Chapter 482

Name:Conquer the World Author:zhi bai
The whole suixian county was fried. The rebels almost poured out to search for assassins in the whole city. Every courtyard in the city was thoroughly searched. Finally, clues were found in a small courtyard, but no one was found. Overnight, the generals with more than five grades almost died, leaving Han en alone.

Before Zishi, someone saw Zheng Duobao running out of Jiang Yun's residence, waving his arms wildly while running. He made a hoarse voice in his throat. He didn't know what he was shouting. He fell to the ground before he ran out. His body was hurt and his tongue was cut off. Therefore, people couldn't understand what he was shouting and couldn't save him. Li chat rushed over with someone and immediately sent someone to find out what was going on. As a result, no one saw when Zheng Duobao entered Jiang Yunlai's residence, and none of Jiang Yunlai's personal soldiers saw how he entered Jiang Yunlai's bedroom.

Li chat arranges someone to deal with it, and then returns to his residence. As a result, the next morning someone came to say that several more generals had died. When the soldiers pushed the door in, they found that Li chat didn't know when he was killed. The body lay on the table, already stiff.

In the morning, more and more dead were identified.

Han en is the worst rebel general. If his uncle Han Renzao had not been Li Yuanshan's confidant, he would not have been awarded a five grade general. There are two counselors Li Yuanshan trusts most. One is Tang Wenjing, who is also from Longyou aristocratic family, but his family is in decline. Han Renzao's ancestral home is Jiangnan. Although the Han family is not a first-class family in Jiangnan, it is also a famous family with a history of hundreds of years.

Han en's heart didn't settle down after he learned that he was now the highest officer in suixian county. The first is the fear of death. The assassin who is afraid of killing hasn't left yet. The second is fear. I don't know how to deal with these things. It's Li Tan's personal team. Li Er knows a lot and constantly reminds him that he barely shows his timidity.

"What now?"

Han en whispered to Li Er.

"The general's family members need you to appease them personally, and then take good care of the body. Send a horse out of the city to search far away along the official road. Although there is little hope, you can't do it. In addition, if there is no accident, the inspector will arrive in the afternoon. In such a big trouble, the inspector just comes. The general just needs to leave everything to the inspector's decision. Of course, silver It must be enough. "

Li chat is dead. Li Er knows that if he wants to continue to mix, he can only find a new master quickly. Although Han en is a waste, he is now the only person in charge of suixian County, and the patrol envoy is coming. If there is no accident, the patrol envoy will certainly let Han en preside over military affairs.

It's too far away from Xiangcheng, and there must be a master general in the army. In addition, the patrol envoy already has this right, so Han en's ascendance is natural.

Li Er thought it would be no harm to be closer to Han en now.

He thought for a moment and continued: "When the patrol envoy arrives, he will be furious and scold you severely. But don't worry, general. It's all about the scene. Don't collide or resist. What the patrol envoy says is what he says. Then he gives enough silver and the patrol envoy will let you take charge of military affairs. It's impossible to say that from today on, the team of more than 10000 people in suixian county will be handed over to you."


Han en was stunned for a moment and thought about it. He couldn't help laughing and said, "if you look at it like this, it's really not a bad thing for me."

Li Erxin thinks you idiot, how can you laugh now

"Li Er, what did you say to do first?"

After giggling for a while, Han en remembered that he had forgotten most of what Li Er said before.

"First let someone take care of the bodies of the generals, then send someone out of the city to search for the assassins along the official road, and then go to appease General Li's family."

"Right, right, right"

Han en patted his forehead and said as he walked, "follow me. I'll forget you to remind me of anything."

Just as he was talking, four or five cavalry soldiers rushed directly down the street. These people were wearing green brocade robes, beam crowns and black cloaks. The man in charge did not come down after strangling the war horse. He shouted directly to the people: "the patrol envoy has arrived at the thirty mile fort to rest and set off later. General Li, please go out of the city to meet him!"

Han en was stunned as soon as he said this.

