In order to give those dead companions a chance to resurrect, Yuri Nakamura did not hesitate to step into the trap buried by Dong Zhuo. The girl who sacrificed herself for her companions did come with the mentality of abandoning everything.

Dong Zhuo's any request for her was met without any discount. It seems that he is afraid that Dong Zhuo will finally say that he is not satisfied and the transaction will be cancelled. Make those dead companions lose the chance of resurrection forever.

After a storm, Dong Zhuo finally let poor Yuri Nakamura go.

"Lord God, but... Can you revive my companions?" Despite his fatigue, Zhongcun Youli begged Dong Zhuo for the first time. The tone is particularly nervous. It seems that I'm afraid of hearing the answer I don't want to hear.

Unfortunately, she overestimated Dong Zhuo's shamelessness.

Dong Zhuo showed his ferocious fangs just after he got Zhongcun Youli. Shook his head and said, "of course not!"

"Why?" Zhongcun Youli was in a hurry. She did exactly as Dong Zhuo asked.

Now that it's over, the bastard told her no?

Of course, because Dong Zhuo didn't intend to revive those men from the beginning. It's not that he doesn't have that ability. It's just a group of men. What are they doing when they are resurrected?

If Nakamura really does everything, Dong Zhuo will not eat his words and get fat. Having gained the post-mortem world, it is relatively easy to revive those on the post-mortem world front.

"Your promise hasn't been fulfilled yet?" Dong Zhuo raised a finger and shook it in front of Zhongcun Youli.

"Didn't I just do what you said?" Zhongcun Youli was so angry that he didn't know where his strength came from. He stood up from his couch and jumped to ask Dong ZhuoZhi.

"Calm down, calm down! Don't worry! " Dong Zhuo explained in an innocent tone that made Zhongcun Youli itch: "do you remember what I said before?"

"You..." Zhongcun Youli bit his teeth and lowered his head reluctantly. "You said that as long as I take the initiative to satisfy you, you will abide by the agreement."

"No, no, no!" Dong Zhuo shook his head and said, "I'm not talking about this!"

In the dazed eyes of Zhongcun Youli, Dong Zhuo finally said his request that Zhongcun Youli fell into the abyss.

"As I said before, what else can you do as the price of my hand in addition to yourself?" After repeating what he had said before, Dong Zhuo said, "this is my request."

Zhongcun Youli still didn't understand Dong Zhuo's sinister intentions and said, "but I've done it according to your requirements!"

"Yes, you did, but what about the others?!" Dong Zhuo shrugged.

"What!" Zhongcun Youli suddenly realized that he had been fooled by Dong Zhuo! His face turned red, the veins on his forehead burst, and he said angrily, "you... You bastard, you beat other people's attention!"

"Don't be so ugly. I told you from the beginning, it's you, not just you! Do you understand now? " The shameless Dong Zhuo even played a word game with a pure girl like Nakamura Youli.

Zhongcun Youli seemed to lose all his strength and sat down again. His eyes were numb and he slowly covered his cheeks with his hands. A burst of sobbing, from small to large.

"All right, all right!" Even if it was not a thing, Dong Zhuo did not really completely eliminate human nature. I just wiped them clean. Now let him swagger away in the cry of Nakamura Youli. Dong Zhuo can't do this.

Moreover, without the help of Nakamura's reason and without any coercion, who knows that monkey years and horse months can completely pocket all the girls in the dead and living world?

He gently held Zhongcun Youli in his arms. Dong Zhuo comforted: "don't cry. I know you feel bad! Good, obedient! "

"Woo... You! You bastard! " Desperate Yuki Nakamura even forgot that Dong Zhuo was a strong man who could let her die at any time. He sobbed, "you lied to me!"

"How can you lie?" Dong Zhuo comforted Zhongcun Youli and said gently, "it's you stupid girl who doesn't understand what I mean!"

"Will you help me revive everyone?" Zhongcun Youli seems to have grasped the last straw. Grasp Dong Zhuo's sleeve“ As long as you bring everyone back to life, i... I will always listen to you! "

Zhongcun Yuli still overestimates Dong Zhuo's goodness and underestimates his evil.

Dong Zhuo shook his head gently, when Zhongcun Youli was about to fall into complete despair. Then he said in a tone that made Zhongcun Youli feel the same way: "you are really a distressing silly girl!"

Suddenly, from cold and cruel to tender, Dong Zhuo's change made Zhongcun Youli slightly uncomfortable. But more is a kind of comfort. In the final analysis, she is a girl.

The body was occupied by Dong Zhuo by despicable means. She is even Dong Zhuo's person, and Nakamura Youli knows that as long as Dong Zhuo is alive one day, she will never be free.

If Dong Zhuo has always been in the same state as before, I'm afraid that Yuki Nakamura won't last long and his spirit will collapse.

At the moment, this sudden intimacy tone makes Zhongcun Youli's grievances seem to have disappeared a lot.

"Think about it." Dong Zhuo's bewitching words reached Zhongcun Youli's ears.

"Although you are the leader of the post death world front, aren't others in the post death world? Why do you have to bear all this alone? "

"But..." Zhongcun's manager opened his mouth. Dong Zhuo's words made her feel something wrong.

"There's nothing to be! You have paid so much for those companions, but who knows all this? Once I really resurrect your companions and let them know what price you paid for their resurrection, I believe they will never listen to you again! Even less grateful to you! "

"Why?" Yuri Nakamura seems to be moved by the future described by Dong Zhuo. The frightened retort: "I'm for them..."

"I know, I understand!" Dong zhuopo has some intimate style of big sister“ It's because you pay too much. They have no ability to compensate. Even because of the guilt in their hearts, they will leave you far away. You may even think you did it on purpose to make them feel indebted to you, so they will reject you! "

"Impossible!" Nakamura shook his head.

"Why not? Human nature is so strange. Have you ever heard a saying called Sheng mien and Dou Mi Qiu? Now you give them a bucket of rice! "

When Dong Zhuo told Zhongcun Youli this little story of analyzing human nature, Zhongcun Youli's guard completely opened to Dong Zhuo.

"So... What should I do?" Zhongcun Youli became more and more helpless.

"It's simple!" Dong Zhuo's eyes flashed a light of successful conspiracy“ If only you pay so much, everyone will reject you. But if others are like you, even those who have come back from the resurrection can't repel or even be hostile to you. "

"Is that true?" Nakamura asked Dong Zhuo blankly.

Dong Zhuo smiled and Nakamura Youli got it completely.

Both body and mind belong to themselves. Next, make persistent efforts and let her take the initiative to send other cute girls in the world after her death.

"Yes! You have to believe me! " Dong Zhuo shamelessly comforted Zhongcun Youli.

If it was before all this happened, Dong Zhuo said, how far Zhongcun Youli hid. It is impossible to believe Dong Zhuo's words. Now she has fallen into a hostage complex.

Stockholm effect, this incredible psychological plot, is Dong Zhuo's favorite. It has been tried and tested since the campus tacit record.

Zhongcun Youli, who was completely occupied, said to Dong Zhuo gnashing his teeth that he would deceive others into Dong Zhuo's arms.

Seeing Zhongcun Youli leave, Dong Zhuo's face became more and more serious.

It's time to return to the forbidden world for revenge