Looking at GE xiaolun's impatient face, Zhao Xin sighed.

"Xiao Lun, I thought you would grow up after so much experience."

Zhao Xinpo sighed: "Mr. Dong Zhuo's origin is very mysterious, but it is certain that he is definitely not from earth. And he is different from the angel who wants to uphold justice at the expense of his life. I believe you can see this! "

Ge xiaolun is reckless, but he is not an idiot. In the experience of blood and fire during this period, the innocence has also faded. It is no longer the student who boasted in the dormitory with his roommates!

He can see naturally that Zhao Xin is right. Even with Dong Zhuo's help, he and Zhao Xin have gained strong power, but this does not mean that Dong Zhuo is really standing on the position of the earth.

Perhaps once moganna pays any price, she can easily draw him into the devil's camp.

"Of course I understand that. But it is precisely because of this that we should kill Mo ganna, lest she win over Dong Zhuo and become a greater threat to the earth in the future! "

Zhao Xin shook his head“ Xiao Lun, haven't you noticed that there seems to be some changes around us? "

"Change?" Ge xiaolun thought, "do you mean that Taotie's offensive against the earth has changed?"

"Of course not!" Zhao Xinpo said alarmingly, "Xiao Lun, whatever I say next, whether you believe it or not, don't make a statement for the time being."

"Master Xin, what did you find? It's mysterious. " After complaining, GE xiaolun said positively, "I promise, no matter what you say, I'm rotten in my heart and will never communicate with anyone. All right? "

With GE xiaolun's assurance, Zhao Xin said solemnly, "I find that everyone around us seems to have problems with their memory. Some people's memories deviate from us. And it's a big deviation. Even I suspect that the whole universe is like this! "

Ge xiaolun was immediately startled.

If some people have memory problems, he can accept it. After all, there are too many ways to change a person's memory. Not to mention the powerful existence of gods, demons and angels. Even he, now with the male core system, can easily change a person's memory. But tampering with the whole universe is different.

In the universe, but there are many terrible and powerful beings.

"Master Xin! You... Are you kidding? " Ge xiaolun's voice was a little dry.

"What do you think?" Zhao Xin's face was heavy“ Think about our experience. "

Following Zhao Xin's hint, GE xiaolun thought more and more that his discovery was right. From Zhixin, Kaisha, Dong Zhuo to Mo ganna just appeared, it seems that these people really have problems.

"Xin... Xin Ye." Ge xiaolun's face turned white“ Let me think it over. What you said seems to be true! "

"What seems?" Zhao Xin frowned and said discontentedly, "do you think there are other possibilities?"

"No! No! " Ge xiaolun quickly shook his head“ What do you think we should do now? "

"I don't know! But I think all this must have something to do with Dong Zhuo. If you think about it carefully, it seems that he is familiar with us, angels and demons. Especially Kaisha, her reaction proves my speculation! "

"Eh!" Ge xiaolun was suddenly surprised. He looked at Zhao Xin in surprise and said, "Lord Xin, when were you so smart?"

"You!" Ge xiaolun's cold response gave him a hard choke. Zhao Xin smiled bitterly and said, "do you think it's suitable to joke at this time?"

"All right! All right! " Ge xiaolun raised his hands. "Mr. Xin, what should we do now?"

"Anyway, keep an eye on Dong Zhuo first. I believe there must be a breakthrough in him! " Zhao Xin suggested.

"I see!" Ge xiaolun nodded hard“ Master Xin, I will apologize to Dong Zhuo. Find a way to have a lesbian relationship with him. I'll go first! "

After saying goodbye to Zhao Xin, GE xiaolun went straight to the deck.

He didn't see it. Behind him, the expression on Zhao Xin's face suddenly became strange. The look in the eyes is not like a young man, but like a bearded old man full of wisdom after the baptism of infinite years!

On the deck, when Zhao Xin and Ge xiaolun left.

Moganna looked frightened“ What is that? How can the Galactic force have this power? What a special thing! I just felt like I almost hung up! "

Rao is moganna, who has experienced countless life and death crises in the battle with Kaisha. She is still frightened by the sense of powerlessness trapped in the void barrier just now!

"That's the void controller. The real power comes from the void! " After Dong Zhuo explained, he looked at Mo ganna strangely and said, "your state looks very... Very strange. The body is the product of one timeline, while memory is the product of another. "

"Yes!" Speaking of this, morganaton thought of business“ What happened in the world? Why does my mother feel like some people's memories have changed? "

"You're right." Dong Zhuo nodded to confirm Mo ganna's guess“ Because the two timelines merge, some people's memory deviates. "

"I wipe!" Moganna uttered a foul word. He said with a surprised look: "that bastard is so interested that he can merge the timeline? Is it Kiran, the God of time? "

Dong Zhuo's face turned black“ Morgana, you should remember what happened between us? "

"Er..." the expression on Mo ganna's face was stiff. She didn't wriggle, but said with gnashing teeth: "yes, of course I didn't forget. You promised me to make a comeback. I don't know when to start? "

"Don't worry!" Dong Zhuo looked at moganna with great interest and said, "I can't imagine that your body is the product of a timeline."

"What do you mean?" Morgana frowned.

"Obviously!" Dong Zhuo shrugged and said, "that is to say, you are still a pure person! Do you understand? "

"What are you talking about?" Moganna was stunned!

"It seems that you haven't checked your body well. Why don't we study it together now? " Dong Zhuo said excitedly.

He really didn't realize that after the rough merger of the two time lines, the result of the self-regulation of the universe made such interesting changes in moganna.

"You can't think!" Moganna almost blew up in an instant. She sacrificed everything. But I didn't expect that it was only a long time before Dong Zhuo and Kaisha got togethe