Watching Ning HaoChen go out and close the door, Ning HaoChen's mother smiles, "don't be nervous. I'm not going to say anything to separate you today. In fact, I saw you as soon as you entered the restaurant. At first I thought you were going to meet someone behind my son's back, but later I found out that you were for our Ning family. When you took up the glass of wine, I know you again from my heart. My aunt apologizes for what she has done and said before. " She is very sorry for what she said before, and for what she once thought she was rich and did so disrespectful to Xiao Mengyao. Now she understands that Xiao Mengyao is not the kind of girl she imagined. She deserves to marry into the Ning family. If Ning HaoChen really likes it, it is also a blessing for Ning HaoChen to marry such a good girl, People really have to experience some things to see clearly, really can't judge a person casually, she lived so long, suddenly realized that she was wrong, those stereotyped ideas are insulting this girl.

"Auntie, don't say that. I don't care. You are Ning HaoChen's mother. Naturally, I have to respect you. I have to apologize for some of our ignorance before. Frankly speaking, before this incident, I felt that our love was not afraid of anything, and even could face all the difficulties in the world, But after this incident, I have thought very carefully that we have been too selfish and naive over the years. We thought that if we had love, we would have everything. However, the reality is often cruel. It tells me in the most direct way that you are too naive. " In fact, Xiao Mengyao is a little surprised by the sudden change of Ning HaoChen's mother's attitude, but since she is willing to open her heart to herself, Xiao Mengyao doesn't like to hide it. This is what she said in her heart these days. It's also what makes her suddenly realize that love is actually very fragile in the face of reality. If it wasn't for their stubbornness and persistence, Ning would not have such a problem. Although Ning HaoChen repeatedly stressed that it's not her fault, in Xiao Mengyao's view, it's their fault. Love can't be above everything else, Ning HaoChen has family and parents. She can't selfishly let Ning HaoChen lose everything for herself, which is unfair to Ning HaoChen.

"Auntie knows that you are a good child. This time HaoChen told me that even if it wasn't for you two, Ning would still face such a thing, and you have done too much for our family. Auntie thanks you. My aunt has spent most of her life, and some things can't be avoided. Maybe this is the difficulty Ning must face, but you have helped her through the most difficult time, so don't feel guilty for our family. My aunt didn't agree before, but now she agrees, and Ning HaoChen can only have one wife in her life, We'd rather have a daughter-in-law like you. " Ning HaoChen's mother took Xiao Mengyao's hand and said, if such a woman is not worthy of Ning HaoChen, she can't think of any other woman. From the moment Xiao Mengyao risked her life to drink, she decided that the Ning family would only have such a daughter-in-law, no one else and no one else. Before, she objected because she didn't know Xiao Mengyao. Maybe Yan Yiqing was right. She always judged a person by her own experience. She would make mistakes when she was old. I hope Xiao Mengyao doesn't mind. Her apology today is thoughtful. She really owes Xiao Mengyao an apology.

"Auntie, these are what I should do. If Ning's family gets through this crisis, it's Ning HaoChen's luck, and it's even my luck. Although I don't have as many roads as you go, I know that loving someone means paying for him. I love Ning HaoChen very much. I hope he is good and he will never face these bad things, so as long as I can do it, I will help Ning HaoChen to do it. " Xiao Mengyao is very frank, she loves Ning HaoChen more than herself, as long as he can be good enough“ Although I was born in a very poor family, my parents told me that I should learn to pay instead of blindly asking, and also told me that I should not sell my dignity and soul just because of my belongings. I love Ning HaoChen, so I will marry him as a billionaire, and I will marry him as a poor man. What I love is not his money, but him. " Xiao Mengyao has always wanted to say these words to Ning HaoChen's mother, but she has never had a chance. Now that everyone can open their hearts to talk, she has no scruples and can freely express her own ideas. Her love for Ning HaoChen can't be measured by money. Her parents told her not to bow down for wudoumi since she was a child, Although her family is poor, Xiao Mengyao's parents have never humbly borrowed money from others for any reason. She will not lose her dignity and soul for money. This is her principle. If it is not for love, she will not be with Ning HaoChen. That money is not enough for her to do so.

"Aunt Mengyao knows. I misunderstood you before, but it's a mother's hard work. No mother in the world doesn't want her son to be good. I hope my son can get the best things in the world. When we are old, the young people's feelings are not mixed in, and sometimes they do bad things with kindness, I hope you and Ning HaoChen can be together forever, because now I know that the love you give him is the best love in the world. " There is no mother in the world who doesn't want her children to be good. Her children want to get the best in the world, but now she finds that Xiao Mengyao is the best. She can see Ning HaoChen's good. She is old. Maybe Ning HaoChen is right. She always hopes Ning HaoChen can follow her plan, but she never asks Ning HaoChen if he wants to, Maybe this kind of love is wrong, maybe she wants to change it.

"This is the bracelet in our family. It's only for our future daughter-in-law. My aunt will give this to you." Ning HaoChen's mother takes off a bracelet from her hand. It's their ancestral thing. It's only for her daughter-in-law. She originally left it for her future daughter-in-law. Now giving this bracelet to Xiao Mengyao is both her apology and her approval. Xiao Mengyao is Ning's daughter-in-law in the future. She will not have any opinions any more. Xiao Mengyao is obviously not used to this sudden try. But she could not help but shed tears. How much she hoped to get the blessing and how much she hoped to get the recognition.