Chapter 485

Name:Conquer the World Author:zhi bai
Wu has Li Xiaoche, Wen has Li Xiaolian

These two people used to be the hope of the Li family in Li Yuanshan's eyes. Li Xiaoche was his son and Li Xiaolian was his nephew. Because the Li family had such amazing descendants, Li Yuanshan once lamented that the Li family had successors. But it was one of the Li family Shuangxiu who was regarded by Li Yuanshan as the hope of the future. It was so easy and simple to die in a small town called Sui County.

The body was put into a sack and thrown at the door. The Fang Xie's people didn't even take care of it. These two days, Li Eryi, who was in charge of waiting for the patrol envoy, asked the rebel soldiers to carry the body away and find a place to bury it, and then bowed and flattered to follow the fake patrol envoy.

The real inspector was carried for some time by two rebel soldiers and found a dry well and threw it in.

"Who is this man?"

A rebel muttered, "don't let people live in peace at night. Shit, it's stuck with my blood."

"This is the man caught on the way by the inspector. I don't think he is a tough man. We haven't heard the sound of execution outside. It seems that he is dead. It can be seen that he is a soft egg. I guess he has confessed, or he won't be killed."

"It's hard to say that this man's accomplice assassinated General Li and they set up an ambush outside the city and shot dozens of our brothers."

One of the rebels spat into the dry well, found a stone and smashed it in: "I'll make you a quilt again!"

Fang Xie asked someone to call Li Er in. He sat down next to the stove, pulled the cloak on his shoulder, and asked, "Li Er, do you know why I came to you?"

Li Er quickly lowered his head: "I don't know my humble position. Please tell me."

Fang Xie pointed to the Hu stool opposite: "sit down and talk."

Li Er didn't dare to refuse.

Fang Xie looked at the fire and said calmly: "I came to you because you are the leader of General Li Tan's personal team. You know more about everything in the army than Han en. I won't say anything about Han en, but you should understand one thing. There are so many generals above the fifth grade in the army who have died, and the vacant positions have to be filled. I came to you alone because you are careful... Han en wrote a name Shan is the person he recommended to fill the vacant office... I didn't see your name on it. "

As soon as Li Er's face changed, he couldn't help scolding fiercely in his heart.

"You still need experience in humble position..."

He hung his head and manipulated all the men and women of Han en's ancestors for 18 generations.

"According to the truth, you should take someone to escort General Li's family to the county to rule Puyin city first, but I asked Han en to leave you, that is, I know you are a good material."

"Humble position, thank you for your praise!"

Li Er's heart jumped and knew that his luck might come.

"Just because you know more about military affairs than Han en, I'm going to directly promote you to be general zhengwupin. If there's anything you need to discuss with Han en, he's the chief General on the surface, but secretly you have to worry more. He's fickle and doesn't have any real talent, but you know, Han Renzao also has great weight in front of the king. But I can give you a secret order, You act according to your plan... I'll tell you something first... I'm afraid you'll fight the Sui army in a short time. It's taboo for the Lord general to be weak and indecisive in the battle. If Han en is difficult to be a big responsibility, you can abolish him according to the secret order I gave you. Li Er... I trust you because you are also surnamed Li! "

With a plop, Li Er knelt down and knocked his head hard.

"I dare not forget my humble duty for ever."

"Get up"

Fang Xie reached out and helped him: "All of them are for the king of Dingxi. If you are not a safe person, I will not give you this job. You go back and pick up your soldiers from the army. After dawn, I will deploy several elite batting camps in your hands. And the food and grass is the priority among priorities. The army will go to Lai County, and you will have to watch the grass and grass. …”

Fang Xie glanced at Li Er, who immediately realized: "not half, but 30%

Fang Xie pretended to be satisfied, smiled, patted Li Er on the shoulder and said, "I didn't read you wrong."

Li Erqian thanked him for his kindness. Fang Xie waved him out and watched the satisfied man leave. Fang Xie couldn't help laughing. This is more than 10000 fine armor. Although the 3000 cavalry soldiers with Fang Xie had a chance to surpass each other in combat strength, they would inevitably suffer a lot of casualties. Therefore, Fang Xie never planned to swallow this military horse, and of course he didn't intend to make this team secure.

Han en and Li Er


Fang Xie stretched out and went to bed. She will continue acting tomorrow.



After two and a half days of preparation, the rebels guarding suixian left suixian county. Han en and Li Er thanked each other when they left. Both of them felt a great sense of happiness hit by the pie falling from the sky, and felt that Fang Xie was a noble man in their lives. Both of them were making great progress, especially Li Er, who was directly promoted from a personal team to the top five General, this is no longer climbing up, but flying up.

Fang Xie smiled and waved goodbye to Han en. The smile on his mouth was so bright.

That afternoon, after the scouts stared at the rebel team for dozens of miles, Fang Xie sent someone to contact Wanyan Chongde in Sanli fort and asked him to enter suixian county with cavalry.

Fang Xie didn't even feel it. Inadvertently, he not only divided a rebel army and obtained a large amount of food and grass, but also became the stone that bumped the wheel of history. The direction of the wheel was deviated due to the bumping.

The rebels left enough food and grass for 3000 people for a few months. It is precisely because the northwest is poor that the rebels have the habit of storing food.

Although suixian county is still nearly 500 miles away from Xiangcheng, Fang Xie decided to stop here with his team. Relatively speaking, this place is better than xingcangshan. Although xingcangshan is closer to Xiangcheng, it deviates from the plain area, which is tantamount to deviating from the main battlefield. Since Li Yuanshan arranged the team to suixian County, it shows that suixian county is far away, but it is in the war.

Zhuo Buyi swept aside the things on the table and spread the map on the table.

