Chapter 488

Name:Conquer the World Author:zhi bai
The imperial army left a small number of people to garrison Xiangcheng. When 400000 brave soldiers with great morale marched, they were all in high spirits. People who are still alive after the war feel that they have removed the fog and gradually see their bright future. They are just ordinary people. What they want is how to do meritorious service on the battlefield every day and survive. They did not consider any intrigues, nor did they consider any country.

All they know is that Xiangcheng has been broken. Li Yuanshan retreated with more than 100000 disabled soldiers. There is no reason not to pursue at this time. They only see victory in sight, and they see no pitfalls.

There are a lot of grain and grass in Xiangcheng, because Li Yuanshan is worried that transporting all the grain and grass away will lead to the suspicion of the emperor. After replenishing supplies, the 400000 troops divided into three routes and continued to march westward.

The emperor sat on the tall and magnificent imperial chariot and specially ordered people to open the window and look at the still depressed scenery outside. This imperial chariot, also known as the hall of walking, needs hundreds of horses and manpower to pull. Jin Shixiong sat nervously beside the emperor and looked down at his toes.

The emperor slowly took his eyes back from the window. He felt that the temperature of the stove was slightly cold, but he was too lazy to hand it to Su Buwei to change the charcoal fire. He stuffed the stove into his cuffs. He didn't know whether he wanted to warm himself or maintain the temperature of the stove for a while.

"Do you know why I brought you?"

Asked the emperor.

Jin Shixiong first nodded, then immediately shook his head: "I don't know."

The emperor sighed slightly: "I took Su Buwei and asked him to follow me to the end. I didn't let you die, but I had an important job for you. I won't tell you where the knives I hid in this war, but I can tell you that I can't lose this war. After the chaos was calmed down, the mess in the northwest was too chaotic and bad, so someone with stronger wrist must be there... After the decisive battle , I'll let you sit in the northwest and help the prince clean up this mess. "


Jin Shixiong got up and knelt down: "Your Majesty, please think again. Since your majesty has won the battle, why take the risk personally... You are willing to lead 400000 brave men to chase Li Ni and live up to your Majesty's trust."

"It's not that easy."

The emperor smiled, as if a little bitter.

"If I don't catch up with him personally, Li Yuanshan won't try his best to fight the last battle. The most important thing is not this, but the knife I hid in advance. I have to go in person to light it. I can't tell you now, and you don't need to ask. There's no room for return. You just need to remember my explanation."

"Minister... Yes."

Jin Shixiong hung his head.

The emperor said: "Get up, you and my officials have never been so restrained for more than ten years. Don't cry and lose your face. It's just around the corner to put an end to the chaos in the northwest. I've gouged out most of the moths and tumors in the imperial court, so there's nothing unhappy or unhappy. If you think I did this because I had to make a decision, you're wrong... Now I'm not going to hide anything Well, my body can't carry it for long. How can I die? It's better to walk magnificently than curl up on my sickbed and moan. I'm really happy. "

He asked Jin Shixiong to sit down: "It's not easy to rule the Northwest after chaos. You're a military general, but you're careful and safe. I can trust you to clean up the stall in the northwest. You should remember that although there are countless thieves, the northwest people should not be strict with the law and show more kindness. The root of a country's existence is not to kill the people to obedience, but to support them and make them live and work in peace and contentment. The people are stable , the country will be stable. For Li's evil deeds, kill. For the people, raise. Do you understand? "

"I understand"


The emperor seemed to be a little tired and shrunk his body into the wide seat: "look at the uneasy look on your face, I know what you're thinking. I've told you how to deal with chaos, but you can't make yourself full of confidence in victory, can you?"


Jin Shixiong opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.


The emperor waved lazily: "I've made such a big bet and I know what I'm going to exchange my life for. I think I'll go to see langrushan if I'm still allowed after killing Li Ni. When I met brother kuketai Meng, I came and went in a hurry and didn't take a good look at the westernmost scenery of my River and mountain. Or I'll walk more and have a look. I can't say that I can get better if I'm nourished by the beauty of heaven and earth What's the decision? "

He said with a smile, "I used to look at things and always look at the bad. Now my mind has changed a little. I want to look at the good."

"Your Majesty must be safe!"

Jin Shixiong swore.

"Ha ha"

The emperor smiled happily: "I hope so... By the way, there's another thing you may not know. You don't know Fang Xie. I think you've heard his name."

"I know the top name of the martial arts academy."

"Well, now your team, he takes it."

The emperor turned his eyes to the window again, and said naturally and gently, "I will let him return the post-war military power to you... I always have a feeling."

The latter words were too light, and Jin Shixiong didn't hear them.

"Don't let him lead the troops for too long..."

Said the emperor.



270 Li southwest of Xiangcheng

With Sipan town as the center, there are campsites within a radius of more than ten miles. Hundreds of thousands of elite armor have been stationed here for more than ten days. In order to avoid the disaster of war, the people nearby have been far away. At a glance, there were murderous soldiers everywhere, so that the weather was affected and became colder.