Li Er touched him from behind. Han en reacted and immediately walked a few steps forward: "please report back to the inspector and go out of the city to meet him immediately."

The man pointed at the horse whip, frowned and asked, "what's the matter, General Li?"

"General Li... Is dead"

Han en was smart, pretended to be very sad and said, "an assassin came into the city last night and assassinated General Li. The humble position is sending someone to search for him."

The man's face changed for a moment, then hugged and said, "I'll go back first. The general will report to the inspector in person later."



The patrol envoy was not established long ago. It was only after the imperial army invaded Hexi Road that Li Yuanshan sent his cronies to appoint him. Although he had no specific official position, his authority was amazing. After Li Yuanshan claimed to be the king, he trusted his fellow countrymen more and more, and all the elite men and horses were led by the children of the Li family. The patrol envoy was no exception, all of them were from the Li family.

In fact, most people don't understand Li Yuanshan's arrangement. The troops in front are the rebels led by his seven tiger generals. They are all forcibly captured people. Their combat power is not very strong. Although the number is huge, it is difficult to resist the attack of the imperial army. After the best equipped and well-trained men and horses were deployed in Xiangcheng, the elite of the original youxiaowei headquarters guarded Xiangcheng with Li Yuanshan.

There are not many people who really know the purpose of Li Yuanshan's arrangement, but the patrol envoys who are responsible for supervising the armies west of Xiangcheng know, because Li Yuanshan's arrangement is finally all on these seven patrol envoys.

At the thirty mile fort, the inspector made Li Xiaolian stand under a big tree, a little distracted. According to the seniority, he is Li Yuanshan's nephew of the same family and the same generation as Li Xiaozong, but his fourth brother of Li Yuanshan is the eldest son, and his status is naturally not comparable to that of Li Xiaozong.

The battle ahead is more and more worrying. Although the advance speed of the imperial army is not as fast as before, it never stops. Li Xiaolian knew what Li Yuanshan's arrangement was, but he was still uneasy. This decisive battle is the battle of the life and death of the Li family. There is no doubt that Li Yuanshan is indeed an owl and is very likely to take the Li family to the top of the world. But if it fails, everyone in the Li family from top to bottom will not have any vitality.

Li Xiaolian is well aware that the current situation is developing as expected by Li Yuanshan, and almost every step has not deviated from Li Yuanshan's plan. No matter on his own side or the court side, they are walking along the road he has drawn. But this is not the reason why Li Xiaolian can be down-to-earth. At this time, he believes that even Li Yuanshan himself may not be down-to-earth.

It must be exciting to be appointed inspector by Li Yuanshan. Once the Li family finally turns their home into a country, Li Xiaolian knows how bright his future is. But because of this trust and promotion, he determined that once he was defeated, he was one of the first people to be beheaded by the imperial court.

"Sir, shall we wait for Li chat to bring someone to meet or start later?"

The guard handed him a water bag and asked.

"Take a break and start. After all, it's only more than thirty miles. We'll get to suixian before dark."

Li Xiaolian answered, still thinking about the war.

As a close friend of Li Yuanshan, he knew that Li Yuanshan had been planning things since the beginning of the army. Over the past three years, Li Yuanshan has constantly expanded his army and set up a defense line to Hexi Road. It is like closing himself in the three northwest roads. He has never tried to go out of the northwest because Li Yuanshan is waiting for the imperial army. Outsiders even thought that his ambition was not there. He was satisfied with occupying the three roads in the northwest and did not want to make progress. Li Xiaolian scoffed at such comments. He admired Li Yuanshan from the bottom of his heart.

Only those who really stand high can see what will happen in a few years, and let what will happen in a few years completely follow his design. Those who talk behind their backs simply can't understand Li Yuanshan's successive successors in order to succeed. Li Yuanshan is like a big country player. He spent three years playing chess. Once the layout is made, no one can solve it.

While Li Xiaolian was meditating, the guard standing on the roof suddenly issued an alarm: "there are troops in the due north. The smoke is billowing. It should be cavalry!"

