipal elder brother, and there is more room for operation.