Ge xiaolun looked incredible.

In his opinion, before Mingming, angel Yan was even with Arto, but in a twinkling of an eye, it was just because he wanted to go up and help, and the form of both sides was immediately clear.

What he couldn't accept was that angel Yan probably lost because of his own intervention.

For a time, this idea of being a drag on his teammates made Ge xiaolun feel very guilty.

"Don't... don't worry, I'll save you!"

A flash of firmness flashed in his eyes. Ge xiaolun screamed and rushed to Atto with a broad sword.

ATO proudly stepped on the body of the angel Yan, looked down at his stubborn eyes and sneered. He looked at GE xiaolun who rushed over“ People from the earth Theological Seminary? "

"It's just a mole ant. I also want to participate in the wrestling of beasts. "Over measure your strength!"

He grabbed the flaming sword dropped by angel Yan, and Atto looked at GE xiaolun with a sneer.

"Brain stump!!" As soon as he approached Atto, GE xiaolun took out his full strength. While drinking, the broadsword also hit Atto's head.

Although Ge xiaolun grew up completely, with the particularity of his own galactic power, a mere Atto can wave to death. But now he is still a rookie.

Even if Atto was banned by brain mutilation. Ge xiaolun can't damage Atto's divine body.


The heavy broadsword struck atoo's head. Except for a crisp sound, it didn't cause him any damage.

"Are you kidding? The head is harder than my sword! "

When GE xiaolun was tongue tied, Atto was furious. A guy who was regarded as an ant by him took a sword and split it on his head.

This is a great humiliation!!

Green veins burst on his gray black face. With a grunt of anger, Atto grabbed Ge xiaolun's waist and held him in his hand. He fell to the ground.


The ground was hit by GE xiaolun in an instant. The remaining anger of Atto, throwing the flaming sword, inserted Ge xiaolun on the ground and became a difficult friend side by side with angel Yan.

He had never suffered such a heavy blow before, and Ge xiaolun immediately uttered a terrible cry.

"OK... Cough... OK, stop yelling!" Angel Yan turned to ge xiaolun and said, "I'm sorry, child, I hurt you. I didn't expect Arto to be promoted to God in such a short time. Instead of killing him, it has implicated you. "

Even if his body was in severe pain, GE xiaolun still clearly heard Angel Yan's words. For a time, his heart became more and more guilty. In his opinion, if he hadn't stepped in rashly before, maybe Angel Yan could leave even if he couldn't kill Atto.

"Don't... don't say that. If it weren't for me, you might still be equal to this beast now!"

"Ha ha..." angel Yan smiled miserably“ I didn't expect that I would end up here after fighting for so long. It is not my former comrades in arms who accompany me, but you, the child of the earth! "

"Have you had enough?" Atto's cold voice came“ If you've had enough talk, I'll send you two on the road! "

Because moganna lost the queen, Atto couldn't crack Ge xiaolun's weapons. If he wanted to kill them, Atto's only weapon was Angel Yan's flaming sword.

Pulling out the blood-free flame sword from GE xiaolun, ATO sneered: "the flame sword is really invincible! Well, let me take you home now! "

As he spoke, Atto raised the flaming sword.

At this moment, under the condition of dying at any time, GE xiaolun has a big alarm in his heart. The mind concentrated to the limit in an instant.

In the dark, he seemed to feel some terrible power lurking in his mind!

"That's what Mr. Dong left me behind!"

Ge xiaolun was overjoyed when he remembered what Dong Zhuo said when he left the earth. He hurriedly intruded his mind into the power left by Dong Zhuo.

Realizing that he had just come into contact with this power, GE xiaolun suddenly opened his eyes, and a touch of starlight flickered in his eyes.

"Child, you..." he felt what earth shaking changes had taken place in Ge xiaolun, and angel Yan's heart was shocked. In her perception, the power contained in Ge xiaolun at this moment even far exceeds that of the judgment Angel Kyle.

If this terrible force erupted in an instant, it would be enough to destroy the whole freldrod system in an instant.

Don't say it's just an Arto. Even Kyle and mogana, the well-known great gods of the universe, have to kneel! When did the earth Theological Seminary have such a terrible means?

Can it be said that this is the backhand left by the strong man to ge xiaolun?

"Ah...!" Ge xiaolun's feeling at the moment is absolutely not beautiful or wonderful. When he touched the backhand left by Dong Zhuo. A feeling that the whole galaxy burst out in his consciousness almost broke down his own reason.

Ge xiaolun's sudden outbreak scared even Angel Yan, let alone Arto.

Fear is light. Frightened Atto, he doesn't know there yet. He must not give Ge xiaolun the chance to explode seeds, otherwise he will die.

At that moment, alto couldn't think much. The flame sword flashed an arc and cut into Ge xiaolun's neck.

"Go to hell!! Galaxy starburst!! " Seeing that the flaming sword was about to cut on the flesh, GE xiaolun suddenly burst into a violent drink.

The next moment, like the big bang, was repeated in a small area centered on Ge xiaolun. Everything around him was turned into chariot powder, except that angel Yan and Atto were hit hard in an instant and flew out by terrible power.

Within a circular range of hundreds of meters, everything about time, space, material and energy has been subverted and distorted around Ge xiaolun.

"This... What is this?" Atto, who had been hit for nearly a kilometer, struggled to stand up and looked at the terrible scene with lingering fear.

This force came and went quickly, but in a flash, everything calmed down again. But around Ge xiaolun, there is a round pit with a radius of several hundred meters, and the ground is smooth enough to shine a shadow.

The villages slaughtered by Atto have disappeared.

Originally, he was badly hurt and mistakenly injured by GE xiaolun's indiscriminate attack. Angel Yan couldn't move a finger except his head.

"Strange, that force should be more than that... Cough... Why is the scope of the outbreak so small?" For the rest of his life, except for the lucky chance of not dying, there was only doubt left.

Step on

A burst of extremely weak, but it was like the sound of footsteps stepping on the heart, from far to near.

Both Atto and angel Yan looked in the direction of the sound.

Not far away, a woman with silver hair and beard, an arrow bag, a long bow and a staff in her hand was walking step by step.

The terrible cold followed her footsteps and spread rapidly around. With each step, the land under her feet will condense into ice