Chapter 904

Name:Conquer the World Author:zhi bai
Xiaosheng mountain

Yang Jian stood there, watching two soldiers wipe the armor for him.

This is the first time Yang Jian took off his armor in front of others. No one has seen this scene even his most powerful men. So everyone was a little surprised. No one knows why he acted so strange today.

"Get some water. I want to take a bath."

He looked at the iron armor of the same color as the rock for a moment, and suddenly gave an order. All the men were stunned, and then ran out to prepare hot water.

Just before the army, he ordered people to prepare water for bathing.

The army has formed on the plain and will attack Liuzhou city at his command. At this time, everyone was waiting for the beating of the drum, and everyone was waiting for him to appear in the front of the team in his armor and stretch out his fingers in the direction of Liuzhou city.

But he wants to take a bath!

Six strong armored soldiers carried a huge wooden basin and put it in front of Yang Jian.

Yang Jian slowly took off his clothes just before Wan Jun. The sun shone on him with muscles as angular as the rocks on the cliff. It was an extremely magnificent power, a dazzling male style. Because he got the general cultivation of wanxingchen and sucked the blood of so many future generations, Yang Jian was already one of the few people who stood at the peak of cultivation in the world.

The red naked Yang Jian stepped into the huge barrel, and the muscles on his legs moved so shocking.

It seems that he is not taking a bath, but making a sincere pilgrimage. He seemed to want water to wash away the dirt on his body and the past. Most men take a bath perfunctorily and quickly. But this time he took a long bath and washed it very carefully.

While everyone was watching, a burst of music suddenly sounded behind the army. It was the sound of many people playing together, melodious and solemn.

Most of the generals in the army were stunned because they gradually recognized what the music was. The soldiers just thought the music was solemn and nice, but they didn't know the source. Many court generals were stunned before they heard it. They didn't dare to confirm it at the beginning.

When the band came, they were sure they had heard right.


Music played by court musicians when the new emperor ascended the throne.

With the music coming from far to near, a group of monks in yellow robes and red cassocks came playing various musical instruments. They even carried heavy chimes, and their pace was unbelievable when walking. Even in the process of traveling, the chime did not shake at all. The monks who beat while walking will not slow down by half because of walking.

At least 300 such monks walked through the procession to the front, and such a strange procession of musicians stunned everyone. No one knows why Buddhists suddenly appear here. Someone subconsciously wanted to scold, but swallowed it at the moment when the words were about to export. Because they suddenly realized that if Yang Jian didn't allow them, how could these monks appear?

Behind the group of 300 musicians, there are 28 monks in red robes. They all look very old. Their clothes are somewhat different from those of the monks in front, and the style of red monk clothes is also different. The red robes worn by these 28 people are very fit, not as broad as the robes of the monks in front.

On the red monk's clothes, there are symbols made of gold thread on the cuffs and collars. It's very strange. I'm afraid no one can understand it except Buddhists.

The twenty-eight monks carried a tray full of petals in their hands. They walked in front, then scattered petals, and the road behind was covered with petals. The air seems to be full of the fragrance of flowers, which makes people relaxed and happy.

Behind these twenty-eight people, there was a big freedom in white monk clothes.

He was the last one to come. His steps were slow and calm. Every step fell and a lotus bloomed. The white lotus blossoms on the pink petal road and looks as proud as the flower king. This is a very mysterious and magical picture. All those who see this scene have the illusion that they have reached the divine world.

Da Ziyou also held a tray in his hand. The tray was covered with a bright yellow brocade. He didn't know what was covered under the brocade, which seemed particularly mysterious.

When the music sounded, Yang Jian stood up from the wooden basin. Let the sun shine on him and let everyone's eyes fall on him.

Three hundred monks and musicians played auspicious and solemn songs on both sides.

Twenty eight red robed monks came to Yang Jian and were divided into two rows with 14 people on one side. A path about one meter wide was left between the two rows of people, and the remaining petals were all paved on the path. Yang Jian turned around, raised his legs and came out of the wooden basin. At this time, the red robed monk closest to the wooden basin knelt down and fell on the ground. Yang Jian stepped on his back and came out, and other red robed monks fell down one after another.

Twenty eight red robed monks paved a road with their own bodies.

Red naked Yang Jian stepped on the monk's back. At the end of the monk's road, he stood there holding a tray waiting for his freedom.



Yang Jian walked along the road paved by monks with their own bodies in the music, and then stood in front of Da Zi. He was already very strong, much taller than big freedom. At this time, standing on the back of the last monk, he looked very comfortable and just reached his chest.

After Yang Jian stopped, Da Zizi knelt down slowly with the tray.

Then he lifted the bright yellow brocade on the tray, which contained a whole set of new clothes. This dress is somewhat unusual. It is bright yellow and embroidered with golden dragon. Next to it was a pair of boots with the same bright yellow and black background, and a crown inlaid with a gem the size of an egg.

