"The long river of the world!" Dong Zhuo looked down at the tiny God killer world under his feet. He replied to Luo Hao.

"The long river of the world?" Luo Hao was slightly stunned for a moment and looked down at the endless world under his feet.

At their feet, those worlds are like soap bubbles. Each soap bubble represents a world. Although it seems close to each other, in fact, there is an almost insurmountable distance between the two sides.

Unless one world invades the other and turns it into its own balanced world, there is no possibility of connectivity between the two worlds.

After a moment of surprise, Luo Hao murmured to himself, "the world has been said since ancient times, and the world has been said in all directions. This is the long river of the world. Is it like the constant sand world once said by the Buddha? One sand is one world, and every small bubble is one world? "

"That's right!" Dong Zhuo was very satisfied with Luo Hao's acceptance. He nodded, pointed to the God killer world being swallowed up by huiyeji and said, "see? That's your world! "

Luo Hao was stunned and looked in the direction pointed by Dong Zhuo.

In a small soap bubble, ferocious ten tailed monsters devour it constantly.

Seeing such a scene, Luo Hao could not bear to close his eyes. After all, he gave birth to his own world and was destroyed in front of him. As long as he is a normal person, he will feel unhappy in his heart!

But soon, Luo Hao was not in the mood to care about the world she was born in. She was shocked to find that her few powers had disappeared!

Yes, it just disappeared! It's like it didn't exist from the beginning. The body blessed by the spell power has also returned to the state before killing God. Ordinary magic can also hurt her body.

You know, the reason why a god killer is feared is because he has a god killer body, surrounded by mantra power. It can be said that all evils do not invade, and any magic can not act on the God killer's body.

"Xianggong, my power has disappeared!" Luo Hao didn't panic when she found that her power had disappeared. She believed that Dong Zhuo would give her an explanation.

Dong Zhuo smiled, gently held Luo Hao in his arms and said, "the so-called power is all external forces. If you want, I can bless you! "

When Dong Zhuo told Luo Hao the so-called essence of power, Luo Hao fell into hesitation.

She did not hesitate to choose that power, but whether to bless it or not.

Dong Zhuo is not in a hurry. While Luo Hao hesitated, his eyes turned to the ten treasure trees that were swallowing the God killer world.

Compared with the last time, the speed of devouring the fire shadow world is obviously much slower this time. After all, Shifang Baoshu and huiyeji represent the core of the whole fire shadow world.

The God killer is a completely strange world. If Dong Zhuo can restrain himself and continue to deduce the law, he can't say that he can make the swallowing speed faster.

But Dong Zhuo, who is worried about the eternal blessed land and the giant world, can't wait.

"Xianggong, I decided to bless the power of mass energy conversion and vector manipulation!" Luo Hao explained: "my strength is still too weak. In the long river of the world, even if you don't do anything, you will feel the suffocating threat of terror. The improvement of one's own strength can not be completed in a short time. So before I improve my strength, I need your power to protect me! "

Dong Zhuo is more and more satisfied with Luo Hao. Although his bones are full of Pride & pride, Luo Hao knows what he needs. He was not blindly driven by his self-esteem and gave up the power given by Dong Zhuo. But chose a more secure path.

"Very good!" Dong Zhuo said with a smile: "after Huiye devours the world of the God killer, we will immediately find the eternal blessed land and give you power at that time!"

"Thank you, sir!" Luo Hao nodded calmly.

While talking, a tail suddenly came out of the God killer world below. Then the whole world shrunk sharply, not for a moment. The ten side treasure tree regained the appearance of the scepter, and the end of the scepter with ten branches coiled has more space for the second glass ball to rotate.

Ten treasure trees suddenly flashed, and then appeared in Dong Zhuo's palm.

"Husband, it's finished."

At the moment of holding the ten treasure trees, Dong Zhuo obviously felt that she had increased her strength even more. Now she has reached more than 60% and nearly 70% of Kankan.

"Is this your weapon?" Luo Hao looked curiously at the ten treasure trees in Dong Zhuo's hands.

Even an ordinary person can see that the Shifang treasure tree is by no means an ordinary product. How can such an existence be simple if it can devour other worlds and make it into a glass ball around itself?

"No!" Dong Zhuo shook his head, reached out his hand and touched the ten treasure trees and said, "she is my wife! You should call her sister! "

"Wife... Wife?!" No matter how calm Luo Hao was, he was frightened by Dong Zhuo's words at this moment.

Are you kidding? Are the strong so incorruptible? A scepter as a wife?

"Yes! She is my first wife, big barrel muhui night! " Dong Zhuo quietly began to explain how Huiye became like this.

After listening to Dong Zhuo's words, Luo Hao was completely moved. With deep respect in his eyes, he said to the ten treasure trees in Dong Zhuo's hand, "Luo Hao has seen sister Huiye!"

No matter what kind of state huiyeji is now, since she didn't hesitate to be herself or even turned into a ferocious monster for Dong Zhuo, it is worth Luo Hao's sincere respect for her.

Once known as the goddess of Mao, huiyeji played with the strong man in the whole world. Huiyeji accepted Luo Hao as a newcomer. Then he said to Dong Zhuo, "husband, we'd better look for your eternal blessing first. But this time, I'll leave you a surprise! "

"Surprise? What surprise? " Dong Zhuo asked in amazement.

"I'll tell you in detail when we find a place to stay. I feel very dangerous here. We'd better leave quickly! " Hui Yeji shirked.

"All right!" Dong Zhuo nodded. He said to Luo Hao, "go to my divine power space first. When we find the eternal blessed land, I'm letting you out. I've felt it. It's not far from the eternal blessed land! "

Luo Hao naturally won't have any objection. In the long river of the world, if she didn't snuggle up in Dong Zhuo's arms, maybe she would have been broken through by the amazing pressure.

The whirlpool flashed, and Luo Hao's body disappeared in place.

Dong Zhuo's eyes looked not far away, and he buried again in the direction of eternal blessing.

In the eternal blessed land separated from Dong Zhuo for a long time.

"Those people sneaked in again. What shall we do? " Shaye's face was full of distress and sat on the top of the nine storey pagoda built by the non yuan material.

There are many people standing in the empty room at the moment. There are some guys who shouldn't exist.

"What are you afraid of them doing? We've fought those damn guys many times anyway! I can turn them into frogs as much as I can! " Sister Pao is as proud as ever. It's the smell of my old & two.

"Meiqin, Feng zhanbing Hua said that the enemy coming this time is much stronger than last time. We can't take it lightly! " The new seven days and seven sabres made by Dong Zhuo are carried around the waist. They are heroic and valiant.

"Well, let our allies talk first and listen to their opinions!" As Dong Zhuo's daughter, Shaye is a well deserved ruler of the eternal blessed land.

There are only a few people who are called allies by Shaye.

A girl with silver hair was very cute. She seemed to have a feeling of nothing. She sat there without saying a word. When Shaye asked her side, her eyes fell on a girl with long purple hair.

Shaye's allies seem to be students, wearing school uniforms.

"What else can we do? Just like last time, since those bastards want to occupy our world, fight them to the end!" The purple haired girl shook her sniper gun and said proudly.

A short haired teenager with a strange long handled cold weapon, who looked like both a sickle and an axe, looked at the girl with long purple hair and said, "reasonable opinions are our opinions!"