The skin is as white as snow, and the texture is like the finest lanolin carved from warm jade. You can see any defects. Under the transparent skin, you can vaguely see the green and red blood vessels.

Because of shyness, the girl's skin was rendered with a light Rouge color.


Xiaogucheng, who has never tried to suck blood since becoming a vampire, can't suppress his inner desire at this moment.

Charming girl fragrance, to him, is like a hungry pedestrian who sees an oasis in the desert.

An uncontrollable impulse made xiaogucheng suddenly stand up and stride to the side of Lanyu shallot.

"Shallow... Shallow shallot..." because of tension, the voice of Xiaogu city is a little dry. The red eyes refused to leave the girl's snow neck for a moment“ I... I'm really coming! "

The same nervous blue feather shallot, the body is trembling and shaking slightly. The long and curved eyelashes, like a PU fan, covered the watery eyes. From the nasal cavity, there was a permissible murmur.

With the girl's permission, in the eyes of Xiaogu City, the blood colored light flickered, and a pair of tusks protruded from the lips. Slowly toward the blood vessels on the neck of blue feather shallot.

Just when they were both nervous about the first blood sucking ceremony.

"Hello, guest. What you want...! "

The shrill scream immediately attracted the attention of the whole cafe.

The waiter who came to deliver coffee screamed, and the tray in his hand clattered to the ground. The brown coffee suddenly spilled out.

With the sound of the quilt breaking, the waiter and waiter stood up in front of him with frightened hands and subconsciously strode back“ Demon... Demon clan! "

The name of a demon family immediately made the coffee shop explode.


"Damn, is it the demon clan that is harming the innocent girl?"

Bypass the block and see the posture of Xiaogu city and blue feather shallot. The guests were immediately filled with righteous indignation.

For the first time, when so many people were watching, Rao was always careless on weekdays. At the moment, he couldn't help blushing. He hurriedly pushed the ancient city of Xiao aside and fastened his buttons in a panic. He rushed out of the cafe with a face of shame and anger.

Xiaogucheng, who wanted to cry without tears, covered his face with both hands. While desperately sucking his nose blood and suppressing the burst blood sucking impulse, he hurried out with Lanyu shallot.

After reuniting far away from the cafe, Lanyu shallot can no longer summon up the courage to let xiaogucheng suck his own blood.

"Hold... Sorry!" The apologetic blue feather and shallot bowed deeply to the ancient city of Xiao“ I... I don't think I'm ready yet. Although i... I really want to help you. But... But... "

Looking at the hesitation of blue feather and shallot, Xiaogu City reluctantly agreed: "OK. I know it's really embarrassing for you. Let's put it on hold for a while. But don't forget my request! "

"Yes!" With a heavy nod, blue feather shallot said seriously, "don't worry. I will certainly help you spread the news! "


Because something embarrassing has just happened, both Lanyu shallot and xiaogucheng feel a little embarrassed to face each other.

After the negotiation, the two quickly said goodbye to each other.

Whether it was blue feather shallot or xiaogucheng, they didn't find out. Their every move was seen by people.

String God Island, on the roof of a building.

A teenager with short brown hair wearing headphones pulled off his headphones and said solemnly, "please! I didn't expect this to happen!! The dependents of the ancient city were taken away! "

Yasetaki tree. Xiao is a good friend of the ancient city.

Of course, this is only a nominal relationship. In fact, as a watcher arranged by the Lion King's mechanism in the ancient city of Xiao, he lurked around the ancient city of Xiao from junior high school and became good friends with Lanyu shallot.

He is not only an over adaptable person with the ability of "soundscape", but also good at style God.

Through Shi Shen, he has been monitoring the ancient city of Xiao back home. Yasetaki lifted the Shishen ceremony. I hurried to report to my superior.


Outside caihai School Park.

Looking at Leticia with a gloomy face around him, Dong Zhuo said with a bad smile: "Leticia. I think my previous proposal is very good. How about meeting me tonight? Speaking of it, I think Laurie is more lovely than you are now! "

Leticia looked at Dong Zhuo with disgust, one hand in front of him, the other hand stretched out, and the palm spread out, as if blocking Dong Zhuo's approach“ Please don't come near me and don't talk to me. "

"Are you threatening your master? Leticia? " Dong Zhuo deliberately made a gloomy expression. He stared angrily at Leticia's face.

"No! This is not a threat. " Leticia shook her head unmoved“ Master, you have broken through my imagination. Is there nothing else in your mind except... Except that kind of thing? At least give me the look of a strong man!! "

Although I have known Dong Zhuo for a short time, Leticia has completely seen through him. It has great power, but it doesn't have the style of the strong.

Even the evil kings who do all kinds of evil and make people want to deal with it quickly in the box court world agree with the definition of the strong more than Dong Zhuo.

At least, except for the demons and gods who do things between men and women, no other strong man takes the pursuit of bullying girls as his goal.

Dong Zhuo's appearance almost broke the lower limit in Leticia's heart. If you say what happened last night; In line with the fact that Dong Zhuo once saved her life, Leticia can accept it.

But let her change between the posture of Ke Yu Ke Luo, and the purpose is only to meet Dong Zhuo's desire to bully women. This is unacceptable to Leticia.

Dong Zhuo's face changed like a philosopher. He said in a deep voice, "you don't understand. In fact, do you think I really want to pursue that physical pleasure? no You are wrong! "

Leticia blinked and looked at Dong Zhuo suspiciously.

"My strength is very strong. Is that right? "

Although I don't want to admit it, I have witnessed Dong Zhuo's great power in the box court world and almost wiped out the whole box court's Leticia with my own strength, but I can't deny it against my heart.

He nodded sadly. Leticia stared at Dong Zhuo and waited for him to continue.

"I'm not boasting. My strength has reached its true limit. No matter in that world, there is no room for progress! "

Leticia's eyes widened. Dong Zhuo's words are really surprising.

As a member of the box court world, even at the peak of her strength, reticia's incarnation as a demon king is only four digits. However, the uniqueness of the box court world let her know the vastness, mystery and infinity of the long river of the world.

Even in the box court world, those unknown true gods dare not say that their own strength can be invincible to the long river of the world.

Before reticia could recover from his amazement, Dong Zhuo continued: "no matter what kind of creature, once it has no goal, it will fall into a state of confusion. I believe you, as a vampire, should understand? "

She nodded with a complicated look, and Leticia understood Dong Zhuo's meaning.

Dong Zhuo said so much. To sum up, life is too long. If there is no enemy outside, there is no goal inside. No matter what kind of creature, under such circumstances, the final result is either the distortion of mind or the extinction of self.

The kindness in her heart made Leticia resolutely make up for his difficulties according to Dong Zhuo's vague statement.

In order not to let oneself fall into self extinction and mental distortion. Dong Zhuo chose to do shameful things with girls as his goal!

Unfortunately, without knowing Dong Zhuo's own experience, Leticia completely fell into the pit designed by Dong Zhuo