The deafening roar caused by countless falling thunder spread out in all directions from the riverbank in an instant.

Moreover, all the power facilities around the river embankment were destroyed by the electromagnetic wave caused by the thunder.

The street lights that lit up because of the dark sky went out in an instant, and the darkness shrouded a few kilometers around Dong Zhuo and Yuban Meiqin.

When the electricity accumulated by the thunder clouds in the sky was finally consumed, the ground around the river embankment was completely pockmarked and blackened by lightning. Some places are smouldering with black smoke.

Dong Zhuo came to Yuban Meiqin in a blink, reached out and pinched her pretty face and said, "sister Pao, I can't think you're still cute when you're afraid! Ha ha ha... "

In the laughter, Dong Zhuo's body disappeared.

Yuban Meiqin's face turned red, stamped his feet and scolded, "asshole!"

It's getting late. Dong Zhuo has to go to the supermarket to buy vegetables and go home to take care of his daughter Shaye and sister Qiong. As for sister Pao, anyway, she was definitely impressed this time. Take your time later.

Moreover, the news just now has attracted the attention of others. For the time being, Dong Zhuo doesn't want to attract too many people's attention. After all, he is now waiting for God to crack fire weaving and intix to hit the door.

If the plot changes due to excessive participation, many of Dong Zhuo's plans can't be carried out.

After buying fresh vegetables from the supermarket, Dong Zhuo returned to the villa.

As soon as he entered the door, Dong Zhuo saw Qiong Mei sitting on the sofa. He said angrily, "Zhuo, for a long time!"

It means to blame Dong Zhuo for going out for so long.

Dong Zhuo smiled and said, "I met some things on the road, so I came back late!"

After explaining with qiongmei, Dong Zhuo came to the kitchen and cooked a sumptuous dinner for Shaye and qiongmei.

At night.

Instead of going back to his room, Shaye came to Dong Zhuo's room wearing a vacuum dress and barefoot.

"Dad! Shall I sleep with you at night? " Shaye looked at Dong Zhuo pitifully“ I haven't seen my father for a long time! "

Dong Zhuo could not help feeling soft with the look of an abandoned little animal. He nodded and said, "OK, but don't toss around at night. Sleep well, okay? "

"Yes!" Shaye nodded quickly and smiled happily, which climbed up Chuang. Two eyes blinked and waited for Dong Zhuo to come up. Dong Zhuo's cute expression, tender body and seductive Shaye made him feel a little charming.

This is a daughter. Don't think about it! This is a bird & beast! Dong Zhuo hurriedly warned himself in his heart.

However, this approach did not gain any effect, but gave birth to a kind of different forbidden & taboo stimulation. After a while, Dong Zhuo's breathing became urgent & hurried, and his eyes glowed with malice. He looked up and down at Shaye.

Not only did Shaye not have any fear, but he also showed some eager body and deliberately twisted & moved his body, as if he were luring & confusing Dong Zhuo.

Dong! Dong! Dong

Just when Dong Zhuo's rational defense was about to be overwhelmed by his own desire, a knock came at the door.

"Zhuo!" Outside the door came the cold voice of sister Qiong.

Dong Zhuo was curious. Now it's this point. Qiong Mei didn't go to bed. What did she do outside her room?

Thinking, Dong Zhuo opened the door.

At the door, Qiong Mei was wearing a Tulle dress similar to Shaye, in the same vacuum. Holding the black rabbit without any sprouting point in his arms, his pretty face flushed and pretended to be calm: "I have a nightmare!"

This reason makes Dong Zhuo speechless. I remember that on the first day of adopting her, Dong Zhuo slept with her because he was afraid of sister Qiong having nightmares.

Of course, I didn't do anything at that time. I just slept together.

I didn't expect that sister Qiong came to the door by herself.

However, when Dong Zhuo noticed that Qiong Mei secretly looked at Shaye on Chuang, he seemed to understand something vaguely.

"All right! Then you can come with me tonight. Shaye is there anyway! " With the involvement of Qiong Mei, Dong Zhuo was really painful and happy this night.

Whether it's Qiong Mei or Shaye, they are all rare beauty & Young & women. Even in this second dimension without ugly women, they all belong to the level of heroines.