The patrol soldiers in thick leather armor walked in a neat line. The ice debris hanging on the front of the horse can be cold to the heart.

A general in armor walked quickly, ran outside the tallest military tent in the camp, shouted, and then lifted the heavy curtain to get in.

"General, Xiangcheng is broken!"

The man who came in looked like a man in his twenties. His armor made a dull noise when he hugged his fist. Like his voice, it was low and slightly hoarse.

His name is Luo Xiaotu.

A cold and arrogant man who seldom speaks, but today, his face can't hide his joy.

The middle-aged man sitting behind the table stopped his hand and looked at the half written words. Three large thick ink characters had been written on the rice paper, but the three words seemed to be incoherent.




Hearing the news that Xiangcheng had been broken, he paused for a moment and finished writing the last word.


Luo Xiaotu looked at the four words on the rice paper, and the joy on his face gradually calmed down.

"Xiao Tu... You're still not calm enough."

The middle-aged man who wrote hung wolf hair on the penholder, turned and went to the map and looked at it: "you look very happy, so tell me where to be happy?"

Luo Xiaotu pondered for a moment and said, "general Hui, Xiangcheng has been broken. The emperor has chased the remnant of Li Yuanshan with 400000 troops. He has entered Li Yuanshan's ambush. Things are going well, so his subordinates feel more relaxed. It's obvious that their practice is not enough."

"Four hundred thousand?"

Luo Yao was slightly stunned: "according to the calculation, there are far more people left in the imperial court."

"General Hui, according to the news reported by the spies, the emperor took Gao Kaitai as the main general and led 200000 troops to garrison in Qinchuan. The emperor took more than 400000 troops across Xiangcheng and all the way west."

Luo Yao was silent for a while and couldn't help laughing: "the emperor still didn't trust me. Gao Kaitai used his troops calmly. The emperor asked him to garrison in Qinchuan with 200000 people to defend me... The emperor was worried that he led his troops to pursue Li Yuanshan, and I led my troops to copy the back of the imperial army. Ha ha... You don't believe in your officials, and your officials don't respect you. The spirit of the Sui Dynasty is really coming to an end."

"General, what shall we do?"

Luo Xiaotu asked.

"Do you think Li Yuanshan's plan really succeeded so easily?"

Luo Yao looked back at Luo Xiaotu and said calmly: "I told you that the emperor was an Immortal Emperor. Li Yuanshan had 700000 troops of the imperial court in the Mandu flag pit for the first time, and the emperor was fooled by him. But the emperor is not the kind of person who will trip twice on the same stone. If he can't see through Li Yuanshan's layout, it's a joke. And Li Yuanshan set up an ambush circle as large as 270 miles, which is in his hands now Our people and horses can't trap the Emperor... Put their hope on me and on the Mengyuan people. In fact, Li Yuanshan has lost. "

His understatement kicked an opponent out of the game: "He is no longer qualified to stay on the chessboard because he is too arrogant. The Mongolians will not be willing to only make knives. Although they can't resist the temptation of killing the emperor, and kuketai mengge has been looking forward to it for more than ten years, the Mongolians' mind is not only on the emperor. As long as the emperor dies, the Mongolians will get rid of Li Yuanshan before they return to the grassland."


Asked Luo Xiaotu.

"Because kuytemungo doesn't want a strong neighbor."

Luo Xiaotu was silent and then asked, "shall we enter the army?"


Luo Yao smiled: "Naturally, I want to enter the army, otherwise what am I going to do in the northwest? Whether Li Yuanshan plans on the emperor or the emperor plans on Li Yuanshan, so far I am still an outsider. Only when I enter the army can I really enter the Bureau. No matter what the emperor plans, he has only those soldiers left. No matter what Li Yuanshan plans, he doesn't have many people in his hands. Gao Kaitai... I haven't let go yet In my eyes. "

"Send someone to tell kuytai menglie to fight Gao Kaitai. More than 200000 wolves ride and fight 200000 infantry. The scene should also be spectacular."

"Where shall we go?"

"Another bureau"

Luo Yao smiled calmly and said, "I have set up a bureau... I have ordered Yongzhou troops to start. By this time, I should have crossed the Yishui river. As long as I cross the Yangtze River again, 700000 troops Chen Bing will cross the Central Plains. I will lead my troops to the east to cross the river, and then meet Yongzhou troops and horses. I never put my eyes on the impoverished place in the northwest, but the city called Chang'an."

Luo Xiaotu was stunned and immediately hugged his fist: "my subordinates are willing to follow the general and create an unparalleled great cause!"

Luo Yao smiled and didn't speak again.

He picked up his pen again and wrote a line of small characters on the rice paper.

The West also becomes the East, the east also becomes the misty without a trace, the South also determines, the north also has a beginning and no end

Luo Xiaotu took a look and didn't understand.