After following Dong Zhuo all the way to the living room of the mansion, hrista was curious and asked Dong Zhuo, "Lord... Master, why does your brother call you master?"

Dong Zhuo sat steadily on the sofa, looked at helista standing in front of him with a cute face, and joked: "because I'm his master!"

"I'll see whose master you are!" A cold hum came from the revolving stairs, and then a middle-aged man dressed in dark red luxury clothes and a long sword inlaid with gemstones came down.

There was a thick sullen look on his face, and fire almost came out of his eyes. After staring at Dong Zhuo fiercely, his eyes fell on hrista, repressed his anger and said: "heatheria! You dare to come back and bring outsiders to make trouble. I... "

The man's angry drink startled hrista, and his petite body shrank suddenly, like a quail. He subconsciously approached Dong Zhuo's place and instinctively wanted to find a sense of security.

Dong Zhuo stretched out his hand to pull hrista into his arms, held the poor little guy and said, "you scared my little slave!"

Dong Zhuo's voice was very weak, but it was precisely this attitude that made the man more and more angry. As the helmsman of the Reyes family. Even Darius Zachary, the president of mankind, dare not be so presumptuous in front of him. You know, the Reis family is an aristocrat with royal blood.

"Heatheria. You have become a slave to others in order to survive. You have disgraced our Reyes family! "

What makes men most angry is that heatheria has become a female slave of others. What is a female slave? It's not even a servant of an aristocratic family. It's an aristocratic toy.

Hrista didn't dare to say a word. His small head was stuck in Dong Zhuo's arms, his hands grabbed Dong Zhuo's clothes, and his body trembled slightly.

"Let go of heatheria!" After all, in order to maintain the dignity of the Reiss family, he has gained the upper hand. In the man's heart, even if he has driven heatheria out of the family, he can't let her become a female slave of others, especially now she is brought back to the family, which is a naked humiliation to the Reiss family!

The man shouted angrily, waved his hand and pulled out the long sword at his waist. With a shaking of his wrist, the exquisite fencing fighting was revealed. The sword tip directly stabbed Dong Zhuo's throat. It was obvious that he was ready to kill Dong Zhuo with one blow.

"Ah!" Hrista exclaimed, and his small hand covered his eyes in an instant.

Then something unexpected happened. The young man who had just been tampered with his memory by Dong Zhuo and became a slave rushed up recklessly and blocked the sword for Dong Zhuo with open arms!


This long arrow looks like an ornament, but it is unusually sharp. It stabbed the boy in a pair in an instant!

"This... Yi there! You... Why are you! " The man was completely stunned. Looking at the long sword penetrating his son's chest, the man trembled and asked, "you... You're okay, aren't you?"

Dong Zhuo smiled and said disdainfully, "do you think he is a giant? You can be fine if you are penetrated by the long sword. "

"It's all you!" The Reis family glowered at Dong Zhuo with red eyes. "If it weren't for you, Yi wouldn't die there. Stoff, kill these people for me!"

"Tut tut! This is the noble. You killed him yourself, but you can rely on me. Well, I've seen enough! " Dong Zhuo tut tut had a voice. After his eyes looked at the man, he looked straight and his voice seemed to come from Jiuyou hell“ Be my slave! "

As soon as his voice fell, Stoff keenly found that the eyes of the leader of the Reyes family, the patriarch, suddenly lost their look. In an instant, he returned to normal again, but when the patriarch looked at Dong Zhuo again, there was no anger and hatred in his eyes. It was like believers saw the gods.

"Master! Forgive your humble servant! " The noble among the nobles, the head of the leice family, knelt down in front of Dong Zhuo.

"Devil... Devil!" Stoff staggered back two steps and looked at Dong Zhuo warily. People who can play with people's hearts at will are absolutely frightening in this giant world. Even beyond the natural enemies of mankind!!

"The devil?" Dong Zhuo smiled, ignored Stoff, and looked at the leice patriarch kneeling in front of him. He said with interest, "take me to the castle. I will live there in the future. From now on, the castle is the forbidden area of Reyes family. No one is allowed to step in! Do you understand? "

"Yes! My dear master! " Chief Reyes replied respectfully. As for Yi, I'm sorry, the distorted leice patriarch doesn't care about anyone except Dong Zhuo. Even if that guy is his son.

Dong Zhuo had just seen in this guy's memory that the leice family's library was in the distant castle of that era. As for whether there is any information in it, I'm sorry, this guy is too ignorant. He hardly went to the castle to read books. Therefore, Dong Zhuo can't get any news from his memory. He can only check it in the library by himself.

"Yes! My master! " Reyes agreed, and with a smile on his face, I didn't know what reward he had received.

All the guards felt a cool breath in an instant, climbed up from the tailbone along the spine, and immediately spread to the back of the head. The whole person is stiff. Creepy is the feeling at the moment.