Da Zizi knelt on the ground, first found Yang Jian's underwear, and then stood up to put it on for Yang Jian. Yang Jian opened his arms, but his face was particularly calm.

After putting on all his clothes, Da Zizi knelt down again and put on socks and boots for Yang Jian.

This is a perfect Dragon Robe.

Bright yellow brocade clothes, a solemn and solemn Golden Dragon on the Dragon Robe, with a kind of arrogance in his eyes.

Yang Jian took Da Ziyou, held the crown in his hands and slowly put it on his head.

This moment


So many eyes looked at the scene that everyone held their breath. Perhaps everyone's hearts are beating wildly except the Iron Army that no longer has a heartbeat. They couldn't believe what they saw. It was like a dream. Just after Yang Jian put on his Dragon Robe, someone suddenly shouted in the crowd.

"How... Possible?!"

In addition to being in front of his confidants of the armored army, Yang Jian will put on his heavy armor when leading the army, and will pull down his face armor, revealing only a pair of eyes, and no one can see his face. Just before he took a bath, many court generals who saw his face for the first time felt a little familiar, but no one knew where the familiar feeling came from. When Yang Jian put on the Dragon Robe and put on the crown, someone finally reacted.

"How possible!"

Someone exclaimed, "how can it be so like this!"

"Like what?"

The general next to him hasn't reacted yet.

"Haven't you... Seen the portrait of emperor Taizu?"

"Have you seen..."

The person who was reminded was also startled, and his face changed color instantly: "this... How can this be possible? How can it be the same as the emperor Taizu? I'm not dreaming!"

The voice of astonishment began to spread among the generals, but no one dared to speak too loudly. Soon, these comments reached the ears of the soldiers, and then everyone began to squeeze here involuntarily to see what happened.

Put on the Dragon Robe

Yang Jian's temperament suddenly changed.


He said the word out loud like a thunder in the sky. The word seemed unnatural even when he said it himself, but it seemed that it could only be said by him. As soon as the word was spoken, everyone became quiet and looked here with wide eyes.

"I'm back!"

Yang Jian opened his arms as if to embrace the whole world.

"Many of you should have seen who I am. Many of you have seen my portrait and the cold portrait hanging on the wall. All of you are sure that the founding emperor of the great Sui Dynasty has been dead for 200 years, so it is impossible to live and appear around you. If this happens, it will be a miracle!"

Yang Jian said loudly: "I tell you, this is not a miracle! If it is, then I am the God! Yes, all of you know that I have been dead for 200 years. In your understanding, I may have become a withered bone! But I tell you, I am still there! When the Sui Dynasty needs me, I will appear in front of you. Take you and destroy all those who dare to fight against me Sui's disrespectful enemy! "

He strode up the high slope and looked down at the team below.

"You may not believe this is true now. You may not believe that I am the founding emperor of the great Sui Dynasty! But believe it or not, I am always the founding emperor of the great Sui Dynasty! Now I have come back to wipe out those demons and monsters! I was afraid you wouldn't accept it because I didn't identify myself before. But now, the thief shengtu has ascended the throne and become emperor , I just want to identify myself and let the enemy see which emperor is the orthodoxy in the world! "

When Da Zizi saw the people stunned, he raised his hands and fell on the ground: "Your Majesty, emperor of the Sui Dynasty, long life!"

Those Buddhists also knelt down and paid homage sincerely.

All the armored army generals and soldiers knelt down neatly and bowed their heads to pay homage to their master. Seeing this scene, the court generals looked at each other. After a while, they didn't know who knelt down first and shouted long live. With the first person kneeling down, more and more people knelt down.

Yang Jian's eyes swept through the crowd below. He saw that there were still a few people standing, and his face was cold: "why don't you kneel?"


After hesitating for a while, the leader suddenly raised his courage and shouted, "I don't believe you will be the Taizu emperor of the great Sui Dynasty! It's impossible! It's impossible!"

"I'm just telling you a fact. Believe it or not, I'm Yang Jian, the founding emperor of the great Sui Dynasty. Even if you don't believe it, you have to kneel before the emperor of the great Sui Dynasty!"

Yang Jian stretched out his hand and pressed it down fiercely.

Those who were still standing suddenly felt irresistible pressure on their shoulders and couldn't help kneeling down.

"It's a joke that shengtu calls himself the emperor."

Yang Jian pointed to Liuzhou: "I'll let him lose in front of the emperor of the Sui Dynasty. Let him know that the Emperor... Will never be anyone other than Yang Jian. A fake emperor is lucky to be defeated by the real Emperor... This is his luck."

"Beat the drum!"

Yang Jian shouted, "attack!"