Towering in the top floor of the nine storey Pagoda in the center of the eternal blessed land.

"Hoo!..." Sitting cross legged, Dong Zhuo slowly opened his eyes and breathed at his strengths. With a complex identity on his face, he sighed: "I didn't expect that the way of soul is more difficult to master than space."

At the moment, it's been a long time since Dong Zhuo left the boxing emperor world.

After swallowing the world of the boxer, Dong Zhuo immediately hid in the nine story pagoda and began to deduce the power of the soul.

As long as he mastered the power of the soul, and Dong Zhuo integrated the non yuan material transformed by mass and energy, creating life will be readily available to him. Perhaps we can take this opportunity to deduce the power of creation in reverse.

Unfortunately, the perception of soul power obtained from the big snake is too incomplete. Before that, Dong Zhuo had no contact in this aspect except mind control. Compared with the imperfect space power at the beginning, the soul power he has now is more broken.

Swallowing the boxing emperor world again, Dong Zhuo is one step closer to condensing the immortal body, but for the complete immortal body, a world is just one of the cells!

There are 5 million to 600 trillion cells in the normal adult human body. Even if it is calculated at $50 billion, one or two more are irrelevant.

"It's too slow to go on like this!" Dong Zhuo frowned slightly and hesitated.

Just rely on Dong Zhuo's strength to attack other worlds. As long as you don't encounter a world that is strong to change & state level, the success rate is 100%.

However, efficiency is not flattering. Dong Zhuo's goal is to unite without destroying the spirit and compete with the long river of the world.

In the vast river of the world, there are countless worlds. However, when human beings are poor, even if they become true gods, if they still fight alone, it is a long way off to unite the immortal body.

At the moment, Dong Zhuo already had an idea in his mind to speed up swallowing the world, but whether to do so or not made him a little uncertain.

Most of these women in the eternal blessed land have the strength to attack the world alone.

For example, Luo Hao, shencrack Huozhi, paojie, Artemis, Chang'e... With their strength, if they go to strategies, such as campus silent recording, slam dunk master, my sister, secondary 2 disease... This world without special power, even if it is against the world consciousness, it can't be dangerous.

But Dong Zhuo's character made him unable to send these women out at ease. Not because of the fear that those women will die on the road of attacking the world alone, but because of the fear that they will betray themselves.

To be clear, even if he has become a true God, Dong Zhuo still doesn't have that invincible self-confidence in his bones.

Moreover, Dong Zhuo knows very well that these are the girls he used all kinds of despicable means to coerce and lure, and even got after being strong. It is impossible to treat him sincerely.

After meditating alone for a long time, the fierce light in Dong Zhuo's eyes flashed away. Finally made up his mind.

These women are insignificant compared with the plan not to destroy the divine body. Moreover, now Dong Zhuo not only has all the spatial power in his hand, but also his soul.

It's no big deal to push further to show more powerful control means.

Completely control the body and mind of these girls. Once their body is intimate with the opposite sex, or their soul is out of track. Just destroy its body and soul!

Thinking of this, Dong Zhuo suddenly disappeared and appeared in Shenwei cave. At the same time, there is the Yin God who sits in the reincarnation hell.

The three figures gathered together, and the embodiment of the law began to deduce according to Dong Zhuo's needs.

A moment later, the three figures just gathered together separated again without saying a word.

After returning to the eternal blessed land, Dong Zhuo's face showed a cruel smile.

A thought. In the main hall, Luo Hao's figure cuts through the space.

"Eh?" Luo Hao's eyes flashed a trace of surprise. Surprised: "how did you do it?"

Obviously, Luo Hao was curious about Dong Zhuo's means of easily moving him from other places.

This is Dong Zhuo's ability after he completely mastered the power of space.

"Cui Lian, don't you always want to go to a world where martial arts are prosperous?" Dong Zhuo asked instead, "do you have any goals?"

Luo Hao heard the speech, and a trace of gloom flashed on his face. There was a deep resentment in his tone“ No! "

Dong Zhuo smiled. Luo Hao knows the reason why he is angry. It's entirely because Dong Zhuo has been shirking Luo Hao's requirements before. Even avoid it.

"All right. Since you have no goal, I'll choose one for you! " Dong Zhuo said, reaching out to caress the next space.

In the starlight condensation, the door of truth appeared.

Seeing the door of truth appeared, Luo Hao's breath was in a sudden disorder. Of course she knows that this starlit gate has the ability to travel through the world! This ability to travel around the world can be different from the magic or power in space ability.

"You... You agreed to my request?" Luo Hao looked at Dong Zhuo in disbelief.

"That's right!" Dong Zhuo nodded. Yiquan was indifferent before, with some concern on his face, and said: "Cuilian, I have been unwilling to promise you before, entirely because I am worried about whether you will encounter danger if you go to a strange world alone. Don't worry now, because I have mastered a special ability! "

As he spoke, Dong Zhuo spread out his right hand.

In the palm of his hand, a jade pendant appeared. This jade pendant is between material and energy. It has three distinct colors of black, white and gray, and is covered with mysterious black and red patterns.

"What is this?" Although I don't know what's in Dong Zhuo's palm. But Luo Haowu's instinct made her feel an unspeakable fear, as if it was dangerous.

"This is a life-saving means I deduced for you!" Dong Zhuo looked proud. There was no sign that he was digging a hole for Luo Hao.

This jade pendant is not a means to protect life at all, but a life and death symbol deduced by Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo's life and death talisman is more domineering than Tianshan Tongmu's martial arts that can make people survive but not die.

Once planted into the human body, it will completely fall into Dong Zhuo's control, and life and death are between his thoughts.

Not only did it perfectly meet Dong Zhuo's previous requirements, but even further, those who were planted with life and death talismans could be resurrected in Dong Zhuo's hands even if they died in other worlds.

In addition to being able to resurrect through Dong Zhuo, Dong Zhuo is more useful because he can collect the law of life and death talisman!

Because the sign of life and death is a law embodiment weakened to the point that there is no special ability except the law of collection.

"Really?" Luo Hao nodded, pressed down the fear in his heart and said, "how to use it?"

"It's easy, close your eyes! Don't have any resistance to me! " Dong Zhuo ordered.

Luo Hao obediently closed her eyes and opened her arms. Without any defense, he opened his heart to Dong Zhuo.

The life and death symbol in Dong Zhuo's palm suddenly turned into a streamer and suddenly penetrated into Luo Hao's eyebrows. At the center of its eyebrows, there is a pattern of faint light flowing up and down about two centimeters long, just like the makeup of a girl's plum blossom makeup.

The eyelashes trembled slightly. Luo Hao slowly opened his eyes and subconsciously touched his eyebrows“ That's it? Can I go to a world where martial arts are prosperous? "

"Don't worry. Before that, we still have a very important thing to do!" From the moment Luo Hao accepted the talisman of life and death, she couldn't get rid of Dong Zhuo anymore