They saw the end from the beginning. Although they didn't know what happened to the patriarch and why their attitude changed so much after killing the young master, they felt the deep chill just because they didn't know.

Even the mental state of a madman can't change so much. But chief Reyes did.

"Stoff!" Dong Zhuo got up from the sofa, looked at Stoff and asked, "have you considered my proposal just now? Are you interested in working for me? "

Stoff's eyes were full of fear. He looked at hrista who was obediently following Dong Zhuo, swallowed a mouthful of water, pretended to be calm and asked, "devil... Devil, is this how you control miss?"

"Control, why do you think so?" Dong Zhuo shook his head. A positive answer: "I can tell you that hrista has no problem at all!"

Originally, Stoff was not sure whether the change of the patriarch and young master was the ghost of Dong Zhuo, but now Dong Zhuo obviously admitted everything.

Unexpectedly, the world has the ability to control people's hearts. For Stoff, this kind of person is even more terrible than a giant.

At least the giant goes down and bites you directly. But controlled by Dong Zhuo, he will always be his slave and will willingly die for him! No human can accept such an end.

"Stoff, it's your honor that the master asked you to work for him. Do you still want to refuse? " The leader of Reyes pulled out the long sword inserted in his son's chest. The intent of the threat is self-evident.

Stoff smiled bitterly, nodded his head like death, and said, "I promised. Big... Master. I just hope you can be kind to miss heatheria! "

"You don't have to worry about it. My little slave, naturally I will care!" Although he appreciated Stoff, Dong Zhuo would not talk to him about conditions, because he was not qualified at all.

After the happy ending, all the guards except Stoff, under the order of Dong Zhuo, let the leader of leice quietly send someone to deal with it.

At the moment, the human executives who are headache for the sudden increase of more than 200000 people do not know that the Reyes family with royal blood has changed its master.

In the castle behind the Reyes family's manor. Dong Zhuo came out of a room with good confidentiality measures.

His face was a little gloomy.

The Reyes family is worthy of being a family with royal blood. There are a lot of materials in the library, especially during the period when human beings hid in the three walls. As for the reason for the emergence of giants, it is somewhat disappointing.

However, Dong Zhuo still inferred a lot from the scattered and few words.

According to the records on the data, and Dong Zhuo's own brain tonic. The conclusion is as follows.

In 720, a group of shepherds were devoured by a huge ape giant. The human kingdom sent a large number of soldiers to catch the ape giant with only animal instinctive wisdom. Through research, humans found that as long as a substance is extracted from the ape giant and injected into human body, a powerful giant soldier can be created.

In 735, greedy nobles began to wantonly fund such research and create thousands of giant soldiers.

Under the powerful attack of these giant soldiers, other countries were destroyed in a short time. The Kingdom unified the continent for the first time.

But in 743, 23 years after the ape giant was imprisoned, the closely guarded ape giant suddenly rushed out of the cage. With the escape and disappearance of ape giants, more than 60% of the soldiers who can become giants are crazy after injecting drugs! Or lost his mind.

Because giant soldiers were placed all over the country, it also led to heavy human casualties under the attack of giants. Finally, the giant who lost his wisdom became the natural enemy of mankind.

Later, the information was somewhat vague, jumping directly from 743 to 745. In this year, three walls appeared inexplicably. At the cost of losing freedom, human beings lived within the walls and gained peace.

These documents only briefly recorded the history before and after the emergence of the giant. As for the information Dong Zhuo wanted to know, he couldn't find it at all.

Obviously, human beings should be frightened by giants and completely destroy all the materials that make giants! Grisha got the notebook, probably one of the surviving ones.

Just knowing these materials is not enough for Dong Zhuo. He needs to thoroughly understand the reason why giants draw energy from themselves to make an immaterial body.

"Chief Reyes." After coming out of the castle, Dong Zhuo found the head of the Reyes family again, that is, the father of hrista“ Take me to meet other nobles. "

As a brainwashed slave, chief leice agreed for the first time. In front of Dong Zhuo, there was no objection or doubt in his heart.

Next, the nobles and high-level leaders of the giant world were completely unlucky. They were brainwashed by Dong Zhuo and completely became his slaves.

In the hands of these nobles, there are almost all the historical documents of mankind. Rao is so. In this vast data, Dong Zhuo still hasn't found what he wants.

Because the research materials of those giants were destroyed too thoroughly. Apart from a few words, no more records can be found.

Under such circumstances, Dong Zhuo had no choice but to give up and return to the residence of Reyes family. He began to be a Houseman. He stayed in the castle every day. While waiting for the 104th Training Corps to start enrollment, he restored his strength.

Dong Zhuo forgot or ignored that it is now this time for the three giants, the armored giant Lena brown, the super giant betterhold Hoover and the female giant anilionnard, to blend into the human camp. And then successfully joined the 104th Training Corps