Nakamura's experience is worth mentioning.

Originally, I had a happy life. Although my family income was not very much, I could be regarded as a middle class with three younger brothers, younger brothers and younger sisters.

As a result, one day, four bad guys robbed her home while her parents were away.

Force her to find something valuable at home, or kill one of her brothers & sisters every 10 minutes. The result is very hard. Except for the parents who were not at home, only they survived.

Because she was strongly stimulated by the spirit, and then awakened to her superpowers, it didn't happen to her.

Yuri Nakamura, who came to the world after death, began to protest against the injustice of fate and was determined to resist God. And formed that funny post death world front. However, her character has not become dark because of her life experience, and she is still very cheerful.

On this point, it is much stronger than Dong Zhuo.

In the final analysis, Yuri Nakamura is just an ordinary high school girl without any special ability. Even once she leaves the post death world, even immortality has become an extravagant hope. How could it be Shaye's opponent.

You know, Shaye is known as the existence of the super power library, which is the same as the magic forbidden & book directory of intix, and what she is better than intix is that she can freely display all the known super powers in the magic forbidden world.

Whether it's vector manipulation, primitive matter, super electromagnetic gun, or mental power, psychological control and space ability. She can do it.

In a blink of an eye, Nakamura's White & Fair neck fell into Shaye's small hand.

"You... Put... Let me go!" It is obviously impossible for Nakamura Youli to resist Shaye's power. The pain of suffocation makes her constantly struggling.

"How could this happen! Meow! " You Yi's face was full of panic and looked at everything in front of her. The simple little girl couldn't understand why we were teammates fighting side by side just now. But in a short time, it became the enemy of swords and soldiers!

With a buzzing sound, a bright hand blade pops up on Lihua's wrist. With a flash, he rushed to Shaye.

Lihua's angel player may be a very powerful ability in the post-mortem world, but it is obviously not enough in front of Shaye.

The bright hand blade, the moment it was placed on Shaye's neck, Lihua played as if it had been hit head-on by a truck. He flew out with a bang.

When she hit the wall, her body suddenly disappeared into the air.

"The trumpet is an angel, isn't it?" On the throne, Dong Zhuo's voice attracted everyone's attention.

At this time, everyone found that Dong Zhuo was holding the disappeared lihuazo in his arms.

A faint blush flashed on Lihua's expressionless cheek, and there was a slight tremor in his calm voice, "let go of me!"

Although holding a cute thing makes people feel great, Dong Zhuo doesn't look anxious. He has done something now. He gently sent lihuazou out of his arms. Dong Zhuo looked at Zhongcun Youli, whose face began to turn green because of lack of oxygen“ Yuri Nakamura, you should know your identity! In the face of a strong man you can never defeat, keep the least awe! "

At this time, Yuri Nakamura, who was pinched by his neck, began to roll his eyes.

"All right, Shaye, let her go!" Dong Zhuo said faintly.

When Shaye heard the speech, he threw Zhongcun Youli to the ground, exposed his tiger teeth and threatened: "if you dare to talk to dad like this again, Shaye will eat you!"

Nakamura Youli, who was paralyzed on the ground, coughed constantly, and his blue face turned red to the naked eye. She knew very well that Shaye was not joking. But really eat her as food. This is a lesson from the end of those sad guys on the playground.

Although the heart is very unwilling, but Nakamura Youli is not a brainless fool, not the kind of guy who is impulsive and doesn't care about anything.

He bit his teeth and got up from the ground hard. Yuki Nakamura said in a low voice, "I want to break the alliance with you!"

"No problem!" Dong Zhuo snapped his fingers.

Noda and Takamatsu, who had already disappeared, returned to the hall again.

"Since you want to lift the alliance, please leave my eternal blessed land!" Dong Zhuo said calmly.

"Hum!" Nakamura Youli snorted. She wanted to say something about the scene, but she had to swallow back what she had said just now. Quickly came to Noda and Takamatsu, who looked blankly, and asked eagerly, "how are you two, Takamatsu and Noda?"

In their eyes, after a moment of confusion, they shook their heads in unison, "no... nothing!"

The performance of both of them made it seem that something had happened to the bee eating exercise. His eyes lit up and flashed a trace of abuse.

"That's good!" With a sigh of relief, Youli helped Noda and Takamatsu up and looked back at Dong Zhuo and others angrily. With a full stomach of anger, he led the people of the world after death to leave the nine story pagoda.

After seeing them off, Shaye said reluctantly, "Dad, just let them go?"

"This is only temporary!" Dong Zhuo shook his head and said, "I want to solve my physical problems first! When I return to the perfect virus. The world that can rise again and again, we are determined to get it! "

Listening to Dong Zhuo's undisguised desire for the world after death, many girls have different faces.

Most of the girls who have no friendship with the rest of the world after their death hold an indifferent attitude. For example, maiye Chenli, who has multiple fractures on his body.

The kind-hearted girl showed a worried look on her face because of Dong Zhuo's ideas. Sister Pao and shencrack Huozhi are the representatives of this group.

What's more, as long as you can be with Dong Zhuo, you don't care about anything else.

Like the spring sky and Shaye.

The more intelligent ones support Dong Zhuo's idea, and even wish Dong Zhuo would act early. Lola is one of those.

Seeing the long lost girls, Dong Zhuo showed a smile on his face, stood up from the throne, opened his arms and said in a loud voice, "I! Back! "

Shaye looked happy and was about to rush up, but he thought he was not a species with Dong Zhuo now, and his face showed disappointment. However, her hesitation gave the spring wild dome a chance.

Qiong Mei rushed to Dong Zhuo and threw her arms down in Dong Zhuo's arms. The voice trembled and said, "Zhuo won't leave, will he?"

Holding sister Qiong's delicate body, Dong Zhuo couldn't help but ripple in his heart, nodded and said, "that's right!"

Dong Zhuo's stall is a little big now. He needs some time to integrate his strength. When the power is scattered, the light ball man is a lesson.

Shenwei space, eternal blessed land, giant world. Dong Zhuo must figure out how to arrange these three spaces!

As for the Naruto world and the God killer world that have been integrated into the ten treasure trees, Dong Zhuo doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

Of course, in addition to these, Dong Zhuo has another urgent matter to deal with. That's his ability to transfer.

The ability to read one world and let the whole world change with their own ideas is really powerful. After development, earth, fire, water and wind; Time, space, illusion and extinction; In between.

This ability is strong, but it is beyond Dong Zhuo's grasp at this stage. It's a bit of dog blood. His power is too strong and his control is too weak.

It's like a three-year-old child holding a hand & thunder. While killing the enemy, he also has a great hidden danger to himself.

Dong Zhuo will die if he has the idea of being bad to himself when he fights with a powerful enemy. Your thoughts are not so easy to master.

Murphy's law is more accurate in him than all laws. It will happen 100%.

Since the last time when facing Annie, Dong Zhuo found that he could not master his increasingly powerful reading ability, he began to think about solutions.

And now, he found a way that is not a way