Li Xiaolian was stunned, jumped onto the courtyard wall, jumped onto the roof, took the guard's Qianli eye and looked due north.

"Get everyone on the horse and be ready to evacuate."

He ordered, staring north.

Three hundred patrolmen in green robes and black cloaks immediately mounted the guard and waited for his next orders.


Li Xiaolian put down his eyes and his face was full of doubts. It seemed that something was unexpected, and then he raised his eyes again and looked carefully.

"How can there be a wolf riding by Mengyuan people in this place?"

He muttered, then jumped down from the roof and said, "wolves are coming. Their war horses are faster than us. They can't withdraw rashly. Those barbarians don't care who we are. Once we withdraw and attract their attention, we can't stop the arrow rain. Shine your back to Meng Yuan barbarians, and their feather arrows will grow as accurate as eyes."


He called the leader of the guard and whispered, "later, you go out to negotiate with the Mongolian people and ask whose subordinates they are."

Saburo answered and took people out of the village to stop on the official road. After only a moment, the flying wolf flag on the official road ahead was clear. Sanlang knew the costume of the Mongolians and knew that these barbarians were unscrupulous in the northwest. Even if they were close friends of Li Yuanshan, those Mongolians might not pay attention to them. These scum are chess pieces arranged by King Dingxi. We can't offend them yet.

Obviously, the wolves also found them. When they were close to the thirty mile fort, the team suddenly separated, spread its wings outward, and came in a semicircular circle, quickly surrounding the whole village.

Li Xiaolian motioned his men to put away their weapons and not to act rashly. Saburo took several people to face him and saluted with fists: "we are the team of patrol envoys under the command of King Dingxi. Which general is leading the troops?"

The bearded Meng Yuan looked at him contemptuously: "I'm hamichi under general Baihuo. I've been ordered by the general to visit the secret service. Where are you going?"

Seeing that the barbarians' hands were on the handle of machetes, Sanlang smiled and said, "the king of Dingxi sent patrol envoys to patrol all over the country. It's hard for the general to come from Fengcheng."

Meng Yuanren with beard gave a sound and looked at Sanlang carefully. He seemed to gradually relax his vigilance: "I heard general Baihuo mention that the king of Dingxi sent seven people as patrol envoys. Is the patrol envoys in? I just want to ask him something important."

Saburo looked back at Li Xiaolian, who shook his head without leaving any trace.

"I am"

Saburo nodded and said.

The bearded Meng Yuan jumped off his horse and strode forward: "Our scouts found a large number of Han Chinese troops in the west of Fengcheng, which was not under the banner of King Dingxi. General Baihuo sent someone to explore, but the team had broken Fengcheng. It's urgent. The general sent me to Xiangcheng to ask for a special service report. Since you are the inspector under King Dingxi, how about going to Xiangcheng with me?"

As he walked, he said that he had arrived in front of Saburo.

Saburo's surprised face changed and subconsciously turned back to see Li Xiaolian. It was too big for him to deal with.

"Fengcheng was broken?"

Li Xiaolian couldn't help it. He quickly stepped over and asked loudly, "how many people have broken Fengcheng? It's a red painted dragon flag?"

After he finished asking this sentence, he suddenly found that the bearded Meng Yuan smiled, which was very strange. Li Xiaolian couldn't help but be stunned, and his face suddenly changed.

"Who are you!"

He stepped and fiercely pulled out the horizontal knife.

The cavalry around the village had pulled back their hard bows and thousands of feather arrows aimed at them.

"Put down your weapons."

From behind the beard came a young man in a long black shirt. Although his clothes were stained with a lot of dust, his smile was clean and his eyes were bright. The young man was very beautiful. Even Li Xiaolian, who had always been conceited about his appearance, couldn't help being surprised.

The man in black looked at Li Xiaolian and said gently, "if you think drawing a knife is useful, I don't mind you trying. Although they are all dead, the integrity of the body is more beautiful than breaking into pieces, right?"