The wind looked down at Youxiang, as if he was weighing whether to agree to Dong Zhuo's requirements.

There is no doubt that from her performance, it can be seen that the conditions put forward by Dong Zhuo cannot be easily rejected in her heart.

For a long time, the wind saw the fragrance and said, "although emotionally I want to accept it. Because of the Dragon God, I believe you should know the situation of the world very well. I don't think you can do it! "

"Really?" Dong Zhuo smiled. He said, "you can't see a rabbit or an eagle! It doesn't matter. I'm sure you'll see it. "

"I'll see!" With a decision in his heart, the wind saw that Youxiang was no longer tangled. He looked calm and smiled at Dong Zhuo.

"It seems that you have a good communication!" Eight cloud purple smiled. A pair of big eyes, but constantly look at Dong Zhuo, and look at the wind and see the faint fragrance.

Bayunzi, who always thought she was very smart, now found that she seemed to be an outsider. She is confident that she knows more about Fengjian Youxiang than Dong Zhuo, but she can't understand what they are talking about at the moment!

"Hum! It has nothing to do with you! " The wind saw the faint fragrance and glanced at eight clouds and purple coldly.

Eight cloud purple Shan smiled and didn't mean embarrassment at all. He smiled and said to Dong Zhuo, "seeing your relaxed appearance, the crisis of fantasy township should be solved?"

"Barely count!" Thinking of Wu Tian's backhand, Dong Zhuo frowned slightly, immediately smiled and said: "for the time being, fantasy township will not be in danger again. As for the future, I don't think that guy has a future! "

"What do you mean?" Eight cloud purple's face was dignified and said, "you mean, did that guy escape?"

"Yes!" Nodded, Dong Zhuo said with a little admiration: "although I don't want to admit it, I really underestimated Wu Tian. Before you win, you lose! Before he started, he left behind his future resurrection. "

"Will he come back?" Eight cloud purple is a little nervous.

"I've sent a man to hunt him down. Not only does he have no hope of recovery, he will even disappear completely soon! "

Even with Dong Zhuo's guarantee, bayunzi is still a little worried! After all, that guy's threat to fantasy town is too serious.

In case the other party revives, she doesn't believe that Dong Zhuo will stay in fantasy township as a nanny. Most importantly, let Dong Zhuo stay all the time. The consequences are not much better than Wu Tian's return!

Eight cloud purple hesitated for a moment, with a few points on her face: "I don't know if you can please solve that guy yourself? Points and bodies... Ha ha... "

"You mean you don't believe me?" Dong Zhuo said with a smile.

"No! Of course not! " Eight cloud purple quickly denied. He explained: "that guy is a strong man who dares to attack you. Just a minute, just in case... "

"There will be no accident!" Dong Zhuo said positively, "do you think there is only a wisp of remnant soul left to escape and make a comeback? I won't plant it twice in the same place! "

Dong Zhuo's voice just fell, and a message from the dark suddenly reflected in his heart.

After receiving this message, Dong Zhuo's face immediately became gloomy.

Seeing Dong Zhuo, who looked like the best in the world, changed his face in an instant. Eight cloud purple heart clattered, a bad premonition spontaneously.

"Is something wrong?"

"Hoo..." with a long breath, Dong Zhuo stared at bayunzi without saying a word and said, "it seems that this guy really wants me to do it myself!"

As soon as his eyes brightened, eight cloud purple eagerly asked, "what do you mean? You mean, your part and body failed? "

Shaking his head, Dong Zhuo said, "it's not completely right to say failure. That guy is trapped in a strange place with me! After sending me a message, I can't get in touch anymore. I can feel that the part and body have not been destroyed. But it's very strange. Since it has not been destroyed, why is it isolated? "

Dong Zhuo frowned and looked puzzled.

Compared with Dong Zhuo's distress, BA Yunzi couldn't wait to laugh.

That's great! Not only the guy who threatened fantasy village was solved by Dong Zhuo, but also he was leaving! The two greatest threats to fantasy Township were swept away in an instant.

How can this make bayunzi unhappy?

Of course, she is still very smart. Will not really show a happy look at this time. Anyway, Dong Zhuo is in front of him now. Even if he wants to have a banquet and celebrate, he has to wait until he leaves. Don't worry now.

When bayunzi was excited and wanted to laugh, Dong Zhuo's meaningful voice came.

"You seem very happy?"

"When... Of course not!" Eight cloud purple's face was stiff, and the thoughts in his mind turned quickly. He desperately recalled where he was, and exposed his inner thoughts. His mouth was worried and said, "it's not easy to trap your part, body and that guy at the same time. It's not easy to see that place!"

"It's really not simple!" Dong Zhuo agreed: "even if there was only a wisp of remnant soul left in Wu Tian, after all, there was a power close to me now. Plus my part and body. It seems strange to be able to trap both at the same time! "

What's weird? Bayunzi doesn't care. Now she just wants Dong Zhuo to leave fantasy town as soon as possible. Of course, on the surface, she still wants to show that she shares the same hatred with Dong Zhuo.

"If you want to cut the grass and remove the roots, since that guy dares to calculate you. You beat me again, leaving only a wisp of ghost. We are already dead, so we can't give each other any chance! " Eight cloud purple tone is cruel and hot, a look of consideration for Dong Zhuo.

"You're right!" Dong Zhuo turned his eyes and said thoughtfully, "I didn't expect you to care about me so much!"

I don't know why. Seeing Dong Zhuo's expression, BA Yunzi always has the illusion that a weasel sees a chicken. He smiled and said, "of course! Anyway, that guy is the enemy of fantasy Town, isn't he? "

"In that case! Why don't you go to that world with me? "

Eight cloud purple's face suddenly froze.

Are you kidding? Who wants to go with you to the ghost world that doesn't know where it is. She just wants Dong Zhuo to leave as soon as possible, okay?

"No... don't be kidding!" The smile on bayunzi's face is more ugly than crying“ My strength is too poor. I can't help but get in the way. "

"You can't say that!" Dong Zhuo seemed to be really comforting bayunzi“ Although your strength is a little weak. But it's beautiful. What is the name of the void? The message from the body and body should be very big. Even if you go, you may not be able to find it in a short time. With you, it won't be so boring, will it? "

Eight cloud purple really wanted to cry at this time. It's obviously impossible to let Dong Zhuo leave alone. In that case, you can only sacrifice one for fantasy town!

Thinking of this, bayunzi said gnashing her teeth: "well, I'll go with you. No, before you go, you always tell me, what the hell is that place! "

Dong Zhuo shrugged and explained, "I'm going to disappoint you. I don't know where it is. According to the message from the body and body, let's call it the ultimate void! "