Chapter 605

Name:Conquer the World Author:zhi bai
Wan Xingchen, the old Dean, bent down and untied the emperor from Su Buwei's back, helped the emperor to stand up and said, "I thought your Majesty would die earlier, but I didn't expect to die behind many people. Just, isn't it painful to live like this?"

In today's world, only he has this status and dare to talk to the emperor of the great Sui Dynasty.

The emperor knew what Wan Xingchen meant. He looked at Su Buwei's incomplete body and sighed: "I have really let too many people die in my life."

Wan Xingchen didn't say much, because he knew the emperor's mood at this time.

The emperor turned and looked at Yang Chengqian, the new emperor of the Sui Dynasty, who was timidly standing on one side, and waved to him. Yang Chengqian trembled, then quickly came over and fell to his knees with a thump, and knocked several heads hard: "father Emperor..."

When he was carried by Wan Xingchen on the way, he had prepared a lot of words to say, but he couldn't say those words when he saw Yang Yi's face now. In his impression, his father never showed such a face. He is always so elegant and elegant. But now, although Yang Yi's clothes are still gorgeous, they are stained with blood and soil. They look like a poor beggar.

The emperor looked at his son kneeling in front of him. After a long silence, he pointed to Su Buwei's body: "go and bury him with your hand."

Yang Chengqian was stunned for a moment, then quickly got up and began to dig a hole around Su Buwei with both hands. His identity doomed him to have a pair of very white and beautiful hands, and also doomed them to be very delicate. But now, he dared not show any reluctance, although he was afraid to see the incomplete body.

The old Dean stood and looked at it without any indication.

When Yang Chengqian's fingers were bleeding, he barely dug out a shallow pit. He subconsciously looked back at his father, but found an indisputable coldness in his father's eyes. He knows this look very well.

So he bit his lips without pleading.

After a full hour, he planed out a pit with his own hands that could barely put Su Buwei's body into it. His hands were full of dirt mixed with blood and soil. It looked particularly miserable. The emperor seemed to turn a blind eye and just looked at him coldly.

"Dig deeper"

Said the emperor.

Yang Chengqian's shoulder trembled again. This time, he didn't look at his father again, but went crazy and continued to dig the earth out.

After more than ten minutes, he stood up, then picked up Su Buwei's body with his numb hand and put it into the pit. The emperor walked over and kicked Yang Chengqian away. He had no strength to kick his son, but his son also had no strength.

The emperor squatted down and covered the soil on Su Buwei himself.

"Old Dean... I was not sure if you would tell him before I came back."

While burying the earth, the emperor said, "I'm just not at ease, so I'm in a hurry to come back and have a look."

Wan Xingchen said after being silent for a while, "I told him because I'm going out."

"I guessed."

The emperor said: "From the moment I saw Liu enjing send someone to withdraw the cavalry back, I knew you had told him. Because I told him that there was a great secret about the Yang family, which only I and you knew. Since there were so many people blocking me on the way back, I knew you had told that secret. I was never just a father, but also a damn emperor."

The old Dean nodded: "after all, it will be passed on."

The emperor buried the soil, and then looked at Yang Chengqian's bloody hands: "In fact, I don't blame you, because I've taught you everything you've done over the years. I'm also very glad that you haven't forgotten everything I taught you. In fact, Su Buwei wanted to ask me on the way, but he didn't dare to say... If he didn't say it, how can I tell him in person? It's actually my son who doesn't want me to go back?"

Yang Chengqian looked at the emperor in fear and quickly lowered his head.

"My ministers know I'm wrong!"

"Are you wrong?"

The emperor shook his head: "When I met Liu enjing, he didn't pretend to respect me. He sent a thousand elite cavalry to protect me back to Chang'an. It's not hypocritical. But when he was approaching Chang'an City, his cavalry suddenly withdrew and had arrived here... Who else can let the cavalry back except you? Then I saw Yang Shunhui. He was also surnamed Yang. It's not for me to kill If he had that mind, he would have followed him when Lao Liu rebelled. "

"Son minister... Damn it!"

Yang Chengqian kowtowed hard and soon saw blood on his forehead.

"You don't deserve to die. As I said just now, I taught you all these things by my words and deeds. There's nothing wrong with you. In fact, I came back to confirm that the old Dean has told you the secret. I also wanted to test whether you can become a qualified emperor. Fortunately, you didn't disappoint me."

Yang Chengqian just kowtowed and did not defend.

"Well, you didn't blame it on the instigation of others. What you want to do is what you want to do. The emperor of the Sui Dynasty should have such courage. I just want to ask you... Does your mother know you did this?"

"Empress mother... I don't know!"

Yang Chengqian looked up at the emperor and answered.


A smile appeared on the corner of the emperor's mouth: "I know, how could she do such a thing? It's not easy for her to help you to the Dragon chair. She has never asked about the imperial court for so many years because she hates such hypocrisy... So it's hard for her. Remember, no matter what happens in the future, you can't treat your mother badly. It's not easy It's one of the things I have to tell you when I'm in a hurry to get back. "

"I remember!"

Yang Chengqian nodded vigorously.

"My land will be worn to you sooner or later. Since the situation is so, I can't go back to heaven. Although you are still young, it's good for you to experience hardships earlier. Remember, the world will always belong to the Yang family. No one can take it from the Yang family!"