It's so painful to see whether you can eat or not.

Of course, Dong Zhuo can be strong. Unfortunately, he also plans to play an emotional game with sister Qiong. As for Shaye, at present, the psychological barrier has not been broken through!

The next morning, when Dong Zhuo woke up, Shaye lay on his belly and sister Qiong held his arm. The two girls still didn't wake up.

Dong Zhuo quietly starts Chuang and prepares breakfast for Qiong Mei and Shaye.

After breakfast, Dong Zhuo said to Shaye and qiongmei, "we need to buy some daily necessities today. Which of you wants to stay at home?"

The two little girls immediately stared at each other and said in unison: "she!"

Two white tender fingers pointed at each other.

"Well, let's go together!" Dong Zhuo shrugged. It doesn't matter.

The seventh fog is the name of a clothing store, which is located in the seventh school district. It is a very famous clothing store.

After purchasing some daily necessities, Dong Zhuo took Shaye and qiongmei to the store to buy clothes for them.

When sister Qiong followed him, she only took her gifts with her and didn't have a few clothes at all; And Shaye is even worse. All the clothes are just a dress.

Just walking into the corridor, Dong Zhuo was stunned to find that a girl with short brown hair was standing with a hedgehog headed teenager not far away. They looked nervous and seemed to be talking about something. Impressively, it was the last article when Ma and Yuban Meiqin.

At the same time, a little closer, a girl carrying a pink bag was holding a guatai toy, walked to a girl with a wreath on her head and handed guatai to the wreath girl.

A girl with a wreath, decorated with Li in early spring!!

Dong Zhuo was suddenly surprised that he ran into the void blasting!

Sure enough, after the little girl handed guatai to Chuchun Shuli, Chuchun Shuli, who was about to take over, suddenly found that the toy was abnormal. She grabbed the toy and threw it aside.

However, the direction she threw out made her quack fall not far from Dong Zhuo's three people.

Yuban Meiqin rushed over and wanted to fire an electromagnetic gun. Unfortunately, he missed and didn't grasp the game currency.

I saw this croaker about to explode.

Dong Zhuo was gloomy in front of him, and his hands protected qiongmei and Shaye behind him. The force barrier opens.


Quack exploded so suddenly. The strong shock wave instantly rolled in all directions and destroyed everything around.

Unfortunately, after the shock wave of the explosion came to Dong Zhuo, it was like hitting an invisible wall, which didn't hurt him and Shaye and qiongmei behind him.

Chu Chunli, who was startled, quickly explained, "yes... I'm sorry! Just... Just... "

"It's you!" Yusaka Meiqin and shangtiao were all surprised when Ma saw Dong Zhuo's appearance.

Dong Zhuo took a cold look at the three, especially focusing on the body decorated with Li in early spring. It's unforgivable that the girl should have left the explosives not far from them just now!

"What do you want to do?" Yuban Meiqin is like a hen protecting a calf. It fiercely blocks Li in front of early spring. Looking at Dong Zhuo with vigilance.

"Little sister, you'd better be careful next time!" Dong zhuoye smiled and reminded Chu Chun of Li. He turned around and took qiongmei and Shaye away. The shops were bombed, so it's natural that you can't buy clothes.

And just now, sister Qiong almost encountered something dangerous, which also made Dong Zhuo have a lot of work. Now I don't plan to deal with yusaka Meiqin for the time being, so I have to vent my anger with this bastard jielv Chuya.

After the force perception scanned around, Dong Zhuo quickly found the bespectacled travel Chuya.

"Shaye, you and dome go home first. Remember to protect the dome. I have something to deal with. I'll be back soon! " Dong Zhuo ordered Shaye.

Qiong Mei is stunned at the moment. Obviously, she didn't expect Dong Zhuo to be super capable! The brain seems to be turning around.

In this case, Dong Zhuo doesn't intend to hide it from her. It's really troublesome to modify Qiong Mei's memory every time she is seen.

Just let her know she's got superpowers. Anyway, she came back a little late yesterday, so she thought she had turned on her superpower at that time. This will save trouble in the future