126 The Dark Kingdom

Name:Conqueror of All Author:iMiH
"And the thing we will be doing right now is to grow stronger and find more information if we can." Izan took a brief pause before speaking once again. "The information we are looking for about the person in question – the Witch that calls herself the Empress, the Wizards and Witches that managed to shackle her in the past and we also need to find out the real reason why both Voldemort and Albus Dumbledore are doing their best in growing stronger." Izan had enough time to think and process through the things he has seen and heard since he arrived in this world. Izan was certain of that Voldemort and Albus Dumbledore knew something that they have hidden away from the others in this world – and if he is right, then Izan is 90% sure that the thing they know is about the woman that call herself the Empress.

Izan tried to slowly explain all of his thoughts to them, from the small things he had observed to his wives and Sybill. For example, the things Izan noticed was the difference in power between Albus Dumbledore and Voldemort, the unknown eerie presence that surrounds this world and even the fact that Voldemort used an external force that wasn't his to escape.

All of these matters made Izan think of that there should be a connection between them.

Sybill was the first one to get the point as she knew Albus Dumbledore a lot and heard much of Voldemort in the past decades. "You're meaning that both Voldemort and Albus Dumbledore knows that the witch – Goddess of Magic is shackled?"

Robin and Nojiko nodded at the same time, they also came to the same conclusion after having heard Izan's speculations.

Shirahoshi and Perona were only listening to them speaking, not wishing to disturb them.

"That is exactly what I am meaning, that the two of them knows the danger that lurks in the darkness. But from what I can see, Voldemort and Albus Dumbledore are trying to achieve their goals with a different path." Izan replied with a calm expression. Izan then gazed towards Sybill before asking. "Do you know where we can find Voldemort? If my speculations are correct, then we need to act right now."

Sybill tilted her head slightly as she pondered slightly, it took her a few seconds before she replied. "They didn't share too much of the information while I was in the Resistance, but if I'm not mistaken, Voldemort created his own Kingdom filled with Dark Wizards somewhere in the North-American continent." As Sybill was explaining, she brought forward a map of the world and showed them the North-American continent.

"Defying, let's head towards that direction for now, we should at least be able to sense them when we get closer." Izan gave a brief nod before speaking to Defying.

"As you order, Master." Defying replied in an emotionless tone. The mansion began moving, it didn't take long before it reached a high speed of around 150 kilometres per hour.

"Husband, why are we going there? Do we have to meet with that ugly bastard again?" Hancock asked while pouting slightly, she felt that her presence could be ruined if someone ugly as Voldemort put his eyes on her.

Nojiko couldn't help but to laugh at Hancock's question, which earned her a stare from Hancock. But Nojiko's response to that was to only shrug before laughing even more.

Hancock began pouting once again as she turned towards Izan, she didn't say anything, but her eyes were saying 'Husband, I'm getting bullied, rescue me...'.

A small smile appeared on Izan's face when he saw their gimmicks, he truly enjoyed the sight of his wives, his family, belonging together and that all of them can stay together without any problems.

"Unfortunately, we do have to meet that 'ugly bastard'. Because if I'm not mistaken, he has his hands in certain matters – which is the dark eerie presence that's surrounding this world. The 'Empress' might be a hard foe to deal with, but the eerie dark presence shouldn't be any easier to deal with either..." Izan explained while sighing in the end. Izan could deal with one of them if he managed to get stronger, but things would get complicated very fast when there are two enemies with great strength that could threaten him and his wives if he wasn't careful enough.

"..." Sybill stayed silent for a bit, she was trying to remember something that seemed to be long forgotten by her. No matter what Sybill tried to do, she couldn't remember it.

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Both Izan and Jiutian were able to see the change in Sybill's expression, but none of them said anything. They knew that Sybill was on their side for now and wouldn't hold back information if she knew something.

-Canada; Quebec-

Quebec was captured 11 years ago by the Dark Lord and the Dark Wizards, every muggle being was killed off and almost every Dark Wizard travelled to Quebec to join the Dark Lord's side.

It didn't take long after the fall of Quebec before the Dark Lord's Kingdom was created, the Dark Wizards thrived there, nothing to fear and nothing to worry about. Dark Wizards from all over the world went to the Dark Lord's Kingdom and gave their oath to the Dark Lord.

Now that 11 years had passed since that, the Kingdom has flourished, many young Dark Wizards were born and are getting trained by older Dark Wizards in schools. Only luxurious things as comfort can be bought, food and housing are provided by the Kingdom, therefore all of the Dark Wizards are loyal to the Dark Lord that has given them such a lifestyle.

The Dark Wizards in the Kingdom reaches over 1 750 000, and around 550 000 of them picks up missions and fights for the Dark Lord's cause.

With Voldemort in the lead, the Kingdom – The Dark Kingdom, has reached such lengths. And they are now only fighting against the remnants of the Muggles and the Resistance.