"I know more from Li Xiaolian's head than he said."

He drew a semicircle on the map with a charcoal pen. Le Town, Sui County, Duanyang, Qing'an, Zhuzhou... More than 20 small cities were connected to form this semicircle. When the line was drawn, the situation immediately became clear. The semicircle composed of more than 20 small cities encloses a plain with a radius of about 270 Li. This fast plain is the decisive battle place determined by Li Yuanshan long ago.

The semicircle gap is the direction of Xiangcheng.

Chubby Road: "In fact, Li Xiaolian is here to arrange military affairs and make the people of all cities ready at any time... If there is no accident, Li Yuanshan will give up Xiangcheng. We don't know about the war, but we can be sure that although the imperial army won a great victory, the loss must be large. Li Yuanshan plans to withdraw, which means that the imperial army has been weakened and can't get out of his pocket Go to the point. "

Fang Xie's face was especially dignified. He looked at the semicircle outlined by Zhuo Buyi: "We're stationed here. Li Yuanshan didn't know we were coming. He just drilled a hole in this pocket... He immediately sent all scouts out to inquire about the war situation in Xiangcheng. Also, Chen Xiaoru, you take people to the Imperial Army in person and try to get in... Don't see the Emperor, don't tell anyone about us here, and contact the army as much as possible If nothing happens to the people in the internal guard office, the internal guard office has lost its power in the past, but these people are useful. As for what you do next, wait until I send someone to contact. Remember, the more people in the internal guard office gather, the better! "

Chen Xiaoru nodded: "my subordinates will start today."

Fang Xie said, "now we have the chance to become a piece of cloth for Li Yuanshan to decorate this pocket. It is good for the imperial court and for us to participate in the war and reduce losses in the future. Now we should be on guard against the presence of teams from nearby rebels. Besides scouts, others try not to go out of the city and be found by rebel scouts."


The generals clapped their fists and listened to the order.

"Big dog"

Fang Xie called the big dog and said: "Take a few people and go south at once to find out where Luo Yao's left avant-garde is and where Yan Po Shan, the rebel who fought with Luo Yao, is. In fact, the key to Li Yuanshan's situation lies in Luo Yao and the Mongolian Yuan people. If Luo Yao doesn't open the door, the Mongolian Yuan people can't get behind the imperial army. Now I want to know when Luo Yao will participate Come in. "


The big dog answered, turned and went out to pick out some powerful flying fish robes and left.

"Nie Xiaoju"

Fang Xie continued: "Find a way to get in touch with the people left in the southwest roads of the Imperial Guard. Nine times out of ten, these people are actually exposed under Luo's dazzling skin. Once Luo Yao really revolts, these people will be removed and secret orders will be issued to let all these spies come to the Northwest. In addition, find out the news of other people of Zuo Qianwei in detail. Luo Yao took nearly 400000 people north, but No one knows how many soldiers there are in the southwest! The mantis catches cicadas and the Yellow finches are behind... I always think Luo Yao is waiting for Li Yuanshan and the imperial army to fight until both lose. "


Nie Xiaoju took orders and left.

"One more thing"

Fang Xie said: "Immediately send someone back to tell the military master to take his men down the mountain. After the decisive battle, the Mongolians will return to the prairie. Kuketai menglie is not a fool. He should know that as soon as the emperor of the Sui Dynasty dies, whether Li Yuanshan or Luo Yao will immediately blame the Mongolians. Even if Li Yuanshan is a traitor, he will fight the banner of revenge for the emperor of the Sui Dynasty... Meng Yuan What people want to see is the internal struggle of the Han people in the Central Plains. They also know when to come in and when to go out. "

"Tell the military master that the valley will be blocked by the avalanche of mountains and rocks, and the road of Meng Yuan barbarian's retreat cannot be unblocked. The reason why kuketai menglie left Baihuo's ten thousand wolf riders in Fengcheng is to retreat. As long as the decisive battle here is over, the ten thousand Wolf riders of Baihuo will immediately rush to fan Gu to open the way for kuketai menglie. If the valley can't be blocked by stones, they can only use them People are blocking up. Fan Gu and Qingxia are dozens of miles apart and can't be lost. Once Mengyuan barbarians arrive, we hold these two places in our hands, just like two nails wedged on the barbarian's return road and echo each other. The barbarians won't feel good. "


He took a deep breath.

"The decisive battle that everyone is waiting for is coming."




In the army array of the western expedition of the great Sui Dynasty, a messenger with a face full of joy and excitement ran in front of the palace chariot. He ran to the chariot and fell on his knees, pointed to the direction of Xiangcheng and shouted: "Your Majesty... Your majesty! Xiangcheng is broken, the rebels retreated from the northwest, and several generals are leading troops into Xiangcheng!"

Because of excitement and excitement, he spoke a little unwisely.

Compared with the joy on his face, the already thin and sad emperor leaned back on his seat, just nodded slowly, and the expression of his face did not change at all. Because he was too thin, his forehead protruded outward and his cheekbones were very high. Even the arrogance in his eyes in the past was much lighter.

"After the destruction of Xiangcheng, let everyone come here to discuss business."

He waved his hand lazily: "go"

After being silent for a while, he asked Su Buwei: "when Chu Xu county king Yang Kai asked Zuo Xiaowei general Jin Shixiong to come to me to apologize, I asked you to hold the person. He hasn't been given a chance to explain. It's time to let him out... When all civil and military officials get together, you let Jin Shixiong stand beside me and join you."

Su Buwei's face changed and he bowed deeply.

I don't know why, when the old eunuch worshipped, his eyes were full of sadness.

The emperor leaning on the chair looked like an old tree that had withered