A pair of broad wings are like inlaid with gold carved feathers. But there is no metallic texture of gold, but it gives people a light and dreamlike holy feeling!

The gorgeous golden radiance poured down from yelase Xiayin. The rich radiance not only did not have the slightest dazzling feeling, but made people feel comfortable physically and mentally!

"Angel! It's really an angel! "

"God. Save me! "

Standing trembling on XianShen Island, looking up at the people fighting between Yele Xiayin and Xiaogu city in the sky, the fear in their hearts seems to be washed away by the light on Yele Xiayin. One by one, they looked at the sky in tears. Even if they were not believers of Apocalyptic Religion, they couldn't help praying like God at this moment.

"I......" yese Xiayin looked at the wings shrouded over herself and Dong Zhuo in amazement. He said in disbelief, "have I really become an angel? Not an angel. It's a real angel. "

"That's right!" Looking at yese Xiayin's excited look. Dong Zhuo smiled and stroked the girl's soft silver hair.

Xiayin yelase, who recovered from the surprise, noticed Dong Zhuo's action. Her pretty face turned red. Subconsciously, he distanced himself from Dong Zhuo and avoided his Lushan claw. He hesitated: "please... Please don't do this. We... We still have powerful enemies who have not been defeated! "

The girl's shy expression made Dong Zhuo's heart beat. But he also knows that at this time, he can't show his sinister intentions. Before that, he planned to let yese Xiayin throw himself into the arms!

For Dong Zhuo, this is an interesting game. If ye laixia Yin is really aware of his intention, maybe the game will be gameover at the beginning of the game!

Of course, Dong Zhuo has never been a patient person. In order to ensure his smooth customs clearance, he used some cheating methods without hesitation. For example, in the angel power obtained by yelase Xiayin, there are also some factors that imperceptibly change the girl's character. Although there will be no such thing as Xiaogu City, the distortion of character will happen.

However, if you can do whatever you like by 100 points, it's still no problem to increase Ye se Xiayin's initial favor by 70 or 80 points.

Pretending to be serious, Dong Zhuo took back his hand, and his face was straight“ Then, please Miss angel. Please be sure to defeat the evil true ancestor who threatens Xianshen island! "

"I... my name is ye laixia Yin. Please don't call me miss angel!" Ye laixia Yin blushed and lowered her head. Her eyes secretly glanced at Dong Zhuo from time to time.

"OK. Xia Yin sauce, my name is Dong Zhuo! "

"Mr. Dong Zhuo!" Ye laixia Yin bowed slightly to Dong Zhuo.

"It seems that this is not the time to chat." Dong Zhuo inadvertently saw the angry old town of Xiao attacking the golden wing. He suddenly seemed to have a conscience. Quietly take back their strength. Said: "Xia Yin sauce, please knock down this evil true ancestor first."

"Yes!" Yele Xiayin subconsciously agreed.

Until this time, she was stunned to find that her strength seemed to soar out of thin air.

You know, before the black wings, the most between her and Xiaogu city was eight kilograms and eight Liang. Moreover, because she is not familiar with the battle and xiaogucheng's desperate attack, on the whole, she has always been at a disadvantage.

But now, just the color of the wings has changed, and the strength has risen with the tide.

Just now she has been immersed in the communication with Dong Zhuo, completely subconsciously using her wings to protect herself. Even so, Xiaogu city can't break the protection of its wings.

Slightly stunned for a moment, yese Xiayin's face became serious“ Xiaogucheng senior, although I don't know why you must kill me. But... I'm sorry, I don't want to die! "

As soon as the voice fell, the wings of yese Xiayin stretched out with endless brilliance.

The boundless light makes the whole XianShen Island seem to be plated with a layer of gold. The creatures of the whole string God Island, even the demon family, feel a kind of peace of mind and joy out of thin air under this light! I couldn't help but immerse myself in the mysterious realm and recite the Bible involuntarily.

Even those who have never read the Bible seem to be able to recite it backwards at this moment.

With the voices of countless people ringing through the sky, the golden brilliance of Ye se Xiayin is more dazzling.

In contrast, Xiaogu city seems to be immersed in concentrated sulfuric acid, constantly highlighting blood bubbles all over the body. The blood bubbles burst into smoke and evaporated by the golden brilliance.

The scream rang through the whole sea area in an instant.

"But... Damn..." xiaogucheng couldn't believe it. In the blink of an eye, the strength between him and yelase Xiayin was fundamentally reversed.

"I'm not willing! I haven't avenged yet! " The fear of death made Xiaogu completely irrational. At this moment, a sense of enlightenment and strange suddenly came to his mind.

"There's still a chance, I still have a chance!"

It's like grasping a last straw. Xiaogu city didn't even think about how the sudden enlightenment came, and subconsciously took action according to the understanding.

His body suddenly began to expand. Pieces of scales with cold light emerge from under the skin, and the whole person continues to extend and grow.

In the sight of countless people in XianShen Island, Xiaogu city has completed the unimaginable transformation in an instant.

The ancient city of Xiao in human form has completely disappeared. What remained in place was a monster that shrouded most of the sky.

This monster is somewhat similar to a python, but different, it has seven heads and ten horns!! The huge tail dances back and forth in the sky. Each dance makes the sea around Xianshen island set off nearly 100 meters of waves.

It is no exaggeration to say that this ancient snake really wreaks havoc on the earth and destroys the world easily.

"This... This is impossible!" From the light curtain, we can see how the ancient city of Xiao has become the terrible Nangong in front of us. In that month, a pair of emerald clear eyes are full of horror. Unbelievable way: "how could the ancient city of Xiao become Satan!"

Not only the ancient city of Xiao, but also those who still recite the Bible recognize the shape of the ancient city of Xiao at the moment.

It is said that Eve and Adam, the ancestors of mankind, were enticed to eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil and were expelled from the garden of Eden by God. The culprit who makes mankind bear the original sin.

An ancient snake in the garden of Eden.

The devil and Satan in the Bible!!

Seven ancient snakes, with their tails, were enough to sweep a third of the stars in the sky. Against the strong existence of God and angels.

No matter how many titles there are, it can't change. It is the most evil existence in Biblical mythology.

Like the scene of the reappearance of ancient myths, I don't know how many onlookers were stunned