Now the earth is in such a bad form that it can't be supported by the super soldiers of the super Seminary

Just Morgana, who has begun to make waves, and Kyle, the judgment angel with unknown enemy and friend, are enough to plunge the earth into an abyss of eternal doom.

Let alone another god of death, Carl, who has no clear purpose and always pays attention to every move of the earth.

At the thought of these guys who are famous for millions of light-years in the universe and pay attention to the earth, ducao and Mr. Liu have trouble sleeping and eating.

At this moment, Dong Zhuo even put forward the Buddha Road of spiritual awakening, which can enable ordinary people and master the power enough to compete with super soldiers. Ducao and Liu even have a desperate impulse to spread this power system on the earth.

But Mr. ducao and Mr. Liu were crafty people, and soon calmed down.

"How can this spiritual power be awakened?" Teacher Liu asked with some uneasiness. For fear of getting a desperate answer from Dong Zhuo.

"It's simple!" Dong Zhuo reached out and stroked in front of him.

The golden light was shining. I saw dozens of statues floating out of thin air in front of him, small and exquisite, as if covered in a shield the size of a pigeon egg!

Buddha, Bodhisattva, Mingwang, Yasha, Shura

"What is this?" Ducao asked without knowing why.

"This is the key to awakening the power of the mind!" Dong Zhuo pointed to one of the statues of the king of wrath and said, "as long as you deeply meditate and vividly build this statue of the king of wrath, it is possible to awaken the power of your heart! And it is an extremely powerful anger force among the spiritual forces. You know, the mind is the most unpredictable, seven emotions and six desires, and thoughts... "

Teacher Liu raised his eyebrows“ Mr. Dong Zhuo, I'm sorry to interrupt you. You seem to have said just now that the power of the mind lies in self-awareness. "

"That's right!" Dong Zhuo nodded and explained, "but the possibility of self-awareness is infinitely close to zero. There are so many eminent monks in history who can't do it. Don't you think ordinary people can wake up casually? "

Dong Zhuo's explanation stunned teacher Liu.


If the power of the mind was really so simple, this power system would dominate the universe long ago! Where do you get super soldiers?

What makes Mr. Liu uneasy is that all these things come from Dong Zhuo. For this unknown power system, who knows whether Dong Zhuo's dark hand exists?

If he really left any back door, wouldn't it mean that those who awakened their spiritual power would be coerced by him?

For a time, both Liu and ducao were in a dilemma. They wanted to get this magical power and didn't want to take risks.

For this mentality, Dong Zhuo has seen it for a long time. He doesn't know how many times. He even regards all kinds of intrigues as easy.

With a casual smile on his face, he said faintly, "of course, you don't have to wake up according to the statue I made. The real mystery lies in charm! For example, the Ming King represents anger and the hungry ghost represents appetite... As long as the charm is discovered, the object of meditation is not important! "

For a moment, both Mr. Liu and ducao were relieved.

"Thank you for your help. If we really get this power, the safety of the earth will be guaranteed! " Ducao bowed to Dong Zhuo quite sincerely.

Dong Zhuo frankly accepted his thanks.

Don't think Dong Zhuo is really selfless and willing to devote so much to helping the earth improve its strength.

His real purpose is the ultimate void. Since he can't understand the true meaning of the ultimate void in a short time, he will change the world stared at by the ultimate void and pocket the mystery of the ultimate void in a way of gradual penetration!

All those who understand the power taught by Dong Zhuo are his chess pieces!

Aware of this system, which is quite different from the super gene, ducao and Liu chose to let Dong Zhuo teach the soldiers of the Xiongbing company the knowledge of the power of consciousness and mind!

After all, it is obviously more valuable to get a new system that can be widely spread than to enhance the strength of these people!

A week later. The soldiers of the Xiongbing company, together with a selected earthman, gradually gathered on the juxia mountain!

Next, they will accept Dong Zhuo's teaching and understand another power different from super gene.

"I said, can we really understand that... Spiritual power?" Sitting on the chair of the ladder classroom, Liu Chuang asked his comrades in arms with some uneasiness.

"Should it be ok?" Zhao Xin grabbed his hair“ Didn't Mr. Liu tell the chief? The monkey king suddenly realized that he had become a Buddha. We have a Buddha who can use Wuzhishan to hold down the monkey brother. It shouldn't be a big problem! "

"That's good! That's good! " Liu Chuang finally breathed a sigh of relief. He patted his pants and said, "even ordinary people can understand this spiritual power. I always feel a little nervous! "

"Just be nervous!" Ge xiaolun glanced and said, "in the future, we super soldiers will have a physical advantage over ordinary people at most!"

The emergence of spiritual power is naturally a great gospel for ordinary people. But the super soldier is a little complicated about this situation.

Can be selected among trillions of people to become a member of the super Seminary. These people don't say it on the surface, but they must have a high idea in their hearts, especially Ge xiaolun and Liu Chuang, who were originally the small tunes at the bottom.

The emergence of spiritual power naturally brings them a strong psychological gap.

"Don't be sour, will you?" Lena slapped Ge xiaolun on the shoulder and said, "even if you really become weak slag in the future, your goddess will protect you, the incarnation of the sun! Don't worry! "

Ge xiaolun rolled his eyes, rubbed his painful shoulder and said, "I'll go. Who will protect who will be uncertain at that time. You goddess, don't turn yourself into a weak slag!"

Lena raised her eyebrows, pushed Ge xiaolun and said, "what are you talking about? I am the incarnation of the sun, you... "

"Your goddess!!"

In the classroom, everyone who had already bought Lena's mantra said with one voice.

Lena was embarrassed and said with a smile, "I'm God! Do you scum want to rebel? "


The classroom door suddenly opened, with red hair and a proper windbreaker. Stepping on high heels, appeared in front of everyone.

Behind her, a woman with delicate facial features, supple long black hair and bangs covering her right eye, a particularly graceful figure, wearing Khaki windbreaker and with her hands in her pockets, looked at the people in the room curiously.

"Let me introduce you!" Du Qiang Mei came to the woman and said, "this is a friend I just met in juxia City, liangbing! She also came to attend this training! If she can get this power, she will be our comrades in arms in the future! "

"Beauty!! Hello, I'm Ge xiaolun, the power of the Galaxy! " Ge xiaolun stood up, patted his body, looked awe inspiring, and even the nickname he just knew burst out.

"I'm the prince of Guangdun family, Cheng Yaowen!"

A meal of dregs, like a peacock, showed itself to the sudden cold ice. I don't know. This woman was their biggest enemy not long ago