The emperor gasped a few times and bowed deeply to the old Dean: "Yang Yi thanks the old Dean. Since the old Dean is going to go on a long trip, I can only say the old Dean... Let's go."

Wan Xingchen looked at him: "Naturally, I will go well, but you won't go very well. When you succeeded to the throne, I said that you should grasp the two things of national and private weapons, because I know what kind of person you are. But in the end, you still use national weapons as your private weapons, otherwise how could Da Sui get to this point? So you're not pathetic, but hateful."

"I've just come to realize what you meant. I always thought that national weapons were my private weapons, and my private weapons were national weapons."

"People like you can't teach a good son."

The old Dean glanced at Yang Chengqian: "I've learned more than half of your ruthlessness at this age and have to face the chaotic world and the chaotic people. I can't imagine what kind of person he will be in the future if Da Sui can survive this level... I've forgotten who the descendants of the Yang family began to become like this?"

The emperor's body shook. He never thought about these words.

Yes... When did the people of the Yang family become like themselves and the crown prince?

The old courtyard chief sighed: "maybe in your eyes, this is what a qualified emperor should do, but in my eyes, the emperor is still a person after all. Your Yang family has always treated others with this attitude, but they also expect others to treat them sincerely... Is it ridiculous? If I am a person like you, then..."

He didn't go on with the latter words because he knew he didn't have to say it at all.

The emperor had nothing to refute, because he knew that the old Dean was right. If the old Dean was the same person as him, the world of the great Sui Dynasty might have changed its surname Wan long ago.

"I'm too lazy to talk about you. I've taught generations of the Yang family. At least four or five emperors have slapped in the face. Outsiders say that the Yang family hasn't had a confused king in more than 100 years. Who knows how many misbehaving Yang family I've taught with a stick? Man, how can I keep the same appearance for more than 100 years? Unless I don't die..."

After hearing this, the emperor knelt down and touched his head to the ground.

"Yang Yi, the unworthy descendant of the Yang family, thanks the old president for his great kindness for a hundred years!"

"It's not unfair for you to kneel down. I don't think the emperor kneels down. What I've done for more than 100 years is worth kneeling down for me and remembering by your descendants of the Yang family. But I don't want you to remember that I've been tired of the shackles I put on myself long ago. If I don't stay in Chang'an, I can live another 100 or 200 years This is not even comparable to the great wheel Ming king, because I really live a long life and he is false. "



The old Dean looked at the father and son kneeling in front of him and suddenly smiled: "do you know why I have never taught you like the emperor of the Sui Dynasty before?"

Yang Yi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't know."

"Because you know you won't live long before you ascend the throne, and I know it. I thought you could consolidate the foundation of the great Sui Dynasty in more than ten years, and then give the world to your son smoothly. However, later I changed my mind... Since your life is so short, I'd better let you live according to your own mind."

There was neither bitterness nor regret in the old Dean's smile: "Although I know that if you are allowed to instigate it, the country will be chaotic sooner or later. Your steps are so big that you want to step out of the foundation of a peaceful world for ten thousand years. I remember Yang Qi said to me before he left Chang'an, master, you have been tired for more than 100 years. Don't be tired any more. Everything is a natural development with its track. It's better to let it be free if you intervene forcibly."

"I remember that."

The old Dean smiled: "He advised me to kill the king of Da Lun Ming. I don't know what his mind is. He doesn't look like a member of your Yang family or even a person. In fact, what I regret is that I didn't teach him a good lesson and let him stay in the back mountain and continue to practice. He joined the WTO... I don't know whether it's right or wrong now It's too late. "

The emperor was shocked. He didn't expect that his seven younger brothers would say that to the old Dean.

As a descendant of the Yang family, he is indeed a little rebellious.

"The world is going to change."

The old Dean looked at the emperor and said, "unfortunately, it's not because of you."

"For whom?"

The emperor asked subconsciously.


The old Dean said two words lightly, and then carried the package on his back: "there are too many people and things that shouldn't exist in this world, and there are too many unreasonable. Therefore, God will always choose a more unreasonable person to end all this, and you and I are just spectators."

The emperor also wanted to ask. The old Dean shook his head: "don't ask, I don't understand why such outsiders appear."

He looked at the long sword in his hand: "this is the choice of heaven."

"What is the sky?"

Asked the emperor.


The old Dean hesitated, looked up and smiled: "just ask it after I die, because I don't know."

"I'm leaving."

He carried his luggage and held the ancient sword: "are you dead?"

He asked.

The emperor trembled violently, and then vomited a big mouthful of blood. In the blood, there were some insects the size of a little thumb.

"When did you know?"

He struggled to look at the old Dean's back and asked.

The old Dean never spoke again and didn't even look back.

I only lived two or three more years after I continued my life with poisonous insects.

In the first year of emperor Xing of the Sui Dynasty, Wan Jiantang, who didn't know how old he lived, starred Wan Xingchen, the old president of the martial arts academy, carrying a suitcase and an ancient sword, and entered the Jianghu where he had left for more than 100 years. I don't know how many holes to be pierced.

PS: this volume is about to end in another chapter or so. It's a little faster than I expected, but I don't think it's in a hurry. Some previous pits have to be filled in.

PS2: This is not a person's dusk.